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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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There will be a stalking horse to act as kingslayer. Once a competition is underway, then Andy Burnham will be free to join in.


Like Andy B as well? He's being very quiet right now. Running for Mayor of Manchester atm I guess.

Edited by Radan
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Yeah, He's a principled man - he's enslaved to his principles. This is a fatal trait in a leader who must mold a strong way forward for all his party. (there's a fancy quote somewhere along the line's of being elected for his views and as soon as he's elected he must allow others to put them forward, never himself.)


This involves a certain amount of horse trading, with people and policy's to get the highest amount of support from his Parliamentary Party - that's why the Labour MP's didn't want him. They knew he couldn't do it on one end of the stick and had, justifiably, no confidence that he would be able to do it at the other end. AND why would anyone do it for him when he himself voted against his own party 25% of the time in the last government.


Unfortunately the membership are idealistic and the PLP are pragmatic. A prefect storm with the electoral system they have. No-one wants to be the one to challenge him because it would scupper their chances in the following leadership election when an enraged membership would see them as the 'Kingslayer'.


It couldn't happen in the Conservative party who only allow 2 names to be put to the membership and they are naturally deferential to authority, (or in ordinary talk arse lickers).


He may be principled, but he is always prepared to listen and is prepared to modify his views to accommodate as many people as possible, as he has said on many occasions. He is by nature a moderate.

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Twice he has been ambushed by reporters and he's tried to talk to them, but he's been dragged away by his team. I'd like to hear what he has to say.


I don't know about this ambushing story, but I have seen him, Boris, and others, being ambushed outside their houses. I don't think this is acceptable at all.


If this modern internet/instant info/social media thing continues as it undoubtedly will, then my comments about no intelligent people wanting to be MPs will happen. There is a lot of talk about the 'new generation' of young voters, and quite frankly if this goes on, the next generation will be voting for someone from Made in Chelsea Vs The essex thing.


Like Andy B as well? He's being very quiet right now. Running for Mayor of Manchester atm I guess.


Burnham will be sat at home watching and waiting to see the happenings unfold, then whoever looks likely to win anything, spend the next few days trying to get selfies with them and getting these pictures on social media.


He may be principled, but he is always prepared to listen and is prepared to modify his views to accommodate as many people as possible, as he has said on many occasions. He is by nature a moderate.


He's just a political activist, but seems like a decent chap. However, this hanging on to the position thing at the moment is just getting a bit weird for me. I wrote on 09/05/15 in here that Labour were finished, and unless someone gets their act together, this prediction is going to be correct far earlier than I imagined.


I also said some people should break away into a new party, and I still think that could do better than the current lot.


When QT's only Labour people left to stick on the show are Dianne Abbot then Emily Thornberry, then I think that says everything.

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His team know what he will say, hence they don't want him to say it. It's either because he'll refuse to answer the expected questions about the party leadership or if he does he'll shoot himself in the foot and look totally deluded in a Sepp Blatter kind of way.


what he'll say is "help i'm being held hostage by my team, rescure me.....



an interesting thought is that he's waiting for the chilcott report so he can call for tony blair to be indicted for war crimes.

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In the news today that Thornberry rang Israel's London ambassador to apologise on behalf on Corbyn for his comments re: Israel and Isis.


So he either thinks he said nothing wrong, or he thinks he said something wrong but doesn't have the balls to do the call himself, or his team is speaking on his behalf without his say so as they see him as a PR nightmare.


I'm going for the first and last options there.

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In the news today that Thornberry rang Israel's London ambassador to apologise on behalf on Corbyn for his comments re: Israel and Isis.


So he either thinks he said nothing wrong, or he thinks he said something wrong but doesn't have the balls to do the call himself, or his team is speaking on his behalf without his say so as they see him as a PR nightmare.


I'm going for the first and last options there.


if you actually read what he said then it isn't wrong, it basically repeats what the normal(ish) people say on here.


however, it was totally inappropriate in the context it was made. the fact that neither him nor his team seemed to understand that is very worrying.

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if you actually read what he said then it isn't wrong, it basically repeats what the normal(ish) people say on here.


however, it was totally inappropriate in the context it was made. the fact that neither him nor his team seemed to understand that is very worrying.

please explain why it was..

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please explain why it was..


it seems that the comment was planned, someone should have realised that it was very likely to be misinterpreted by both the press and those there especially at an event designed to bring an end to the antisemitism which seems to have become rife on corbyn's party.


at best is shows a naivety about the world which should be non existant in a person who aspires to lead the country, at worst it was a deliberate attempt to inflame an already inflamed situation.

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Corbyn must realise the wider damage this is having on the Labour Party, and must realise that his position is untenable.


It's been mooted in the press that Corbyn may use the opportunity with the publication of the Chilcott report to skewer Blair, then resign afterwards. That's a possibility I suppose.


I think whoever takes over leader of Labour Party has to be inclusive and able to accommodate differing opinions and ideas. All big parties have to battle to appease egos as well as beliefs and ideas - as well as reach out to the wider electorate.


Personally it would be good to see the new leader come from the soft left of the party. I think someone like Tristram Hunt or Chukka Umuna would be a mistake. People don't want Blair Mk 2. But nor do they want someone like Corbyn, who, because he cannot unite his own party, will not be trusted to unite the country.


I wonder all these people joining the Labour Party on en masse as the moment to support Corbyn, do they really have the Labour Party's interests at heart? I'm not so sure.

Edited by Mister M
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Personally it would be good to see the new leader come from the soft left of the party. I think someone like Tristram Hunt or Chukka Umuna would be a mistake. People don't want Blair Mk 2. But nor do they want someone like Corbyn, who, because he cannot unite his own party, will not be trusted to unite the country.


sadiq khan's seat is up for grabs, it's a pretty safe seat so would make a nice place for david milliband to land should he wish to return to british politics


I wonder all these people joining the Labour Party on en masse as the moment to support Corbyn, do they really have the Labour Party's interests at heart? I'm not so sure.


who says they are joining to support corbyn?

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