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Police ignoring drug dealers

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i can speak for every area in Sheffield, and, there are drug dealer's, thieves, burglars,in every one of them.




Your quote - not mine - is garbage - please provide some evidence to support such a statement -

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I used to go all over Sheffield and district and in all honestly, i did not come across a district where they wasn't drugs on sale some where in it, And yes the police know all about 95% of all pushers dont be fooled or naive to think it don't happen


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 14:36 ----------


Your quote - not mine - is garbage - please provide some evidence to support such a statement -


answer my post first.

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In what position were you coming into contact with drug dealers so often?


It's not like they advertise is it.


NB - it's worth noting that you're now saying "somewhere within each district".


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 14:57 ----------


why are the police turning a blind eye to drug dealers on the estates of sheffield, im sure many others on here know of at least 3 drug dealers that work on there estate yet the police seem quite happy to let them carry on with their vile trade. without the supply of these drugs the crime rate would fall, young girls wouldnt have to go shoplifting or even sell their bodies to pay for their drugs. is this the type of city we are happy to raise our youngsters in knowing one day your young daughter or son could become a addict and have their lives ruined by these vile money grabbing low lifes that are not bothered what they sell the addict as long as they get their money. its time the police did the job they get well paid to do and give us all a safe city to live in


Just a reminder.


The OP claimed that everyone must not at least 3 drug dealers.


When several of us posted to say that in fact we know 0 drug dealers, we were accused of being naive or wilfully ignorant.


---------- Post added 27-06-2016 at 14:59 ----------


Then you either live in a house with high walls and gates and/or have no immediate neighbours, or are wandering around with your eyes shut. Maybe the bit in bold is the clue.


You're right - it is rife - everywhere in Sheffield and it is not just the council estates, it is everywhere.


A very vehement response to people who don't know any drug dealers...

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Just a reminder.


The OP claimed that everyone must not at least 3 drug dealers.



No the OP did not. For heaven's sake you've quoted the OP yourself, at least READ it before you make false claims!


Throughout this thread you have misrepresented what I have said, now you are doing it other people. Please read the posts and stop misrepresenting others.



When several of us posted to say that in fact we know 0 drug dealers.


No, you and one other poster said that you had not seen evidence of drug dealing where you live – not several!

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Are you claiming that two is not several?

There's only about 4 or 5 people involved in the entire thread!


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 09:36 ----------


No the OP did not. For heaven's sake you've quoted the OP yourself, at least READ it before you make false claims!


Throughout this thread you have misrepresented what I have said, now you are doing it other people. Please read the posts and stop misrepresenting others.


So if it was only "most" people that must know drug dealers, why the vehement attacks when several posters say that they don't? :roll:


A quick count suggests that you, Kidley and the OP know drug dealers in every area of Sheffield. But that no-one else does and the two people who bothered to reply said that they don't know any drug dealers, never mind two or three.

You seem to find this offensive and feel the need to prove (by berating us) that we're wrong.

Edited by Cyclone
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Are you claiming that two is not several?

There's only about 4 or 5 people involved in the entire thread!








determiner & pronoun


determiner: several; pronoun: several







more than two but not many.

"the author of several books"


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 09:39 ----------



So if it was only "most" people that must know drug dealers, why the vehement attacks when several posters say that they don't? :roll:


What you choose to believe or not to is of little interest to me, but constantly misrepresenting what I say, and now others is.


---------- Post added 28-06-2016 at 09:57 ----------



A quick count suggests that you, Kidley and the OP know drug dealers in every area of Sheffield. But that no-one else does and the two people who bothered to reply said that they don't know any drug dealers, never mind two or three.

You seem to find this offensive and feel the need to prove (by berating us) that we're wrong.


Obviously, you have no interest in what people have said, only what you 'want' them to have said.


It's impossible to debate with someone who does this. I'm out.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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why are the police turning a blind eye to drug dealers on the estates of sheffield, im sure many others on here know of at least 3 drug dealers that work on there estate yet the police seem quite happy to let them carry on with their vile trade. without the supply of these drugs the crime rate would fall, young girls wouldnt have to go shoplifting or even sell their bodies to pay for their drugs. is this the type of city we are happy to raise our youngsters in knowing one day your young daughter or son could become a addict and have their lives ruined by these vile money grabbing low lifes that are not bothered what they sell the addict as long as they get their money. its time the police did the job they get well paid to do and give us all a safe city to live in




Lex - I know you've taken your bat home but - which part of the OP - 'many others on here know of at least 3 drug dealers that work ....." etc

has been misinterpreted


For the record I know none. Professionally I know a great many.

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