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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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At the risk.of appearing slightly rude but without fear of contradiction I have to say you may well be the saddest contributor to The Sheffield Forum that I have ever had the misfortune of reading :loopy:





Actually I'm one of the happiest. I get happier every day that I see the opinion polls. http://www.electoralcalculus.co.uk/polls.html


And even happier when the Corbynistas revert to insults as you know it's all they've got left.



And the best bit of course is that after Labour lose half their MPs in 2020, Corbyn probably won't stand down and you'll have him destroying the party until he dies of old age.:thumbsup:

Edited by foxy lady
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thanks for the useful info. but labour leaders are actually voted in by the members and trades union membership. so maybe if labour wins we will get the old tory rednecks and racists out with or without any alliance they have with ukip.Times are changing, sooner if they bring in PR voting . And Scotland leaves the union


Sorry old chap, Caroline Lucas's bill to introduce PR has already been rejected in Parliament.


Whilst it's true Labour would have won the 1997 General Election even if no-one in Scotland voted Labour, that was a landslide victory after eighteen years of Tory government. There is simply no way Jeremy Corbyn would win an election if Scotland leaves the Union. He is already very unlikely to win even if they stay.


Times are not changing at all. The North London petit-bourgeois hipsters and their radical ideas of how this country would best be for the working people are so far removed from the proper Labour movement that they are nothing but a hindrance to a possible Labour victory for the proletariat.


The semi-anarco, semi-Commie movement of Momentum is like an impotent shrivelled stump wannabe Brigate Rosse and their Aldo Moro moment was bricking Eagle's window and calling her a dyke. They have nothing in common with traditional Labour voters. You are far more likely to find them at a pro-Cuba rally than doing anything to support workers in the north of England. Either that or intimidating and threatening to deselect any MP that has the temerity to suggest Corbyn is not the future. It smacks not of democracy but of dictatorship.


Jeremy Corbyn is not a muppet as unbeliever called him. He is a bully and a coward who hides himself away and refuses to answer questions of journalists like a sinister figure heading into a court. All he is missing is a blanket over his head. He is devoid of any level of intelligence required to run this country. His friend McConnell is no better. He milks the notion that there is a media conspiracy against him for all it's worth but anyone with sense knows this is pathetic and is used to gloss over his many, many flaws. It is childish, unpleasant, unnecessary and stupid.

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Sorry old chap, Caroline Lucas's bill to introduce PR has already been rejected in Parliament.


Whilst it's true Labour would have won the 1997 General Election even if no-one in Scotland voted Labour, that was a landslide victory after eighteen years of Tory government. There is simply no way Jeremy Corbyn would win an election if Scotland leaves the Union. He is already very unlikely to win even if they stay.


Times are not changing at all. The North London petit-bourgeois hipsters and their radical ideas of how this country would best be for the working people are so far removed from the proper Labour movement that they are nothing but a hindrance to a possible Labour victory for the proletariat.


The semi-anarco, semi-Commie movement of Momentum is like an impotent shrivelled stump wannabe Brigate Rosse and their Aldo Moro moment was bricking Eagle's window and calling her a dyke. They have nothing in common with traditional Labour voters. You are far more likely to find them at a pro-Cuba rally than doing anything to support workers in the north of England. Either that or intimidating and threatening to deselect any MP that has the temerity to suggest Corbyn is not the future. It smacks not of democracy but of dictatorship.


Jeremy Corbyn is not a muppet as unbeliever called him. He is a bully and a coward who hides himself away and refuses to answer questions of journalists like a sinister figure heading into a court. All he is missing is a blanket over his head. He is devoid of any level of intelligence required to run this country. His friend McConnell is no better. He milks the notion that there is a media conspiracy against him for all it's worth but anyone with sense knows this is pathetic and is used to gloss over his many, many flaws. It is childish, unpleasant, unnecessary and stupid.


It smacks of Socialism. It's an authoritarian creed that does not tolerate dissent. The foot soldiers carry out the Dear Leaders secret wishes whilst the Dear Leader publicly decries the actions of a few that 'don't represent what we stand for'. Twas ever thus.

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Sorry old chap, Caroline Lucas's bill to introduce PR has already been rejected in Parliament.


Whilst it's true Labour would have won the 1997 General Election even if no-one in Scotland voted Labour, that was a landslide victory after eighteen years of Tory government. There is simply no way Jeremy Corbyn would win an election if Scotland leaves the Union. He is already very unlikely to win even if they stay.


Times are not changing at all. The North London petit-bourgeois hipsters and their radical ideas of how this country would best be for the working people are so far removed from the proper Labour movement that they are nothing but a hindrance to a possible Labour victory for the proletariat.


The semi-anarco, semi-Commie movement of Momentum is like an impotent shrivelled stump wannabe Brigate Rosse and their Aldo Moro moment was bricking Eagle's window and calling her a dyke. They have nothing in common with traditional Labour voters. You are far more likely to find them at a pro-Cuba rally than doing anything to support workers in the north of England. Either that or intimidating and threatening to deselect any MP that has the temerity to suggest Corbyn is not the future. It smacks not of democracy but of dictatorship.


Jeremy Corbyn is not a muppet as unbeliever called him. He is a bully and a coward who hides himself away and refuses to answer questions of journalists like a sinister figure heading into a court. All he is missing is a blanket over his head. He is devoid of any level of intelligence required to run this country. His friend McConnell is no better. He milks the notion that there is a media conspiracy against him for all it's worth but anyone with sense knows this is pathetic and is used to gloss over his many, many flaws. It is childish, unpleasant, unnecessary and stupid.

you do realise that Eagles window didnt get bricked dont you.? it was actually a window in a communal stairwell...but hey, dont let the truth hinder a good story uh?

which relevantly brings me onto the second highlighted post ..."he milks the notion that there is a media conspiracy against him"...are you serious? are you actually saying that there is NO media campaign against him?

Even Foxy lady who hates him with an healthy passion, would surely admit that the establishment are against him..

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you do realise that Eagles window didnt get bricked dont you.? it was actually a window in a communal stairwell...but hey, dont let the truth hinder a good story uh?

which relevantly brings me onto the second highlighted post ..."he milks the notion that there is a media conspiracy against him"...are you serious? are you actually saying that there is NO media campaign against him?

Even Foxy lady who hates him with an healthy passion, would surely admit that the establishment are against him..


A window in her office building was bricked. Your point being? What a staggering excuse for vandalism and intimidation; it was only a stair well. Pathetic to the max dear boy. I seem to recall it was covered up with a Vote Remain placard, which I thought poignant. Don't let the obvious blind you. You ignored the dyke part I see? Can't defend that can you?


And yes Bingo, I am 100% saying there is no conspiracy against him. You just wish there was.

Edited by Morphed
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A window in her office was bricked. Your point being? I seem to recall it was covered up with a Vote Remain placard, which I thought poignant. Don't let the obvious blind you. You ignored the dyke part I see? Can't defend that can you?


And yes Bingo, I am 100% saying there is no conspiracy against him. You just wish there was.


No...go and get your facts straight and then come back at me..

it wasnt her office window, as i said it was a window in a communal stairwell, it didnt belong to anyone, but it made a good story for gullible people to believe, as i said, there is a conspiracy against him...thanks for helping me prove my point :thumbsup::thumbsup:

you worked out who is the blind one yet.?

as for being called a Dyke,you tell me any politician who hasnt been called an unpleasant name, but most people take it in their stride and get on with life, they dont use unpleasant words to try and gain political movement from it, that would be really shallow, but it suits hers and the establishments agenda...

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Absolutely. Corbyn is breathing life back into the only political ideology which any right thinking person could support. Everybody who doesn't support fundamentalist socialism is clearly evil and should be suitably punished.

On the other hand, those currently imprisoned for crimes that are actually society's fault, such as theft and violence, should be hugged and released forthwith as this will prevent them from reoffending.

When Corbyn is elected PM in a landslide in 2020, a socialist Utopia will be formed like that of North Korea or Cuba, where as you will know everybody lives in luxury and the streets are paved with gold. If anybody tells you otherwise, assume that they're liars in the pay of the corporations.

All social problems can be trivially resolved by taxing the super-rich and spending money on good unionised public sector workers who will take care of the rest of us. It's obvious really.

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You are stating an opinion. None of what you write is based on facts.

Most of what you wrote is a tad bizarre tbh


You are right although my opinions have been formed as an active member of the Labour Party and from meeting Jeremy Corbyn and the people around him. There was a terrible poll today that showed that Labour voters are not much more likely to vote for Owen Smith than Jeremy Corbyn but worst of all is that nobody else will vote Labour either way. This tells us that our party has got the big electability problem that we knew about but Jeremy Corbyn isn't the answer to it.


Jukes x

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Following the outstanding result in the referendum, is it time for the labour leader who backed the establishment position, to resign.


Do you mean is it time for all MP`s to resign as they do absolutely nothing for us!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only themselves.

Thatcher killed loads of jobs.

Blair killed lots of hope.

Conservatives+ liberals-well what can i say.

Cameron jumps ship like a crying baby.


If you so called experts on here who keep posting thinking you know everthing can`t see the above then god help us all.!!!!

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Personal comments, name calling and childish bickering removed.


If you cant post in a civil manner maybe it would be better if you dont bother, and therefore not risk getting your accounts suspended.


Thank you.

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