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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Angela Eagle's office windows bricked.


Phones had to be disconnected because of the constant abusive telephone calls.


Well done Corbynites, you're really showing your true colours.


Can't be. Socialists are just so compassionate and such. :gag:

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I didnt think it could get more incompetent or worse than when they elected the wrong Milliband, but now they have just imploded. Cant see them getting into power for decades.


If they insist on somebody with Corbyn's radical politics, which is their right, how about getting somebody more competent.

This is a man who flunked out of a degree in trade unions studies at a polytechnic. I wish him all the best from life but he's just not PM material.

Diane Abbott maybe?

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Where did you get this from?
PMQs no less.


No IRA mentioned at PMQs, you say? Well, arguably it was a while longer back...but well.


Corbyn's political history is littered tapestried with monumental errors of judgement. However high the esteem you may hold him in for his beliefs or 'principles' (LOL!), he won't ever become PM. He simply can't. At that level, it's not skeletons in a cupboard, it's a war memorial-sized ossuary.

Edited by L00b
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they got it wrong by electing ANY Miliband, though beyond a doubt, Dave would have better than Ed.


Yvette Cooper should have stood in the 2010 Labour leadership election, but she didn't because husband Ed Balls reckoned he had a chance. That was the best chance so far that Labour ever had of getting a woman leader, and it would have been the right time too. Cooper might not have won the 2010 Labour leadership election, but I think she would have done better than her husband did. Had she stood in 2010, and won, Cooper would have been a better candidate in the 2015 General Election than definitely Ed Miliband was, and maybe even Dave too. Cameron might have won the election and stayed being Prime Minister, but he wouldn't have got a majority and there wouldn't have been a referendum.

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I think it's rather more healthy to try and be gender blind on these things.

But unless somebody has a better idea, I suggest that Labour put Diane Abbot in charge. Not much change of policy there, but somebody in charge who has the required intellect.

I'm a floating voter by most standards and I'm not going to vote for her, but then I don't think Labour care about that right now.

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Cameron is a multi millionaire, a distant cousin of the queen and married to an aristocrat. He doesn't live in the same world as the rest of us. He reeks of money, privilege, superiority and entitlement. He was probably picked out as Prime Minister material when he was still at Oxford, or even Eton, and had his path carefully smoothed for him.


He's never had to struggle, worry about money, or known what it's like to go without, and, more to the point, he's probably never even talked to people who have, except in stage managed events.


Jeremy Corbyn on the other hand has spent his working life dealing with real people, real issues and real problems as a councillor and as a constituancy MP. (Read Jeremy Corbyn's Wikipedia entry,) That's not the same as having a gilded entry into the world of politics.


He's a man of conviction and that's made for some awkward, a pain in the backside moments when he's gone up against the mighty and fought his corner. But above all he cares passionately about people and has dedicated his life to them. He still goes out round the country joining with people to fight alongside them, and listening to them and their concerns. I've talked to him. It's not an act, he's the genuine deal.



OK. So basically you don't like Camerons background because you never had the opportunity and it's basically the politics of envy. Kinda guessed that.


But it doesn't answer the question. Corbyn has never had a proper job - it was handed to him as well. Cameron like Corbyn has been a constituency MP dealing with real people, so we can dispense with that argument of yours as well. In fact Cameron has had a real job dealing with real people - more so than Corbyn did...he spent his youth practicing a bit of entryism, getting chucked out of college and then becoming a councillor.


So we still have no difference between them really... both went to private schools, both come from middle class backgrounds, both have little real experience of the world and certainly not of having no money at all...


So really all I conclude is you are blinkered entirely by your own bigotry against anyone who doesn't have a red rosette. Sadly that's a very common situation these days.

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Cameron is a multi millionaire, a distant cousin of the queen and married to an aristocrat. He doesn't live in the same world as the rest of us. He reeks of money, privilege, superiority and entitlement.


You are aware that the Brexiter's darling - Boris Johnson - is far richer and more privileged than Cameron?


And Corbyn hasn't done bad out of his career - £3 million to date in salary and pension.



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Angela Eagle's office windows bricked.


Phones had to be disconnected because of the constant abusive telephone calls.


Well done Corbynites, you're really showing your true colours.

That's assuming it wasn't an inside job, let's be honest, after her poor opening ceremony, a little sympathy could go a long way. A tearfully eagle saying she is fighting for democracy against the violent Corbyn hordes. May just swing it for her... She does seem able to turn the tears on when suitable, like she did when she was sobbing on TV, only to find out she had angela4leader set up days before... All the resignations and coup were perfectly choreographed, call me a cynic if you like, but politics is a dirty business, even more so these days

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Nope. If you don't know the stories that's your fault. Your ignorance is not my problem Lex.


Other forumers know exactly what I refer to. So does Anna I suspect, though she will dress it up.


No I won't. I wouldn't even dignify it with an answer.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 13:20 ----------


OK. So basically you don't like Camerons background because you never had the opportunity and it's basically the politics of envy. Kinda guessed that.

But it doesn't answer the question. Corbyn has never had a proper job - it was handed to him as well. Cameron like Corbyn has been a constituency MP dealing with real people, so we can dispense with that argument of yours as well. In fact Cameron has had a real job dealing with real people - more so than Corbyn did...he spent his youth practicing a bit of entryism, getting chucked out of college and then becoming a councillor.


So we still have no difference between them really... both went to private schools, both come from middle class backgrounds, both have little real experience of the world and certainly not of having no money at all...


So really all I conclude is you are blinkered entirely by your own bigotry against anyone who doesn't have a red rosette. Sadly that's a very common situation these days.


My, my, how quickly you leap to conclusions. I don't like Cameron because of his character which I thought I'd made clear in many other posts.

Politics of Envy? Oh perlease..... find a new record...


Cameron is upper class, Corbyn is middle class - so what? You really think there is no difference between David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn? Then you really haven't been doing your homework....


As for your Red rosette jibe, my vote is always up for grabs to the party I think deserves it and who best serves the interests of the country and the people. For the record I quite like Theresa May. Let's see what she can do. She's made a good start by declaring war on excessive high pay for the elite. (I wonder if she'd have done that without Jeremy Corbyn snapping at her heels?)


You really do need to stop judging everyone by your own Tory standards. Remember Theresa May didn't call them the nasty party for nothing.

Edited by Anna B
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