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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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They've been plotting from day one, every bye election they were ready to pounce, but Labour won them all. London Mayoral election they were ready, but Labour won, council elections they were champing at the bit, but Labour won. They are ******* themselves in desperation to be rid of him. Not because of any great concern about the country, but because they realise the writing is on the wall for careerist politicians who are willing to lie, cheat, deceive and go on illegal wars whilst pretending to give a toss about normal people.


The days of Mandelson and his crooked friends and Blair and his sucking up to Murdoch's media are over. The Westminster elite, those MPs who got their seats on Tony Blair's coat tails are feeling nervous, they are scared they may be forced to do a proper days work for a change.


In the seats they won ,you could put a Labour Rosette on a two legged domkey and it would win, such is the mentality of the voters in those areas.

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cant argue with that....not good at the moment, Corbyn will get his house in order though


He is a goner .


Personally id happily see him stay in the job ,as Labour will never win a general election with Corbyn in charge .


Socialism dosnt work . Money make the world go round


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 20:56 ----------


and they got an increase of the vote as well :thumbsup:


Like i say pin a red rosette on a donkey and it will win , especially in a lot of backward thinking Northern towns and cities who are clinging on to their industrial past .

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He is a goner .


Personally id happily see him stay in the job ,as Labour will never win a general election with Corbyn in charge .


Socialism dosnt work . Money make the world go round


yep....been saying it for months now, guess what, hes still there

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In the seats they won ,you could put a Labour Rosette on a two legged domkey and it would win, such is the mentality of the voters in those areas.


Well if you prefer a careerist, serial lying war mongerer like Tony Blair, that's your prerogative. There are hundreds of thousands of people who'd prefer a decent, honest, non lying, non war mongerer as leader of the Labour party.


Seeing as you are a UKIP supporter who has admitted funding organised criminal gangs by buying illicit tobacco I hardly think we should be looking to you for sage and wise political discourse.

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sadiq khan's seat is up for grabs, it's a pretty safe seat so would make a nice place for david milliband to land should he wish to return to british politics




who says they are joining to support corbyn?[/QUOSadiq Khan was MP for Tooting Labour won it last week with an increased majority.

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Well if you prefer a careerist, serial lying war mongerer like Tony Blair, that's your prerogative. There are hundreds of thousands of people who'd prefer a decent, honest, non lying, non war mongerer as leader of the Labour party.


Seeing as you are a UKIP supporter who has admitted funding organised criminal gangs by buying illicit tobacco I hardly think we should be looking to you for sage and wise political discourse.


What has the fact he has purchased illicit tobacco got to do with his political knowledge? The two are unrelated.


With regards to your first paragraph, people don't care who is in charge of the political parties, they will vote for them regardless. Tony Blair lied and caused the deaths of well over 1 million people, yt people voted them in. A labour councillors was a character witness to one of the Rotherham filth and were guilty of inaction hat facilitated the rape of many, many children, yet the people of Rotherham still voted for Labour.


It's such a shame.

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A dark corner of me, the failed student of politics I suppose, would like to see corbyn and gove thrash out the next election just to see what will happen. Nothing good would be the answer but with politics and indeed the country in general going off its collective nut it would be interesting times to live in.

Edited by tinfoilhat
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Guest sibon
A dark corner of me, the failed student of politics I suppose would like to see corbyn and give thrash out the next election just to see what will happen. Nothing good would be the answer but with politics and indeed the country in general going off its collective nut it would be interesting times to live in.


Are the current times not interesting enough for you? :D

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