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Was Mrs Thatcher a "Monster"?

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On another thread, Someone stated that Mrs Thatcher was "A Monster", but was she?


Did she do the right thing by selling off the UK's assets to anyone who wanted to strip them?



Or was she wise? afterall, all that coal that the miners claimed was still to be mined is still down there for when other countries want to hold us to ransom for our energy needs.


There are many other policies to be discussed, but locally I feel those are (were) the main ones.


Was she a "Monster" or a "Madonna" ... Over to you.

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If her strategy to take on the miners thus destroying their industry was really a master stroke in lieu of a future energy crisis she was more a clairvoyant and genius than a monster.


Personally I just believe that she supported her Class admirably by introducing financial deregulation and other policies favouring the Establishment, which ultimately led to the 2008 financial crisis. Her real master stroke was in getting a hapless Labour govt to take the "rap" when the neo-liberal experiment went tits up.


In my opinion she was responsible for making the UK a much worse place, made a virtue of greed and selfishness and a much harsher cruel country to live in. Her biggest achievement according to herself was New Labour.

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Guest sibon


Was she a "Monster" ..




And a friend of Jimmy Savile to boot.


How much more monsterous can you be?

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Guest sibon
Didn't she used to invite him over for Christmas dinner?


Indeed. Pigs in blankets with Jimmy S.


How classy:)

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And a friend of Jimmy Savile to boot.


How much more monsterous can you be?


I'm not sure, afterall Savile is not here to defend himself (Nor is Thatcher) however there is much more corroberated evidence of Thatchers deeds than Saviles....



Moving on....

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If her strategy to take on the miners thus destroying their industry was really a master stroke in lieu of a future energy crisis she was more a clairvoyant and genius than a monster.


Personally I just believe that she supported her Class admirably by introducing financial deregulation and other policies favouring the Establishment, which ultimately led to the 2008 financial crisis. Her real master stroke was in getting a hapless Labour govt to take the "rap" when the neo-liberal experiment went tits up.


In my opinion she was responsible for making the UK a much worse place, made a virtue of greed and selfishness and a much harsher cruel country to live in. Her biggest achievement according to herself was New Labour.


I was going to ignore this thread, but attempting to blame the 1980's Conservative government for Brown's great recession is as mad as a bag of ferrets. Labour were in government for over 10 years before the crash.

You could get me completely drunk and bash me over the head with a gold brick for a day and a half and that still wouldn't make sense.

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