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NUM Building development - Turtle Bay etc

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you really couldn't make it up, at a time when Sheffield city centre is in dire need to some big names shopwise and Restaurant wise, Sheffield Planners decided to stick the boot into Turtle Bay Restaurants and make petty restrictions on the use of stairs? apparently the planners dont want waiters running up and down stairs mixed with customers? Really?? have a look at busy restaurants in London , Manchester and Leeds!! quite a few have this between levels and it works just fine and it adds to atmosphere of the place? to insist on a dumb waiter lift will slow up service and give the business a significant cost.

i agree Health and safety has to be observed but really????.

this business operates another 34 sites without problem? but hey this is sheffield:loopy::loopy:





Why would "big names" restaurant-wise be a "good thing"?


They'd be franchised out serving from a standardised menu, driving down choice and forcing out independent competition.

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Why would "big names" restaurant-wise be a "good thing"?


They'd be franchised out serving from a standardised menu, driving down choice and forcing out independent competition.


sorry? you dont understand business then? the general public rightly or wrongly (incidentally i am all in favour of independents) patronise in greater numbers the big names which brings in more revenue to the area. customers in general go for what they know and are afraid to try something different, which is why the big chains are successful.

i agree some are really dire and standard but independents cant compete on price and the majority of people that eat out are price led.

personally i would rather eat something fresh cooked and locally produced and am prepared to pay for it, most are not.


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 11:20 ----------


Yes I do, and my organisation works with many large public/private organisations. You're very assumptive and abrupt aren't you? A lousy chain is a lousy chain. Maccies are worldwide, but that doesn't make them anything special. Food is substandard fare in my opinion and the food at Turtle Bay is also. Why don't you go up Pitsmoor and treat your taste buds to something more authentic and palatable. Don't run your mouth off up there though!


in food or hospitality??? or something else? big difference.

Maccies are very successful catering to a market the food is not anything special but the clever marketing is. never eaten in Turtle bay so cant comment.

i have however eaten in plenty of authentic places in some dodgy areas all over the world that would make Pitsmoor look like a playcentre:roll:

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I couldn't sleep last night for worry. Worry about the incalculable damage to the Sheffield City Region economy that might occurs here. I mean, it could just finish us off if some nondescript restaurant chain have to put a dumb waiter in.



Posted from Sheffieldforum.co.uk App for Android

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sorry? you dont understand business then? the general public rightly or wrongly (incidentally i am all in favour of independents) patronise in greater numbers the big names which brings in more revenue to the area. customers in general go for what they know and are afraid to try something different, which is why the big chains are successful.

i agree some are really dire and standard but independents cant compete on price and the majority of people that eat out are price led.

personally i would rather eat something fresh cooked and locally produced and am prepared to pay for it, most are not.


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 11:20 ----------



in food or hospitality??? or something else? big difference.

Maccies are very successful catering to a market the food is not anything special but the clever marketing is. never eaten in Turtle bay so cant comment.

i have however eaten in plenty of authentic places in some dodgy areas all over the world that would make Pitsmoor look like a playcentre:roll:


So have they not got planning permission then, or have they got it?

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Why do you have to go to ridiculous extremes? those things you've mentioned there are rightly consigned to history, but sharing some stairs with waiters carrying plates of food?? please! I'll take my chances. :roll:


The health and safety people are running out of things to do so they're having to scrape the barrel for stuff now.


But as soon as someone gets burnt or food poisoning people will be having a go at health and safety for allowing this to happen . If you have ever worked in catering you will understand that accidents do happen ,carrying hot food up and downstairs is an accident waiting to happen .

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So have they not got planning permission then, or have they got it?


well yes they have as long as they install the lift that is the condition of the approval! the lift is likely to be prohibitively expensive and not cost effective, i dont know the building on the inside but re-inforced concrete flooring and the surroundings will need to be excavated and thats if the freeholder will allow it?


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 17:04 ----------


But as soon as someone gets burnt or food poisoning people will be having a go at health and safety for allowing this to happen . If you have ever worked in catering you will understand that accidents do happen ,carrying hot food up and downstairs is an accident waiting to happen .


how will you get food poisoning from waiters taking food and drinks up and down stairs??? i have worked in catering or did for many years and mistakes and accidents do happen.....rarely on stairs as i remember and we used to send whole banquets for people of hot food up 1 & 2 floors.

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If you could find a coal mine to send them down!!


You're right, best send 'em up't chimney instead


---------- Post added 16-09-2016 at 19:15 ----------


I couldn't sleep last night for worry. Worry about the incalculable damage to the Sheffield City Region economy that might occurs here. I mean, it could just finish us off if some nondescript restaurant chain have to put a dumb waiter in.


I'm more worried about dumb customers


There's potentially half a million of them in Sheffield alone.

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well yes they have as long as they install the lift that is the condition of the approval! the lift is likely to be prohibitively expensive and not cost effective, i dont know the building on the inside but re-inforced concrete flooring and the surroundings will need to be excavated and thats if the freeholder will allow it.


Sorry, I'm confused now. Has the planning committee granted consent or has it not?

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