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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Indeed. If you think this country really needs is a government which will collect more money from working class people and give it to middle class public sector workers like me.


What's the alternative?


A Tory government that collects money from working class people like me, and middle class public sector workers like you, and uses it to offset the £billions that Vodafone, Boots, Google, Amazon and Starbucks dodge in taxes?

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You do realise that Corbyn's beliefs are more important to him than power. His years on the back benches showed that he won't compromise just for position or power.


All this treating the Working Class with contempt and middle class, hairy legged, guardian reading social workers stuff shows more about the right than the left. They are the ones that see life like that and they seem incapable of understanding concepts like the greater good and non selfish positions. I expect them to laugh at me for these comments because for them power is the be all and end all and any compromise to get, win or keep power is justified. Cameron was the supreme example of this. Lord Stansgate was the opposite. Judge him by his own standards you don't hear him appealing for loyalty(to him) or compromise or diluting beliefs.


AND you can't do anything without power.


That's why, I too, think he should go.


Thats the only support he has though. Yes, he will win the leadership vote because he appeals to the militant ,barmy unionists and SWP members ( all ten of them ) , but in doing so will destroy the Labour party . Comrade Corbyn can NEVER win an election , and neither can his far left, mad socialist politics.


He will end up forming a fringe party for the far left mad socialists like Union members and Dennis Skinner.

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Indeed. If you think this country really needs is a government which will collect more money from working class people and give it to middle class public sector workers like me.

Is that caring and sharing? Sounds more like a con trick to me. It's called "bribing people with their own money".


Morals aside, you can't educate some people, just take the money unbeliever, write a book, and one day in the distant future, if the morons are wiped out with Pokemon Plague, the remaining intellect may enjoy reading :)


What's the alternative?


A Tory government that collects money from working class people like me, and middle class public sector workers like you, and uses it to offset the £billions that Vodafone, Boots, Google, Amazon and Starbucks dodge in taxes?


Classic. Read my views on people who use all these products - KNOWING they are tax-dodging - then complain that they don't pay up.


You know what these people are called Joker? The MAJORITY.


That's one of the reason that I think the majority of people are morons :hihi:

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Classic. Read my views on people who use all these products - KNOWING they are tax-dodging - then complain that they don't pay up.


You know what these people are called Joker? The MAJORITY.


That's one of the reason that I think the majority of people are morons :hihi:



Ooh, a challenge! :clap:


I don't shop at Boots.


Starbucks can go to hell (or wherever their overseas tax haven is).


Google can attempt to monetize me all they like; I pay nowt for their services and I suspect attempting to do so will be like getting blood out of the proverbial. Besides, Bing's search engine is. . . not even worth describing


Amazon, I only use when desperate, on average less than once a year.


And Vodafone. . . well, you got me there ash. I only get a Voda and O2 signal where i live, and since I don't appreciate O2 putting up their prices every year as part of the RPI it has to be Voda. At least they pass on their savings to me, the consumer :)


Now, don't you have some drunken office workers to ferry home? :wave:

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Ooh, a challenge! :clap:



Only a challenge if you complain, which - importantly - is what I said :)


There is more information available today than at any point in the entire history of the universe, and it's at everyone's finger tips.


So when people complain about companies, and complain about tax avoidance, and complain about austerity, and spend most of their lives on a phone on social media where it is IMPOSSIBLE to avoid 'trends' about dodgy company finances - they then go into a shop or go online and renew their Vodaphones 'because it's the best deal' , then they deserve austerity and cuts in finances. Or at least admit they are hypocrites.



Ooh, a challenge! :clap:


I don't shop at Boots.


Starbucks can go to hell (or wherever their overseas tax haven is).


Google can attempt to monetize me all they like; I pay nowt for their services and I suspect attempting to do so will be like getting blood out of the proverbial. Besides, Bing's search engine is. . . not even worth describing


Amazon, I only use when desperate, on average less than once a year.


And Vodafone. . . well, you got me there ash. I only get a Voda and O2 signal where i live, and since I don't appreciate O2 putting up their prices every year as part of the RPI it has to be Voda. At least they pass on their savings to me, the consumer :)


Now, don't you have some drunken office workers to ferry home? :wave:


You can spend you money where you like, like we all can. I'm not a hypocrite, I use google though I try and give it as little info as possible, and I use Amazon a lot, because I like it. I don't have to go into town and be hassled in the street, then go to shops and get hassled by staff, and then find out they haven't got what I want. But then again, I don't complain about austerity. I blame the people for it, and who they voted for when they kept voting Labour in who rather than dealing with these companies, gave them an even easier ride, then complain when it cocks up and Torys can't fix it.

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Classic. Read my views on people who use all these products - KNOWING they are tax-dodging - then complain that they don't pay up.


You know what these people are called Joker? The MAJORITY.


That's one of the reason that I think the majority of people are morons :hihi:


It's rather off topic, but I remember the Hallam student union having posters in the window advertising meetings and gatherings to protest against big tax dodging corporations. Next to the window, painted on the wall in the cafe is the 'Starbucks served here' slogan. The irony.


---------- Post added 29-07-2016 at 00:21 ----------


Ooh, a challenge! :clap:


I don't shop at Boots.


Starbucks can go to hell (or wherever their overseas tax haven is).


Google can attempt to monetize me all they like; I pay nowt for their services and I suspect attempting to do so will be like getting blood out of the proverbial. Besides, Bing's search engine is. . . not even worth describing


Amazon, I only use when desperate, on average less than once a year.


And Vodafone. . . well, you got me there ash. I only get a Voda and O2 signal where i live, and since I don't appreciate O2 putting up their prices every year as part of the RPI it has to be Voda. At least they pass on their savings to me, the consumer :)


Now, don't you have some drunken office workers to ferry home? :wave:


You buy Dell products though, as stated previously.




Will you now stop?

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It's rather off topic, but I remember the Hallam student union having posters in the window advertising meetings and gatherings to protest against big tax dodging corporations. Next to the window, painted on the wall in the cafe is the 'Starbucks served here' slogan. The irony.


Ah, The Mensch Blunder. That was a good episode.

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What's the alternative?


A Tory government that collects money from working class people like me, and middle class public sector workers like you, and uses it to offset the £billions that Vodafone, Boots, Google, Amazon and Starbucks dodge in taxes?


Lower taxes for everybody and more efficient and effective public services.

The direct tax on the low earners has gone down an awful lot more as a percentage than that on high earners since 2010.

Allowing people to keep and spend their own money shows respect and is empowering. Spending it for them or taxing it and then giving it back is wasteful, corrupting and inefficient.

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