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P45 error from former employer

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My girlfriend's former employer sent her the form with the incorrect dates on it.


She was off work sick (two notes - one to 24th May and another from 24th May to 30th May), signed off by her GP from 3rd May and then during that time was offered another job, took it and on 13th May rang the old employer giving a month's notice- with a letter posted to them, saying that with annual leave her last day would be 10th June.


The last two weeks of her notice (mon 30th May to 10th June) were her official annual leave as agreed officially with her manager month's before, but HR still input her last date as 24th May!!


She emailed HR but what are her options if they don't get back?

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As Cyclone states so long as they pay her correctly it won't have any impact. PAYE is calculated tax year to date and with real time reporting any impact will be negated on her first pay run in new position.

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If she has been deemed to have left work two weeks early then the employer will not be paying the correct National Insurance and pension contributions for those two weeks.

This will impact sick pay, maternity pay etc. entitlement in the short term and state and private pension( tiny amounts) in the long term.


Some people also like continuity in a CV.


HR would not want a situation where they have not paid the correct employer NI contributions.


OR the employer may have paid the "holiday pay" as a taxable lump sum.

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Again as Cyclone says, NI will be correct. In terms of c.v. a two week gap between jobs will never a problem (people often take holidays between roles). And people rarely on a c.v. put exact dates - invariably they put months. So again, nothing to worry about.

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But they have her leave date as 24.5.16 when this is HR bungling cr4p. That was the date of the end of the first sick note. Three days are in question (if HR have 'lost' the second one from 25th to 27th May incl), which can be covered by A/L- as their own previous letter even stated!!


Ages ago she had officially had approved annual leave from 30th May to 10th June (these are the last 2wks of her month's notice from 13th May)- how could 24.5.16 possibly be deemed to be her last day??

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The sicknote has probably confused things, but let's ignore that for a moment.


She had holiday booked, 2 working weeks. Did she actually have that much holiday accrued at that point of the year? If the holiday year ran from Apr as many do, then she would only have accrued 2/12ths of the annual leave, which would only be 4 days.

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