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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Lower taxes for everybody and more efficient and effective public services.

The direct tax on the low earners has gone down an awful lot more as a percentage than that on high earners since 2010.

Allowing people to keep and spend their own money shows respect and is empowering. Spending it for them or taxing it and then giving it back is wasteful, corrupting and inefficient.


This is nonsense. I see you've specifically used direct tax to make your argument and I guess that's because you know that the overall tax burden for lower income people is increasing not falling.




What Osborne have away in tax allowances he took back in other ways.

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Banjodeano, please reply to this.


It doesn't appear that you think that I am due any respect despite being a fully paid up member for 12 years, stood in nearly as many elections, delivered tens of thousands of leaflets and knocked on thousands of doors.


Please say what you have done for the party so that we know why your opinion is due more respect than mine.


Jukes x


Jukes x

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You're welcome :)


Caring & sharing is what Socialism is all about.


You should try it.


Do you mean like the caring and sharing that was going on in Rotherham? Or do you mean the caring and sharing that was going on at Mid Staffs? If so, I think I'll pass. Thanks

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Please see post 1057..


That is the post where you admit to being a Jonny come lately who hasn't ever actually done anything for the party except pay £3 and then expect everyone to dance around your ego while you destroy the party's ability to oppose and/or govern. You will soon get bored when you are asked to do some actual work instead of being a keyboard warrior. Your opinion is worthless really because deep down you're just the same sort of narcissist as Donald Trump.


Jukes x

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That is the post where you admit to being a Jonny come lately who hasn't ever actually done anything for the party except pay £3 and then expect everyone to dance around your ego while you destroy the party's ability to oppose and/or govern. You will soon get bored when you are asked to do some actual work instead of being a keyboard warrior. Your opinion is worthless really because deep down you're just the same sort of narcissist as Donald Trump.


Jukes x


But surely that is the ideal situation.

Labour have Corbyn who goes out of his way to make them unelectable. They become a party of protest and banner waving where the students can feel at home without causing too much harm.

The serious politicians from the Labour Party form a breakaway centre left party that clearly wouldn't have the support of New Labour and so never get to inflict their policies of spend and debt on the nation.

The Tories remain in power for a couple of decades which should allow them to complete the clean up of the financial mess Brown left behind as well as complete our withdrawl from the EU.


In 20 years or so the centre left parties will have amalgamated and will probably by then have formed a credible opposition.


The Labour Party fades to the level of Scargills Socialist Labour and they amalgamate so that their MPs have someone to talk to.


It will be interesting in Sheffield as it appears at the moment that we have 3 MPs in each Labour camp.

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This is nonsense. I see you've specifically used direct tax to make your argument and I guess that's because you know that the overall tax burden for lower income people is increasing not falling.




What Osborne have away in tax allowances he took back in other ways.


I'm not interested in a plot of gross total tax. Show me the net and we can talk.

Ideally, exclude tobacco and gambling taxes as I don't care if people who willfully burn their money get taxed whilst doing it.

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It's rather off topic, but I remember the Hallam student union having posters in the window advertising meetings and gatherings to protest against big tax dodging corporations. Next to the window, painted on the wall in the cafe is the 'Starbucks served here' slogan. The irony.


:hihi: Doesn't surprise me.


You buy Dell products though, as stated previously.




Will you now stop?


My last Dell computer ceased working a few years ago the_bloke, and I bought an HP one. I don't know whether they're tax-dodgers.


Now I know that Dell tax-dodge (I didn't know that, but suspected it really as it's pretty obvious), but I will bear that in mind in future. Like I say though, I don't complain about them [the companies] as such, I complain about hypocrites who knowingly buy off tax-dodging companies AND complain about austerity, government not clamping down on them etc.


Like I said above and have said before, I buy off Amazon, and it seems pretty clear that they don't pay up what they should. On the other hand, they give me what I want and never had any hassle off them.

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