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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Well I was watching all night and all the following morning, and I never heard him change his stance to 2.5 /10 for remaining. Are you sure you heard it right?

I thought this was a free vote anyway, no whips etc. so why should he have been trying to whip up support for remain? The Tories were hardly united in their opinion were they?

You're just looking for someone to blame, and the Blairites in the party will use any excuse to get rid of him. The fact that the Blairites and the Tories were practically joined at the hip was what grieved people in the first place; no choice between them.

It was Cameron's lies and willingness to say anything to get elected that caused this. Hey, let's have a referendum and stick it to Nigel...


As leader of a party don't you think he should have been "out there" more?

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As leader of a party don't you think he should have been "out there" more?


That has been said on TV, that Corbyn took more of a back seat role and he should have lead from the front; being leader. It looks like we may well get new leaders of Tory & Labour parties, time will tell on the latter.

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That has been said on TV, that Corbyn took more of a back seat role and he should have lead from the front; being leader. It looks like we may well get new leaders of Tory & Labour parties, time will tell on the latter.


I've no real idea how good Corbyn is as a constituency MP but he's no leader..who will go for the chalice do you think?

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I've no real idea how good Corbyn is as a constituency MP but he's no leader..who will go for the chalice do you think?


That my friend at the moment is hard to say, be interesting to see who puts themselves forward if we have a leader election. If put on spot I'd say Tom Watson, Andy Burnham, other than those 2 no one stands out for me but what do I know.

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That my friend at the moment is hard to say, be interesting to see who puts themselves forward if we have a leader election. If put on spot I'd say Tom Watson, Andy Burnham, other than those 2 no one stands out for me but what do I know.


If it happens it won't be an easy ride for them..same with the tories..

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Well I was watching all night and all the following morning, and I never heard him change his stance to 2.5 /10 for remaining. Are you sure you heard it right?
I watched him say it, live on air, on BBC1 breakfast before 07:45 this morning.


I was properly astounded, left open-mouthed, by the flagrancy of his coat turning, as the BBC interviewer was quizzing him about it in view of his 'earlier 7/10' and asking why he'd changed his mind so suddenly.

You're just looking for someone to blame
I'm commenting about the politician the subject of this thread, and I hold any and all politician of any persuasion/rosette colour to the same expectations of standards of integrity. Which are generally pretty low these days, but which, for Corbyn (and paradoxically for me) I initially held higher, at least for a while, since he seemed so principled then.


I've commented about and linked to Farage's quick about-face on the £350m/NHS (of this morning, within hours of the Leave win annoucement) just the same on the 'consequences' thread, with a quip about Brexit Tory types now engaging in 'Project Teflon' on the double. Just like (pro-Brexit) Hannan dashing Brexiters' expectations about immigration.


If blame there is to be, it lies with no one else than every voter who ticked the Leave box. I can't wait to remind them, in the weeks and months to come, every time they moan about suffering the consequences of their choice (which, I have zero doubt, politicians will instead blame on the EU, on immigrants, on Remainers...on anyone other than the real 'culprits', i.e. those who made the actual decision, i.e. brexit voters).


I shall take particular delight in reminding you, as a brexiter, each time you eventually start a thread complaining about growing social inequality, job losses, leaving/closing companies, further public service cuts and all manner of other brexit-caused adversarial outcomes and consequences at the hands of Cameron's replacement and his mates :twisted:

Edited by L00b
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The vultures are circling




Two Labour MPs have submitted a motion of no confidence in Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.


Dame Margaret Hodge and Ann Coffey confirmed the move in a letter to the Parliamentary Labour Party chairman.


The motion has no formal constitutional force but calls for a discussion at their next PLP meeting on Monday.


It will be up to the PLP chairman to decide whether it is debated. If accepted it would be followed by a secret ballot of Labour MPs on Tuesday.

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