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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Shadow Attorney Generals gone now. Doubt he could fill the vacancies even if he tried now.


Would the last person to leave the shadow cabinet please turn out the lights. :hihi::hihi:


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 21:04 ----------


In what ways do David Cameron, Tim Farron or any other of the party leaders make politics exciting?


I admire JC and his style of politics, however it's probably fair to say that his days of being Labour leader are numbered.

It is a shame that his brand of politics is seen as boring and bland. Frankly, after Tony Blair, I'd rather have boring with a bit more integrity. I actually thought Blair's politics were extremely bland - nothing controversial policy wise on the home front to worry nice middle class England, and the proprietor of the Daily Mail....


Understatement of the year


He`s finished

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Would you prefer Coco the Clown? Politics is serious, if you want a comedian then I suggest you move to the US.


This is a major problem with Politics in this country. People bang on about wanting someone genuine, with principles, who isn't Westminster establishment, but when they turn up the same people moan about his suit and his shoes and say they'd prefer some war-mongering spiv like Blair because he had a good tailor. :loopy::loopy:



Blair remained popular because he rode the waves of anti islam feelings. He was the scourge of the Muslims, attacking them for nothing, killing over a million of them and stealing their resources. Unfortunately, this vile policy was lapped up by the Daily Mail readers of middle England.


Being boring isn't a problem of you are the Chancellor, but it is a huge problem if you are wanting to lead. The guy couldn't lead a horse to water. He doesn't seem like such a bad person, in fact I would probably like to have a beer with him. He is not fit to lead the opposition though, he just doesn't have the charisma. His performance over the referendum was dire.


Jarvis to take over?

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Guest sibon
No , theirs has sunk


Just you wait for the Tory leadership contest. That will make the Labour Party's revolt look like a garden party.


Then there is the bit where they have to form a negotiating committee to enact Article 50...


My money is on a permanent fracture of both major parties within a year.

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I like Corbyn. He's a good politician but he is not the opposition leader the country needs now.


Time to go and his replacement needs to be expidited.


So would you rather have an opposition which is basically Tory mark 2, or Tory Lite? Because without Corbyn that's what you'll get.

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