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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Who is that Pakistani or Muslim looking man that seems to physically manhandle Jeremy Corbyn and seems to always be by his side keeping people away from him. Who is this person? :suspect:

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Who is that Pakistani or Muslim looking man that seems to physically manhandle Jeremy Corbyn and seems to always be by his side keeping people away from him. Who is this person? :suspect:


it's his manhandler


and does this persons race and/or religeon matter?

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Find me somebody who sometimes votes Labour and sometimes votes Conservative who is entertaining the idea of voting Labour with Corbyn in charge.

A GE vote is determined in part by the leader, other votes far less so.


That'd be me then...

I even voted for Margaret Thatcher once.


I would vote Labour only if Corbyn was in charge.

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How can there be such a divergance between what the people want and what those who are supposed to represent the people want?


because you seem to be believe that those who claim to represent, do. On many levels they don't, in many cases they're seemingly not aligned with the groups majority they purport to join and represent let alone the outliers.

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because you seem to be believe that those who claim to represent, do. On many levels they don't, in many cases they're seemingly not aligned with the groups majority they purport to join and represent let alone the outliers.


Therein lies Jeremy Corbyn's popularity with the masses.

He says what he means, and what he says chimes with the electorate who are sick of coniving, corrupt, insincere politicians. So is he, which is probably why he hasn't got many friends in Parliament.

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Therein lies Jeremy Corbyn's popularity with the masses.

He says what he means, and what he says chimes with the electorate who are sick of coniving, corrupt, insincere politicians. So is he, which is probably why he hasn't got many friends in Parliament.


No, he's like Farage - says what he knows goes down well with the public.


But when it comes to acting on these, he knows he can't do them.


Just like any prospective MP or party, they can promise the earth. Its usually after the election when they can't deliver that they're found out.


Your opinions of Corbyn are based on the brief times you've seen him in the media. Unlike his MPs you've not had to work with him so you don't know what he's like.


There's probably a very good reason he's been a backbencher all his life and nobody had ever heard of him until last year's leadership contest. And you can't blame "New Labour" for keeping him there, Dennis Skinner is very much old old old Labour and manages to get the limelight.

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No, he's like Farage - says what he knows goes down well with the public.


But when it comes to acting on these, he knows he can't do them.


Just like any prospective MP or party, they can promise the earth. Its usually after the election when they can't deliver that they're found out.


Your opinions of Corbyn are based on the brief times you've seen him in the media. Unlike his MPs you've not had to work with him so you don't know what he's like.


There's probably a very good reason he's been a backbencher all his life and nobody had ever heard of him until last year's leadership contest. And you can't blame "New Labour" for keeping him there, Dennis Skinner is very much old old old Labour and manages to get the limelight.


Farage, almost single-handedly, got us out of the EU, like he always said he would. So maybe not a good choice of comparison on your part, not that I like Farage particularly.


Corbyn is similarly a conviction politician. I've seen him live and met him, and liked him very much. I liked what he said even more, and see no reason why it shouldn't be achievable. He doesn't come across well in the media - abley helped by them, to make him look bad.


He has been out of fashion for years but still managed to repeatedly command the respect and votes of his constituents to be returned to Parliament for over 30 years. His experience is legend.


Times have changed dramatically post crash, and Jeremy is a man of vision; the right man in the right place at the right time to take us forward. The world can't continue as it was. He 'gets' it, while other politicians are clinging to the past.

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Farage, almost single-handedly, got us out of the EU, like he always said he would. So maybe not a good choice of comparison on your part, not that I like Farage particularly.


Corbyn is similarly a conviction politician. I've seen him live and met him, and liked him very much. I liked what he said even more, and see no reason why it shouldn't be achievable. He doesn't come across well in the media - abley helped by them, to make him look bad.


He has been out of fashion for years but still managed to repeatedly command the respect and votes of his constituents to be returned to Parliament for over 30 years. His experience is legend.


Times have changed dramatically post crash, and Jeremy is a man of vision; the right man in the right place at the right time to take us forward. The world can't continue as it was. He 'gets' it, while other politicians are clinging to the past.


He gets what? What is so special about him? He was a councillor at 25 and an MP eight years later. He's never had a proper job. That's quite often levelled at Tory MPs, but Tory MPs are at least well educated. Jeremy went to the right schools but still isn't very bright.


Please stop blaming the media entirely for his failings.

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it's his manhandler


and does this persons race and/or religeon matter?


I was only being descriptive so people know who I'm referring to.

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