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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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When are the NEC expected to decide on the election rules? Is it during the working day, or is it going to be in e-cig filled rooms deep into the night?


I don't know about others, but I'm beginning to get used to breaking news every hour or so, so it becomes a bit annoying when we have to actually wait for something interesting to happen.

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When are the NEC expected to decide on the election rules? Is it during the working day, or is it going to be in e-cig filled rooms deep into the night?


I don't know about others, but I'm beginning to get used to breaking news every hour or so, so it becomes a bit annoying when we have to actually wait for something interesting to happen.


I think the meeting started over an hour ago.

They're dithering as usual.

Bit of a contrast with the 1922 committee.

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I just want to reiterate what I wrote before, for absolute maximum impact.


Theresa May didn't call the Tories the Nasty Party.


She said, 'you know what some people call us? The Nasty Party.'


Always worth pointing out a complete an utter misquote.


Of course but you can point that out to people forever and they wont believe it even when faced with the actual recording.


It's Labour doublethink. They are very good at it sadly.

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When are the NEC expected to decide on the election rules? Is it during the working day, or is it going to be in e-cig filled rooms deep into the night?


I don't know about others, but I'm beginning to get used to breaking news every hour or so, so it becomes a bit annoying when we have to actually wait for something interesting to happen.


As an aside - isn't all the party infighting giving Labour the ability to completely bury Chilcot?


7 years we waited for that. It's received far less news coverage than I would expect, given how damning it was.

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As an aside - isn't all the party infighting giving Labour the ability to completely and utterly ignore Chilcot?


7 years we waited for that. It's received hardly any news coverage.


I think parliament is to debate and vote on a motion of contempt of parliament against Blair on Thursday http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2016/jul/10/tony-blair-contempt-motion-iraq-war-mps.

This is if the speaker judges it appropriate to let it go forward, which I think he probably will.

That should being the focus nicely back to Chilcot.


This Labour thing is going to drag on for some time yet. The news will get bored of it before too long.

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After the parliamentary debate on the day of the release of the Chilcot report, in which Corbyn surprised many (including me) by not openly going after Blair, an interviewer commented on this to Diane Abbot, who replied that Corbyn was too nice, but also that he didn't need to because he had people who would do it for him. She then went on to prove herself correct by doing just that, in the same interview.

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Of course but you can point that out to people forever and they wont believe it even when faced with the actual recording.


It's Labour doublethink. They are very good at it sadly.


Along with Thatcher the Milk Snatcher. :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 15:28 ----------


As an aside - isn't all the party infighting giving Labour the ability to completely bury Chilcot?


7 years we waited for that. It's received far less news coverage than I would expect, given how damning it was.


And timing the battle at the same time as the Tory leadership race, so the Labour troubles get third or fourth billing on the news.


Its only since May has won the leadership challenge and Brexit news is stalling and the knuckle draggers have taken the Eagle hate to a new level that its getting top coverage again.


Interestingly, Corbyn claims that he's had death threats too. Funny how its not been mentioned until Eagle got top billing in the news today for hers.

Edited by alchresearch
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