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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Whether you view it as, "realising socialism doesnt work"..or perhaps "another one getting aboard the gravy train" is up for debate, wasnt Mr moneybags Kinnock a socialist.? and look how he has turned out, he is now part of the problem...

and lets not forget that when these good socialists turned their backs on their comrades, they were also purging the true left wing socialists from the party...


Well your boy is certainly turning Labour's fortunes around.


Labour’s leadership problem in Scotland has reached a new low, with just 19% of those who voted Labour in 2015 thinking Jeremy Corbyn is doing well as leader




The Labour recovery in Scotland doesn’t look set to be kicking off any time soon, with Scottish voters believing that both Nicola Sturgeon and Ruth Davidson are doing better than Jeremy Corbyn and Kezia Dugdale. Just 22% of Scottish adults think Corbyn is doing well as Labour leader and 25% think Dugdale is doing well as Scottish Labour leader.


Shockingly, Corbyn’s numbers are actually even lower than the national sample among 2015 Labour voters, with just 19% thinking he is doing well - a decrease of 14 points since early May. His national numbers are boosted by the fact that more SNP voters (31%) think he is doing well than Labour voters. It’s unlikely that much of that support will translate into extra votes for Labour, however, as 84% of SNP voters think Nicola Sturgeon is doing a good job.


Overall, Corbyn’s performing well/badly rating stands at -36 among all voters and -47 among 2015 Labour voters (Dugdale is still seen as doing more well than not by 2015 Labour voters with +12).

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Labour isn't doing well in Scotland because there is an already made Socialist alternative to the years of Blairite Tory lite. Voters shifted en block to the SNP because Labour was so naff under Blair, Brown and Miliband...now they've got a taste of a Scottish Govt for Scottish people why would they go back to voting for Labour?

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it wasn't "infiltrated by right wingers" - Jack Straw etc were about as far left as you could get in their youth, they grew into right wing/neocons/whatevers as they got older and realised socialism doesn't work.


And then there was our very own Red Flag waving, hard-line Trot, philandering, twice sacked minister, executive directorships holding, Murdoch money taking, student top up fees introducing, immigrant floodgate opening, ID Cards mooting, laughable citizenship test introducing, plastic bobbies bringing, Chatsworth and London dwelling, and all round Socialist sell out - the Lord Blunkett of Chatsworth. And, you still can't get his snout out of the trough.

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Corbyn is the best thing to happen to the Tories since Arthur Scargill, Michael Foot and General Galtieri.


The British voter is (small c) conservative in outlook, ambition and overall attitude.


Corbyn and people like him scare those who Labour needs to win an election.


Milliband scared enough to lose the election last time, think what Corbyn will do.


I am no Labour voter, I do acknowledge the contribution regarding the NHS, workers rights and a myriad of other good things that Labour have done in the last hundred years, the current state of the party is a tragedy and it does democracy no good to have a rampant Tory party with no opposition.


Sack Corbyn, get yourselves sorted out.

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Wow, you sound very bitter Jukes that the party has moved from Blairist position to a socialist one. but please bear in mind the socialist position is where it all originally started until it was infiltrated by right wingers.

Yeah, you are right, i have not done anything for the party, but why should i? I have felt they didnt represent me, it was a struggle to vote for them, let alone go out knocking on doors asking other people to vote for them, but now the party is lurching to the left, i will indeed take a more active part in the movement :thumbsup:

I see you didnt answer my question earlier when i asked you..

"How is he ruining our party by turning it into a laughing stock full of stuck up middle class graduates". as you described.?

I'm not bitter I just think that people like you are all silly here today gone tomorrow keyboard warriors who people like me will have to pick the pieces after. Then you will complain that it was always somebody else's fault all along that you couldn't get ordinary working people to vote for your dreamworld where everyone does what you want. My party is a laughing stock and it is because of people like you who will all have skulked away by the end of next year having done nothing of value between now and the time that you don't renew your membership.


You could prove us wrong so tell us what name we need to look out for on the ballot papers.


Jukes x

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Labour isn't doing well in Scotland because there is an already made Socialist alternative to the years of Blairite Tory lite. Voters shifted en block to the SNP because Labour was so naff under Blair, Brown and Miliband...now they've got a taste of a Scottish Govt for Scottish people why would they go back to voting for Labour?


Well under Blair Labour held the vast majority of the seats in Scotland, but lets not dwell. Particularly as the polls showing the Tories with almost double Labour's support north of the border.


So now that you've kissed goodbye to Scotland, once the Labour heartland and birthplace of the Labour Party, what about the rest of the UK?


Voting Intention: Conservative lead increases to twelve points




Voters also expressed their support for new Prime Minister Theresa May, with 52% of them saying that she would be a better Prime Minister than Jeremy Corbyn, who was supported by just 18%. May’s efforts to reach out to Labour voters may be bearing some fruit, with 29% of 2015 Labour voters preferring her premiership to Jeremy Corbyn’s – every little will help when the Conservatives have such a slim majority. May is also overwhelmingly preferred to Corbyn among 2015 Lib Dem voters (66% vs 8%) and 2015 UKIP voters (75% vs 4%).


But then Labour only need to take 100 or so seats from those guys to gain power.

Edited by foxy lady
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Yeah I was happy with both my old Dells. This HP one has been good too for a few years.


I'll be sure to check the tax dodging of next new one!


ash, I forgot to mention the warranty support of that other notorious tax-dodger, apple.


Their warranty is by far the worst of the big computer brands.


You pay £100 for three year applecare on an iMac on top of the £1000 cost (remember Dell charge me £50, for 5 year next-business-day onsite warranty) and if owt goes wrong, muggins 'ere has to carry the iMac to the Meadowhall apple store, leave it with them for a week, then pick it up afterwards :loopy:


This comparatively poor after-sales service is undoubtedly one of the reasons why apple are so profitable. Yet unlike Dell and Voda, they refuse to pass the tax-savings on to me, the consumer :|

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The dealings of these companies are so complex with parent companies etc it's very hard to avoid putting money into their coffers. I read somewhere that there are only about 10 corporations and absolutely everything finds its way back to them.


Bold: Absolutely. It's very frustrating. As for the second bit, it's probably not far wrong, or certainly heading in that direction and not long before it is just that, or even fewer.


Probably only 150-200 years ago almost everyone on earth worked for themselves or for local companies. That number decreases every day, and with the population growth added in, it makes for a very worrying state of affairs. Anyone for a

? :hihi:(Sara Rue is so cute though)

No matter how hard you try to avoid them, they have it all stitched up. There are fewer and fewer independents who can survive this onslaught even though I always try to support them where I can. Does that make me a moron?




It's really up to the governments to make them pay their taxes, not individuals. They make me pay mine.


Like you say above, these things are so complex that blaming governments is yesterday's idea now having no chance. It's why people need to act. They won't though. That's why we're finished!


I note that 3 of the Sheffield MPs have signed the nomination for Owen Smith and another was already on the Momentum "Hostile to Corbyn" list. I'm not aware that any are openly backing Corbyn. How many local MPs will still be in the Labour Party this time next year?


We shouldn't forget this chap who I believe once led Sheffield Council.



It's beyond a joke now the whole thing. I don't know why people are moving to another new party. I suggested this a year ago on here. I think most Labour MPs are probably embarrassed by now,. if they aren't, they should be!


Labour isn't doing well in Scotland because there is an already made Socialist alternative to the years of Blairite Tory lite. Voters shifted en block to the SNP because Labour was so naff under Blair, Brown and Miliband...now they've got a taste of a Scottish Govt for Scottish people why would they go back to voting for Labour?


I don't think they ever will. Certainly not in the next few elections. Hence they should close shop.


ash, I forgot to mention the warranty support of that other notorious tax-dodger, apple.


Their warranty is by far the worst of the big computer brands.


Now that is one brand I do try and avoid.

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I'm not bitter I just think that people like you are all silly here today gone tomorrow keyboard warriors who people like me will have to pick the pieces after. Then you will complain that it was always somebody else's fault all along that you couldn't get ordinary working people to vote for your dreamworld where everyone does what you want. My party is a laughing stock and it is because of people like you who will all have skulked away by the end of next year having done nothing of value between now and the time that you don't renew your membership.


You could prove us wrong so tell us what name we need to look out for on the ballot papers.


Jukes x


I dont think the party is a laughing stock because of people like me, it a laughing stock because the party will not accept democracy, (unless it suits them)

Ah, I see you didnt answer my question again, so i'll ask for a third time .....

"How is he (Corbyn) ruining our party by turning it into a laughing stock full of stuck up middle class graduates". as you described.?

please dont ask me to answer questions, if you are not prepared to return the favour.

Edited by banjodeano
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