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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Let Labour put forward other nominations for leader against Jeremy.

Then what happens if the supporters of the party, vote for Jeremy, again?

Remember they are our servants and we are the masters. So if the Labour supporters vote for Jeremy again, what then?


We end up with a Real Labour Party consisting of Corbyn and 40 lapdogs and an Original Labour party of about 150 who will presumably follow someone else like Chukka Ummna...

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Let Labour put forward other nominations for leader against Jeremy.

Then what happens if the supporters of the party, vote for Jeremy, again?

Remember they are our servants and we are the masters. So if the Labour supporters vote for Jeremy again, what then?


Civil war in the Labour Party. 2 Labour candidates fighting each constituency with most of the sitting MPs being an independent Labour or a member of the New Labour Party. :clap::banana:

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Four more resignations. Presumably these were ones who had replaced those who had resigned?


Blunkett is calling for the momentum lot to go form their own "kamikaze party".


Labour have just imploded. Utterly so - and it's notable that the usual suspects on here are steering well clear too...

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We end up with a Real Labour Party consisting of Corbyn and 40 lapdogs and an Original Labour party of about 150 who will presumably follow someone else like Chukka Ummna...


The problem is Labour need a leader with middle ground politics and middle class voters to win a general election, whether you like it or not.

Considering Labour can no longer rely on Scotland for seats, and the renewing of constituency boundaries, the fear is Labour will never gain power again without the middle class vote.

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So, what could Corbyn have done if his MP's had formed a Union and voted to strike?


Surely he couldn't have sacked them or got other people in to do their jobs?

Could the grass roots supporters have said anything without imploding?

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I am feeling so utterly confirmed in not voting for them for the last 19 years. What a set of complete arsehats. I was helping yet another person today who's been screwed over by the Tories' hateful disability benefits regime, and what were the Labour party doing? Fighting each other. Cheers for that, idiots. Why don't you all go to Raqqa.

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I am feeling so utterly confirmed in not voting for them for the last 19 years. What a set of complete arsehats. I was helping yet another person today who's been screwed over by the Tories' hateful disability benefits regime, and what were the Labour party doing? Fighting each other. Cheers for that, idiots. Why don't you all go to Raqqa.


not all the party were fighting each other

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So, to clarify, a load of labour voters ignored their leader and voted leave, the Labour Party are imploding giving the most right wing Tories since thatcher free reign to dismantle the welfare state etc, without any opposition or the safety net (and cash) of the EU, making swathes of the country make the deindustrialisation of the north and Midlands look like a day at the beach.


That's about it?

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