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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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No I won't. I wouldn't even dignify it with an answer.


Suits me. I don't want to read your drivelling apologism anyway. L00b has already provided background.


As I said, I knew other forum users would know what I was talking about.


Your brown-nosing attempts to clarify Corbyn's antics and distasteful friends would have only gone ignored by those with at least half a brain anyway.


Oh, and Theresa May said, 'you know what some people call us? The Nasty Party.'


Quite different to her calling them that herself, wouldn't you agree oh blinkered one?

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No I won't. I wouldn't even dignify it with an answer.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 13:20 ----------



My, my, how quickly you leap to conclusions. I don't like Cameron because of his character which I thought I'd made clear in many other posts.

Politics of Envy? Oh perlease..... find a new record...


Conclusions supported by evidence and observations Anna


Cameron is upper class, Corbyn is middle class - so what?


You were the one claiming Corbyn was a man of the people. Now he's middle class and a bit removed... You also need to understand what is meant by upper class - Cameron isn't that either despite your fervent wishing he was so you could lambast him with it.


You really think there is no difference between David Cameron and Jeremy Corbyn? Then you really haven't been doing your homework....


And you've been building strawmen as usual


As for your Red rosette jibe, my vote is always up for grabs to the party I think deserves it and who best serves the interests of the country and the people.


I can only thank my lucky stars that Western Europe isn't run by people voted in by you then.


For the record I quite like Theresa May. Let's see what she can do. She's made a good start by declaring war on excessive high pay for the elite. (I wonder if she'd have done that without Jeremy Corbyn snapping at her heels?)


You really do need to stop judging everyone by your own Tory standards.


You really do need to stop judging everyone by your own mediocre standards.


Remember Theresa May didn't call them the nasty party for nothing.


I know Labour are the nasty party but I try not to call them that in public.


I notice you still haven't addressed the point.


Corbyn is not a "man of the people" regardless of how much you make him out to be.


He's a communist IRA supporting Hamas sympathising bully. He's so far removed from being a man of the people you could fire most any other MP into space and they'd still be closer to the people that he is.

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Corbyn is not a "man of the people" regardless of how much you make him out to be.


He's a communist IRA supporting Hamas sympathising bully. He's so far removed from being a man of the people you could fire most any other MP into space and they'd still be closer to the people that he is.



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Vindication. 3 users know what I was talking about. Loads more too no doubt.


Are you reading Lex?


I do so hate being accused of making things just up because the accuser is ignorant. But nor do I dance to their tune and post links when the ignorance is inexcusable.

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That's assuming it wasn't an inside job, let's be honest, after her poor opening ceremony, a little sympathy could go a long way. A tearfully eagle saying she is fighting for democracy against the violent Corbyn hordes. May just swing it for her... She does seem able to turn the tears on when suitable, like she did when she was sobbing on TV, only to find out she had angela4leader set up days before... All the resignations and coup were perfectly choreographed, call me a cynic if you like, but politics is a dirty business, even more so these days


Accusations of false flag attacks are very common on the internet. It seems to have become one of the main tactics of apologists for bad behaviour. They are very popular with conspiracy theorists too. Making them pretty much indicates that the person doing so's opinion isn't worth considering.


So you don't look like a cynic. I'll leave it for you to consider whether you'd rather be thought of as an apologist or a conspiracy theorist.

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Accusations of false flag attacks are very common on the internet. It seems to have become one of the main tactics of apologists for bad behaviour. They are very popular with conspiracy theorists too. Making them pretty much indicates that the person doing so's opinion isn't worth considering.


So you don't look like a cynic. I'll leave it for you to consider whether you'd rather be thought of as an apologist or a conspiracy theorist.


What banjodeamo doesn't realise is that the Illuminati in conspiracy with the Duke of Edinburgh have blackmailed Angela Eagle into making this leadership challenge in order to pave the way for Hillary Benn to push for the invasion of the Federated States of Micronesia which they've discovered sits on top of the lost city of Atlantis where the moon landings were faked.

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Accusations of false flag attacks are very common on the internet. It seems to have become one of the main tactics of apologists for bad behaviour. They are very popular with conspiracy theorists too. Making them pretty much indicates that the person doing so's opinion isn't worth considering.


So you don't look like a cynic. I'll leave it for you to consider whether you'd rather be thought of as an apologist or a conspiracy theorist.


Now remember when Chakrabati was invited to launch the anti Semitism probe into the Party? They had some troglodyte from Momentum on who came up with a n incredible diatribe about the Jews such that there was one MP whom I think was Jewish left in a flood of tears.... and Corbyn was seen joking later with him after conspicuously failing to denounce him or distance himself from that viewpoint.


Is it more likely that Momentum threw the bricks, or someone from Eagles campaign that did so? Eagle doesn't have to make Momentum look like the bad guys really does she - they do it themselves.... I'm fairly certain that it's someone on the Corbyn side throwing toys out the pram.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 14:56 ----------


What banjodeamo doesn't realise is that the Illuminati in conspiracy with the Duke of Edinburgh have blackmailed Angela Eagle into making this leadership challenge in order to pave the way for Hillary Benn to push for the invasion of the Federated States of Micronesia which they've discovered sits on top of the lost city of Atlantis where the moon landings were faked.


You missed out the reptilian overlords, Chemtrails, HAARP and hollow earth.


Apart from that I believe everything you say :D

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Accusations of false flag attacks are very common on the internet. It seems to have become one of the main tactics of apologists for bad behaviour. They are very popular with conspiracy theorists too. Making them pretty much indicates that the person doing so's opinion isn't worth considering.


So you don't look like a cynic. I'll leave it for you to consider whether you'd rather be thought of as an apologist or a conspiracy theorist.


But the window may have been smashed by a Corbynite, who then relies on sockpuppets to put out the idea that it was really an inside job, in order to damage the Eagleists.


Or it was done by an Eagleist who then put out the idea that it was an inside job so that people would automatically think that the story was being spread by a Corbynite who therefore must be responsible.


Or a double bluff, a Corbynista breaks the... etc.



Or it was smashed by Safestyle UK, to drum up business.

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I think its becoming clear who is the nasty party now. Labour anti-Semitism, threats, abuse, window smashing. What next?


I just want to reiterate what I wrote before, for absolute maximum impact.


Theresa May didn't call the Tories the Nasty Party.


She said, 'you know what some people call us? The Nasty Party.'


Always worth pointing out a complete and utter misquote.

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