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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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In many regions the figure was 58 / 59% you know the rule of rounding figures up or down. Get the figures and do it yourself and see. I don't really see it as the time for nitpicking. What I was saying was Corbyn was more in tune with the National mood than others.


Corbyn would have liked to stay on in a reformed Europe. So would I and so would a lot of other people. It was made perfectly clear it wasn't going to happen.


Oh come on Anna admit it you were grossly inaccurate as usual. The only numbers that count are the leave v remain.

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Yes there would.

The problem with Corbyn in the referendum was that he pretended to believe that remain was best for the UK when he clearly doesn't.

If on the other hand he'd supported leave as his conscience told him to, I think he'd have been fine either way. I don't see why there was any need for Labour as a whole to take a position on the matter.


I think that would have been his instinct (to not have an official labour position) but I think he must have felt insecure and so went with the consensus within the labour MPs. I think he would be respected more if he had done that, and either promoted leave or just kept out of it. His half hearted support just looked false.

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Considering his very quick turning of '7/10 for remaining' during the campaign into '2.5/10 for remaining' this morning, he's as yellow, two-faced and populist as politicians come.


I might have been semi-convinced (or at least been opened to be convinced) that the man had some principles (right or wrong ones doesn't matter, since that's a matter of subjective opinion based on personal values, and one can perfectly well respect an opponent for their strength of conviction)...but this morning's farce of an about-face has just shown him up for what he is: no better nor more principled than any other two-bit rabble-baiting opportunist.


Well I was watching all night and all the following morning, and I never heard him change his stance to 2.5 /10 for remaining. Are you sure you heard it right?

I thought this was a free vote anyway, no whips etc. so why should he have been trying to whip up support for remain? The Tories were hardly united in their opinion were they?

You're just looking for someone to blame, and the Blairites in the party will use any excuse to get rid of him. The fact that the Blairites and the Tories were practically joined at the hip was what grieved people in the first place; no choice between them.

It was Cameron's lies and willingness to say anything to get elected that caused this. Hey, let's have a referendum and stick it to Nigel...

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