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Advice for home workouts to lose weight

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Can someone give me advice(FREE) whether its on here or private message/email about the best way to make a home workout to lose wight and tone up at the same time.


I can't afford the gym, so the best i can do is home workout. I also struggle to lose wight in the past, i lose and then it just stops and even when i change the routine nothing helps me carry on losing the weight.


Any help appreciated.



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You definitely don't need to go to a gym to lose weight. There's loads you can do outside of the gym and it's a lot more fun :)


First a disclaimer - I'm not a personal trainer, so take anything I say with a pinch of salt. But I am an ex fat man and starting exercise saved my life about 6 years ago.


Firstly - what you eat is crucial to dropping weight, no point exercising only to cram all those calories back in. The temptation will be to think you've "justified" a crappy meal by doing some exercise. It's not perfect bit a general rule of thumb is if you burn more calories than you consume then you'll lose weight (lots of caveats to this but as a general rule it's good)


Second - find exercise that you enjoy. Now I don't know you or your level of fitness but I can definitely recommend walking / running as a free method of exercise. If you can't run yet then a brisk walk will get you started in the right direction, we've got some gorgeous places round the city and in it. 5 a side football is perfect for weight loss (if you can get a team together), its basically high intensity interval training (short bursts of activity), or pretty much anything that gets you out of breath.


If you're set on doing things indoors then there's a whole range of stuff you can do at home - you might try a variation of the following (I don't know your level of fitness so I can't say how many /often) do each of these then start again at the beginning, repeat until very tired :) YouTube is full of stuff telling you how to do these things properly.


- stair sprints - run as hard as possible up the stairs, rest for 15 seconds at the top and come back down

- press ups (start on your knees if you need to)

- bodyweight squats

- shoulder press (use 2 litre bottles filled with water or sand to make impromptu weights)

- lunges

- side raises

- if you're feeling adventurous then try burpees!


Whatever you do, don't bother with ab crunches, you can't spot burn fat and they'll knacker you out for proper exercises.


That's just an example of some of the things you can do, but the long and short of it is, increase your activity level and improve the diet and you'll do just fine.

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HI Kieran


Good luck with your regime, don't be deterred if weight doesn't fall off within two weeks it's a long term project. My wife started running, well walking and jogging actually aged 58 in March 2014, I joined her as someone who was quite fit for my age. She used 0-5 running App which led her through different stages. She'd never exercised before. Now two years later she's much fitter than me.


You could buy a kettle bell. At the moment I'm injured and going stir crazy due to a calf injury but I'm using a kettle bell which I'm enjoying. I suppose you need to have some experience of which routines to follow so might want to have a couple of lessons at a gym to get the idea. I pay as I go at Hillsborough and Concorde as I don't want to pay a monthly fee. You Tube should be ok for kettle bell ideas.

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Oooh - forgot about Parkrun. There's a few all round Sheffield, 9am on Saturday mornings, completely free & there's a full range of people there, from people walking the route (5k) to some top athletes. The great thing is it's completely inclusive, it doesn't matter how long you take, everyone's supportive.


Also - as mentioned by Ridgewalk - kettlebells can be quite fun & a good way to keep all your movements "dynamic" (shifting more than one muscle with each exercise) - if you use the machines at the gym they don't train all those little stabiliser muscles / tendons / ligaments and you risk injury when actually doing something strenuous outside the gym (another reason I wouldn't recommend going to a gym to get fit!) :)

Edited by achorste
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I did a few kettle bell classes a number of years ago and then gave up in favour of other exercises. I'm currently on holiday and have taken my kettle bell with me and actually loving it. Easy to transport and can be used anywhere. I'll probably start classes again when I get back home.


And good luck Kieran

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  • 4 months later...



I have two exercises I do on alternate days


The first one is core:

3 sets minute break in-between

30 seconds of mountain climbers

20 knee tucks

20 leg raises

30 Russian twists

20 crunches


second one needs a pull up bar but there is on at endcliffe park

i do 5 sets with a minute break in between

5 pull ups

5 push up

5 hanging leg raises


also on the same day as the pull ups i do 3 sets of 50 squats

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