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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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She had death threats too:


A Labour MP who revealed she stayed away from her local referendum count after receiving death threats has said she will not stand for re-election.


Remain supporter Pat Glass said the past six months had been "very difficult" for her and her family.



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I think a big problem will be that the two factions haven't been tested in such as a general election. So they and the rest of the party do not know if they are electable. At the end of the day, it doesn't matter how good their policies are if they never get the opportunity to put them into action. (Or at least offer up a credible alternative to the conservatives to keep them under control).


If the Blairite faction believe that a Corbyn approach is unelectable, as I think they probably do, then they will always rail against him or one of his supporters as the leader. The Blairite approach (New Labour) assumed that the old labour faction would stay, as there was nowhere else for them to go. They would always vote labour anyway.


I think it's the Westminster bubble in action again, the same out of touch lot that were 'shocked' at the EU referendum result, don't seem to have realised how the mood of the country has changed, especially the put upon working classes.

The politicians are still in the 'we're all middle class now' mode of the Blairite generation, but that was before the crash of 2008 and austerity affected the lower orders, and we became all too aware that we most certainly aren't all middle class anymore, if we ever were. They are sick of the two tier society with its hypocrisy, croneyism, expenses scandal, elitism and bonus culture.


If they tried stepping North of the M25 occasionally they might understand that Britain is a very different place for many, and they need a champion. All the party MPs care about is their own careers, they certainly don't care about the country, or they wouldn't have started this farce at this time, letting Cameron and the fiasco in the Conservative party off the hook, and when we need some stability somewhere, in a hurricane of change.

Edited by Anna B
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You'd expect a man leading his party, with a hand selected shadow cabinet composed of his core support (Abbott, McDonnell, Thornberry etc) with 30+ years of politics behind him to be able to circumnavigate these supposedly obvious plots within his party.


If he can't see or control what's going on in his party, and gets politically outflanked by his dissenters at every turn, how well do you think he would be able to deal with other leaders on the world stage? He's spineless. The only reason he hasn't quit as leader is because it's easier to bury your head in the sand than resign.


Spineless? are you serious?

To go through what that man is going through can never be called spineless, i would like to see you go through the same sort of stress and keep on with your day to day duties, the easiest thing would be for Corbyn to just walk away, that would be the easiest route, but no, he is fighting on, how you can say he is burying his head in the sand is silly, he knows exactly what he is facing...and to be honest i admire the man, his courage needs recognition, whether you like the man or not, or whether you agree with his politics or not...

Lets recap events shall we,

he was elected on a huge mandate. but even before he was elected people were openly saying they will have him out within weeks, he has doubled the labour party membership, he has never been given chance to perform his duties due to fellow mp's running to the media and causing chaos, and now these same mp's are saying he is not the right person for the job, how do they know, he has never been given chance to do his job...

Corbyn is fighting to change the party back to its true Labour values, not another Tory B party, and i admire him for that, he is doing it for other people, not himself..

I am seriously concerned over Jeremy Corbyn's health, what he is going through is not good at his age, and also he upsetting a lot of people who have a lot of power, it all seems to be getting very very serious

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He's spineless. The only reason he hasn't quit as leader is because it's easier to bury your head in the sand than resign.


No. He might be misguided, he may be stubborn, he could be totally wrong but cowardice and indecision isn't something you can lay at his door.

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Spineless? are you serious?

To go through what that man is going through can never be called spineless, i would like to see you go through the same sort of stress and keep on with your day to day duties, the easiest thing would be for Corbyn to just walk away, that would be the easiest route, but no, he is fighting on, how you can say he is burying his head in the sand is silly, he knows exactly what he is facing...and to be honest i admire the man, his courage needs recognition, whether you like the man or not, or whether you agree with his politics or not...

Lets recap events shall we,

he was elected on a huge mandate. but even before he was elected people were openly saying they will have him out within weeks, he has doubled the labour party membership, he has never been given chance to perform his duties due to fellow mp's running to the media and causing chaos, and now these same mp's are saying he is not the right person for the job, how do they know, he has never been given chance to do his job...

Corbyn is fighting to change the party back to its true Labour values, not another Tory B party, and i admire him for that, he is doing it for other people, not himself..

I am seriously concerned over Jeremy Corbyn's health, what he is going through is not good at his age, and also he upsetting a lot of people who have a lot of power, it all seems to be getting very very serious


You are right. Not spineless. The word is imbecilic. But he's doing a great job. Why have a Labour Party when you can have 2 Labour Parties.


As Mr Burns would say. Excellent.:clap::clap::clap:

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Beware the blonde bombshell Boris!


Angela Eagle is coming.




I think they've managed to track down the one Labour MP who could be a less effective leader than Corbyn.

It doesn't matter too much who loses the next general election for Labour. At some point the party will come to it's collected senses and put Chuka or Hillary in charge.

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Its a shame there isnt a decent opposition. Both parties are rubbish, but still its much better we have alternatives and one holds the other to account. Its like they have just woken up to the fact he was unelectable.


Until they get someone who can appeal to the majority of the country, then they will remain in opposition.

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Its a shame there isnt a decent opposition. Both parties are rubbish, but still its much better we have alternatives and one holds the other to account. Its like they have just woken up to the fact he was unelectable.


Until they get someone who can appeal to the majority of the country, then they will remain in opposition.


so people keep saying, i disagree

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so people keep saying, i disagree


Based on what?


The people who always vote Labour love him to bits. Everybody else thinks he's a joke. Unless Labour make a more pragmatic choice of leader the Conservatives could bring down the 10 plagues of Egypt on the country and still win a general election.

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