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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Guest sibon
If only people would listen to what Corbyn has to say.


What is it that he has to say?


I've listened pretty hard. I'm also fairly old school Labour, but I don't particularly like his message. More importantly, I don't believe that he has the skills, experience or authority to carry out his ideas.


I can't see Angela Eagle being much better.

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whether they agree or not means very little, i am talking about facts...the voting figure facts


I've read the figures and as I don't wear blinkers I don't see them in the same distored way that you clearly do.


But in the meantime it just gets better and better.







We all just want it to go on and on and on..

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I've read the figures and as I don't wear blinkers I don't see them in the same distored way that you clearly do.


But in the meantime it just gets better and better.







We all just want it to go on and on and on..


figures are figures, you cant distort them, they are what they are

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Guest sibon
Isn't this similar to the way the SDP was born in the early 80's?


This is different. You are watching a fundemental re-alignment of UK politics.

The referendum has split both parties. Labour are a total basket case and a split is inevitable. Electing Leadsom will do the same to the Tories. Electing May could possibly allow them to paper over the widening cracks, but I doubt that too.


We will see new parties forming. A pro-EU centrist party is almost inevitable, how many Tories join such a party will be very interesting.

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figures are figures, you cant distort them, they are what they are


Indeed they are. But how you read them is the trick. The elections we are talking about are the ones in safe Labour seats where Corbyn is likely to appeal. But he would need to appeal to other voters if he were to form a government. But I'm happy that some folk take solace from such statistical nonsense.

I would think the Tory Party, Lb/Dems and UKIP will be happy that some folk take solace from such statistical nonsense.


We all want Corbyn to be in charge of at least one of the Labour Parties going into the 2020 General Election.

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Indeed they are. But how you read them is the trick. The elections we are talking about are the ones in safe Labour seats where Corbyn is likely to appeal. But he would need to appeal to other voters if he were to form a government. But I'm happy that some folk take solace from such statistical nonsense.

I would think the Tory Party, Lb/Dems and UKIP will be happy that some folk take solace from such statistical nonsense.


We all want Corbyn to be in charge of at least one of the Labour Parties going into the 2020 General Election.



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The world is changing - it has to change to survive.


This is being reflected across the world. We are all in deep trouble.


Consumerism is not sustainable, jobs are disappearing thanks to automation and robotics, environmental factors will have to be considered even if they cut profits. It's no longer acceptable to have a world that's divided into the super rich and absolute poverty. Equality must find a way, such unfairness is not going to be tolerated by the majority of the world's population. Let's hope it's not through another world war...

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Well watching Angela Eagle on tv, Sunday Politics, today she did not answer any question directly put to her.


I'm not a fan of Corbyn, but he was democratically elected, the PLP did not really give him a chance.


Most of the Brexit areas were Labour. yet MPs in these areas, did not support their constituents. So I have to ask myself, who is out of tune with who. I do believe the PLP is totally out of tune with their core supporters.

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Well watching Angela Eagle on tv, Sunday Politics, today she did not answer any question directly put to her.


I'm not a fan of Corbyn, but he was democratically elected, the PLP did not really give him a chance.


Most of the Brexit areas were Labour. yet MPs in these areas, did not support their constituents. So I have to ask myself, who is out of tune with who. I do believe the PLP is totally out of tune with their core supporters.


they stated from day one they would get him out, they have constantly undermined him....and now they say he cannot unite the party...bwaaahahahaaaa :hihi:

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they stated from day one they would get him out, they have constantly undermined him....and now they say he cannot unite the party...bwaaahahahaaaa :hihi:


Any answer to my post, 504? Or just more laughing at people that don't agree with your deluded and infatuated Corbyn witterings?


I asked you how a split in the Labour Party, similar to the Gang of 4 and SDP would increase the odds of a 'Labour' Government when it's natural effect would be to split the Labour vote.


Or do you think there will not be a split?

Edited by Radan
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