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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Corbyn is so bland a boreing, it makes watching paint drying more appealing.


In what ways do David Cameron, Tim Farron or any other of the party leaders make politics exciting?


I admire JC and his style of politics, however it's probably fair to say that his days of being Labour leader are numbered.


It is a shame that his brand of politics is seen as boring and bland. Frankly, after Tony Blair, I'd rather have boring with a bit more integrity. I actually thought Blair's politics were extremely bland - nothing controversial policy wise on the home front to worry nice middle class England, and the proprietor of the Daily Mail....

Edited by Mister M
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He's not even remotely electable. Far too left wing for this country.


I'm not sure that's true. Bernie Sanders' popularity would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago and although he didn't win the Democratic nomination he has changed the face of US politics. Corbyn however cannot inspire anyone, motivate anyone or really explain anything to anyone who doesn't already agree with him, which is why he was never going to change much.

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I actually thought Blair's politics were extremely bland - nothing controversial policy wise on the home front to worry nice middle class England, and the proprietor of the Daily Mail....


that was the point of them


in order to form a government, the labour party needs to appeal to these voters


for all his faults, blair, recognised that and did what was necessary and then went potty. the boundary between madness and genious is very thin

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current count is 10 and a deputy leader who is going to "meet Jeremy Corbyn tomorrow morning to discuss the way forward".

Might soon be quicker to count those who are still in the Shadow Cabinet.

Current tally: one dismissed, ten resigned, nineteen still there. See http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-36633158

Edited by Jeffrey Shaw
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I'm not sure that's true. Bernie Sanders' popularity would have been unthinkable a couple of years ago and although he didn't win the Democratic nomination he has changed the face of US politics. Corbyn however cannot inspire anyone, motivate anyone or really explain anything to anyone who doesn't already agree with him, which is why he was never going to change much.


it depends what his manifesto would be....


all the workers rights stuff he came out with yesterday was good and i imagine would be very popular


nuclear disarmament maybe not so


not having a problem with high levels of immigration might be problematic to some


as i've said several times volume 2 of the longest suicide note in history is going to do as well as volume 1.


a sane, slightly further to the left version of new labour would probably sell well.


the other issue is that he has to up his game on the media front, for better or worse the leader also has to be a pr man.

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Corbyn is so bland a boreing, it makes watching paint drying more appealing.


Would you prefer Coco the Clown? Politics is serious, if you want a comedian then I suggest you move to the US.


This is a major problem with Politics in this country. People bang on about wanting someone genuine, with principles, who isn't Westminster establishment, but when they turn up the same people moan about his suit and his shoes and say they'd prefer some war-mongering spiv like Blair because he had a good tailor. :loopy::loopy:

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i dont think honesty is his undoing, its very admirable and by and large i admire him but not in a way that would inspire me to want him to be prime minister.


i can understand him wanting to change pmq's, it demeans the political process but that doesn't mean he can't in a very nice way stick the boot in


the other thing is that he's from the wing and time of the party which produced the longest suicide note in history and i can understand the fears that he will write volume 2 of it with the same result. the fear of being seen as old labour crippled new labour and by the time they had to confidence to be labour it was too late. i think that haunts them still.


He is no Michael Foot. He isn't even that left wing. His policies are mostly reasonable and well thought through. He is the most in touch with the actual voters and understands their issues, and the problems we face, better than most. Unfortunately he is up against the entire, corrupt, elite class with all the money, power and networks to control everything, especially the media who have their propaganda machine working at full blast.


If you accept that it is this elite class that control things, and according to many, that is what this entire referendum was really about, then you should be putting your weight behind Jeremy Corbyn. He is the only uncorrupted and uncorruptable politician at this level putting the rights of ordinary people first. He is your champion. He has a sharp mind, and tons of experience at many levels, and no ego.


Unfortunately he is untrained in media and not media savvy, which the media exploit at every opportunity. They quite deliberately make him look and come across in the worse possible light, that's when they give him any air time at all. He had to undertake a particularly gruelling natiowide tour to personally get his message across in the leadership contest, because the media were deliberately drowning him out. It is to his credit that he won in spite of this through sheer force of personality. It would be a shame to miss this once in a lifetime opportunity, just because we have become so used to glib politicians with their pre-scripted soundbites and oh so carefully managed PR image.

Surely that is exactly what we have been saying we don't want for years.


He is the best chance we have had for really changing things the way we want them, and reclaiming real democracy, since the war.

Edited by Anna B
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Would you prefer Coco the Clown? Politics is serious, if you want a comedian then I suggest you move to the US.


This is a major problem with Politics in this country. People bang on about wanting someone genuine, with principles, who isn't Westminster establishment, but when they turn up the same people moan about his suit and his shoes and say they'd prefer some war-mongering spiv like Blair because he had a good tailor. :loopy::loopy:


I do hope you guys keep Corbyn, because he is unelectable, and with a bit of luck will destroy Labour as a serious political party.. :thumbsup:

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Would you prefer Coco the Clown? Politics is serious, if you want a comedian then I suggest you move to the US.


This is a major problem with Politics in this country. People bang on about wanting someone genuine, with principles, who isn't Westminster establishment, but when they turn up the same people moan about his suit and his shoes and say they'd prefer some war-mongering spiv like Blair because he had a good tailor. :loopy::loopy:


My point exactly.

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He is no Michael Foot. He isn't even that left wing. His policies are mostly reasonable and well thought through. He is the most in touch with the actual voters and understands their issues, and the problems we face, better than most. Unfortunately he is up against the entire, corrupt, elite class with all the money, power nd networks to control everything, especially the media who have their propaganda machine working at full blast.



Was it the media that resigned today. I thought it was half the Shadow Cabinet.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 21:02 ----------


It's just a pity the Chilcot report won't be released until a fortnight's time. Otherwise all these Blairite, establishment, Iraq war voting failures might have reconsidered showing their, on the whole, non-entity faces.


How a "Blairite" Labour leader could turn round the party is beyond me, he and his name and his Iraq war are toxic, but MPs still hold a candle for him because under him they had a smattering of power. Unprincipled charlatans.


Yes. You are right. After the Chilcot report they will be unelectable too. The Labour Party is right up the creek without a paddle.

Edited by foxy lady
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