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Wasn't there some sort of incident there the other day? I thought I saw it on the news?


yeah sadly somebody of long service died, gas explosion i believe. personally a few times ive thought about trying for a job there, but i suffer from claustophobia so would prefer a surface job lol, control room maybe lol.

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yeah sadly somebody of long service died, gas explosion i believe. personally a few times ive thought about trying for a job there, but i suffer from claustophobia so would prefer a surface job lol, control room maybe lol.


The safety regime down there is pretty strict. They never allow the dark matter folk anywhere near the active face, but you're still actually aware of the potential dangers.

Really sorry to hear somebody died. They're a good bunch the miners there.

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Life's too short to be miserable. Long time dead ;)


Absoloutely, but a life being skint is miserable too. I don't want to share my whole details on here, but for an example the shift allowance increases my potential pension by 20%.

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What ever your dream job is if you do not have more than one pension then now is the time to worry as more people live longer and draw state pension the more the next generation have to put in, so get a private pension because as things are going a state pension may be a thing of the past in years to come.

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