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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Even by Corbyns standards comparing Israel to ISIS then standing by saying nothing while a Jewish MP was harrangued out of the room in tears by one of his momentum thugs at the launch of his initative to tackle the pervasive antisemitism that infests labour under his leadership was pretty spectacular.


Short of starting with a rendition of the Horst Wessel Lied hard to see how he could have done worse.

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Even by Corbyns standards comparing Israel to ISIS then standing by saying nothing while a Jewish MP was harrangued out of the room in tears by one of his momentum thugs at the launch of his initative to tackle the pervasive antisemitism that infests labour under his leadership was pretty spectacular.


Short of starting with a rendition of the Horst Wessel Lied hard to see how he could have done worse.


Not great was it?


What's Angela Eagle's game? She is appalling though.


Has to be Andy Burnham.

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Corbyn is a far left militant , thats why the unions are supporting him right now. There is no place in modern society for far left politics.


Not sure I understand what a "far left militant" stands for but I'm happy to be enlightened.


What I find odd is your rationale that there's no place for these people (whatever they might be) when it seems that they seem to be doing well in elections. Surely when you improve the vote it's good and when you get less (like the Tories in the referendum) it's bad.

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The analysis comes from how people voted at the last election and what we know of which way they were likely to vote.


Yep assumptions made, but I would suggest Poling shows them to be consistent with the results.


I'm not a huge fan of Corbyns, but I have to say this looks like a huge witch-hunt to me.


He clearly got the Labour vote out to remain, they've won the mayor of London race, they've done well in by-elections and they've improved in Council elections.


If Andy Burnham had've won the leadership race people would be saying what a good job he is doing with these results, but for some reason the establishment are going after Corbyn.


The establishment are going after Corbyn because he can't be bought. He's not one of their club.

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Corbyn is a far left militant , thats why the unions are supporting him right now. There is no place in modern society for far left politics.


whilst people in this country are living in austerity, and thousands upon thousands have to rely on food banks while billionaires hide there money in offshore accounts, i would say there is..


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 19:58 ----------


Even by Corbyns standards comparing Israel to ISIS then standing by saying nothing while a Jewish MP was harrangued out of the room in tears by one of his momentum thugs at the launch of his initative to tackle the pervasive antisemitism that infests labour under his leadership was pretty spectacular.


Short of starting with a rendition of the Horst Wessel Lied hard to see how he could have done worse.

but that is not true is it, you must have a really wild imagination if you think he compared them both :huh:

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The analysis comes from how people voted at the last election and what we know of which way they were likely to vote.


Yep assumptions made, but I would suggest Poling shows them to be consistent with the results.


I'm not a huge fan of Corbyns, but I have to say this looks like a huge witch-hunt to me.


He clearly got the Labour vote out to remain, they've won the mayor of London race, they've done well in by-elections and they've improved in Council elections.


If Andy Burnham had've won the leadership race people would be saying what a good job he is doing with these results, but for some reason the establishment are going after Corbyn.


Are you talking about the GE or the referendum

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The analysis comes from how people voted at the last election and what we know of which way they were likely to vote.


Yep assumptions made, but I would suggest Poling shows them to be consistent with the results.


I'm not a huge fan of Corbyns, but I have to say this looks like a huge witch-hunt to me.


He clearly got the Labour vote out to remain, they've won the mayor of London race, they've done well in by-elections and they've improved in Council elections.


If Andy Burnham had've won the leadership race people would be saying what a good job he is doing with these results, but for some reason the establishment are going after Corbyn.

Havent you worked it out why yet.? lol

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I just skipped through the list of Labour MPs. It seems it is.


That's your view, albeit a biased and jaundiced one. However I wouldn't be to quick to crow when the best that the Tories can do is either Liam Fox or Michael Gove.

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I'm not a huge fan of Corbyns, but I have to say this looks like a huge witch-hunt to me.


corbyn's people do come across like they are on a witch hunt but thats the hard left for you.


corbyn himself is a liability, he's a nice, principled person but you need to be more than that to lead the country


in a general election, he will do much worse than michael foot


He clearly got the Labour vote out to remain, they've won the mayor of London race, they've done well in by-elections and they've improved in Council elections.


dunno about the council elections but i seriously doubt that he made much difference to the labour vote and he was kept out of the way in london.


khan would have won regardless of the leader


---------- Post added 30-06-2016 at 23:43 ----------


Even by Corbyns standards comparing Israel to ISIS


if you read the actual quote then he didn't actually make that comparison, however it was a stupid thing to say, more so given the environment in which it was said.


then standing by saying nothing while a Jewish MP was harrangued out of the room in tears by one of his momentum thugs at the launch of his initative to tackle the pervasive antisemitism that infests labour under his leadership was pretty spectacular.


that really is unforgivable

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