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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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The people, me among them, elected Corbyn but the right wing of the party has continued to plot and brief against him, as has the entire establishment and press, sadly including the Guardian. Hoping to see a rally in Sheffield in support of Corbyn later this week. Also I hope to see the right wing plotters deselected - they can go and form their own party - they are not having the Labour party.


That's fine. Deselect away. Conservative governments for the next 30 years. Works for me.

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The people, me among them, elected Corbyn but the right wing of the party has continued to plot and brief against him, as has the entire establishment and press, sadly including the Guardian. Hoping to see a rally in Sheffield in support of Corbyn later this week. Also I hope to see the right wing plotters deselected - they can go and form their own party - they are not having the Labour party.


Damn right, it makes me laugh when they talk about the left infiltrating the party, they dont realise the labour party was formed on left wing principles

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Damn right, it makes me laugh when they talk about the left infiltrating the party, they dont realise the labour party was formed on left wing principles


Good. Yes. Nobody except the members of the public sector unions and the fanatical socialists will vote for you. Go right ahead.

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Good. Yes. Nobody except the members of the public sector unions and the fanatical socialists will vote for you. Go right ahead.


As i have said in previous posts, he has done rather well in the by elections, he has had a labour candidate win the London mayoral election, and Bristol as well i believe, and the polls have shown him on occasions to be in front of the Tories,

where is your evidence to back up your claim that he is unelectable?

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The Corbynites are desperate on Facebook, circulating old photos of him on a bus (trying to portray he's a man of the people) and some rubbish about only claiming £8.95 in expenses.


he is the man of the people, if he isnt the man of the people, then i dont know who is...

I see Angela Eagle is still huffing and puffing about taking Corbyn on :hihi:

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As i have said in previous posts, he has done rather well in the by elections, he has had a labour candidate win the London mayoral election, and Bristol as well i believe, and the polls have shown him on occasions to be in front of the Tories,

where is your evidence to back up your claim that he is unelectable?


Find me somebody who sometimes votes Labour and sometimes votes Conservative who is entertaining the idea of voting Labour with Corbyn in charge.

A GE vote is determined in part by the leader, other votes far less so.

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Find me somebody who sometimes votes Labour and sometimes votes Conservative who is entertaining the idea of voting Labour with Corbyn in charge.

A GE vote is determined in part by the leader, other votes far less so.


No proof then,? Stop blabbing on about being in electable without any proof or facts... It's just your own opinion

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As i have said in previous posts, he has done rather well in the by elections, he has had a labour candidate win the London mayoral election, and Bristol as well i believe, and the polls have shown him on occasions to be in front of the Tories,


But, as has also been said:


He hasn't stood in a by-election, a local MP has. People are voting for them, not Corbyn.


The Labour mayoral candidate was chosen a long time ago, and considering he was up against Goldsmith, who is universally disliked, anyone could have won in the circumstances.


As for recent opinion polls of Corbyn:


2nd July:

Trade union survey indicates unease over Jeremy Corbyn as Labour leader




30th June:

Corbyn loses support among Labour party membership



Over half (52%) of Labour party members think Mr. Corbyn performed badly during the referendum campaign with 47% thinking he performed well. On the other hand members think past leader, Gordon Brown, had a much better campaign with 68% thinking he did well and just 20% thinking he did badly.
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