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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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A dark corner of me, the failed student of politics I suppose would like to see corbyn and give thrash out the next election just to see what will happen. Nothing good would be the answer but with politics and indeed the country in general going off its collective nut it would be interesting times to live in.

i dont even know what this means :mad:

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Gove v Corbyn,something that isn't going to happen,unless they have a punch up.Both of them will not be the party leader come the next election so tinfoil can rest a bit easier.


It's unlikely but to be fair corbyn has seen the week out which I didn't think he'd do. We could do with an election where there is more than a fag paper between the two main parties. There hasn't been ones since the 80s.


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 22:47 ----------


i dont even know what this means :mad:


I missed a comma out and you couldn't grasp it? I'll edit, just for you.

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It's unlikely but to be fair corbyn has seen the week out which I didn't think he'd do. We could do with an election where there is more than a fag paper between the two main parties. There hasn't been ones since the 80s.


---------- Post added 03-07-2016 at 22:47 ----------



I missed a comma out and you couldn't grasp it? I'll edit, just for you.


put a comma in......i still couldnt fathom it out :mad:

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Are the current times not interesting enough for you? :D


It's given an interesting snap shot - a whole bunch of marginalised "old" labour voters have followed some right wing tories and ukip (made from very right wing tories) into a decision to leave the eu. I wonder what will happen come the next election. They've found their voice, who will they lend it to? A labour leader with no support from his MPs but support from grass roots or Eagle or some other rightish MP who only see poor people through 2 layers of security glass. They might go down a right wing nationalist sort of party and vote for a party like UKIP or, God forbid, worse.


More to come I think.

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It's given an interesting snap shot - a whole bunch of marginalised "old" labour voters have followed some right wing tories and ukip (made from very right wing tories) into a decision to leave the eu. I wonder what will happen come the next election. They've found their voice, who will they lend it to? A labour leader with no support from his MPs but support from grass roots or Eagle or some other rightish MP who only see poor people through 2 layers of security glass. They might go down a right wing nationalist sort of party and vote for a party like UKIP or, God forbid, worse.


More to come I think.


Ed Balls could stand in the seat left by the MP that was killed, and he could save the Labour party ;)

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Well if you prefer a careerist, serial lying war mongerer like Tony Blair, that's your prerogative. There are hundreds of thousands of people who'd prefer a decent, honest, non lying, non war mongerer as leader of the Labour party.



that's not the choice people have though


their choice is


a)a person who could win an election and be prime minister




b)the chief mourner at the funeral of the welfare state, workers rights and british industry


a large part of the country, most of which needs to vote for him certainly dont see him as (a), which is why he has to go and go quickly

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Well if you prefer a careerist, serial lying war mongerer like Tony Blair, that's your prerogative. There are hundreds of thousands of people who'd prefer a decent, honest, non lying, non war mongerer as leader of the Labour party.


Seeing as you are a UKIP supporter who has admitted funding organised criminal gangs by buying illicit tobacco I hardly think we should be looking to you for sage and wise political discourse.


total crap sorry, but Corbyn was voted in and the party should unit. But hears the rub, most northern voters are in favor of Breit, and the labour party did not support their core voters. They have lost the plot. They are smarting over this, and are scared that if a GM was called. A large part of their supporters would vote UKIP.


Labour are still thinking that people follow blindly, and do not think for themselves.


Try emailing your Labour MP and see what reply you get.

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Well if you prefer a careerist, serial lying war mongerer like Tony Blair, that's your prerogative. There are hundreds of thousands of people who'd prefer a decent, honest, non lying, non war mongerer as leader of the Labour party.



Amen to that.

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The people, me among them, elected Corbyn but the right wing of the party has continued to plot and brief against him, as has the entire establishment and press, sadly including the Guardian. Hoping to see a rally in Sheffield in support of Corbyn later this week. Also I hope to see the right wing plotters deselected - they can go and form their own party - they are not having the Labour party.

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