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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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I think the rule book can only be interpreted as meaning that the leader does not need to be nominated again by MPs.


If the NEC reject this view, then I think he will go to court, as threatened, and I think he would win.


I don't rate Corbyn, but in this instance he is right when he says it is an attempted stitch up.


If he is allowed to stand, then he will win the membership vote, again.


NEC about to vote (after 6 hours discussion), according to Ch 4 news.


Edit. Just come up on the breaking news banner - he is being allowed to stand without nomination.


Goodbye Labour.

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Apparently he doesnt need the backing of MP's.


He is bound to win because there have been so many of these £3 membership joiners who have been shipped in. So we will basically have a very left wing socialist party as opposition. They are mental if they dont see how unelectable they are. They need to appeal to more than Socialist worker. Mind bogglingly blinkered or incompetent.

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Edit. Just come up on the breaking news banner - he is being allowed to stand without nomination.


indeed, on the whole it's probably for the best.


on the plus side, whoever wins, a vote will have been taken and people will know where they stand


on the minus side, if corbyn wins then the labour party will be finished and we will be condemned to a generation of conservative rule which will malke the last 6 years look like a tea party.


on the more or less plus side, a split in the party might not be a bad thing. apart from tony blair going potty one of the things which held new labour back was a fear of being accused of being old labour in a new coat. a new centre left party which makes a clean break with the old labour appendages might do well.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 20:02 ----------


Apparently he doesnt need the backing of MP's.


He is bound to win because there have been so many of these £3 membership joiners who have been shipped in. So we will basically have a very left wing socialist party as opposition. They are mental if they dont see how unelectable they are. They need to appeal to more than Socialist worker. Mind bogglingly blinkered or incompetent.


i understand from some of the mutterings behind the froth that the £3 memebership joiners might have to pay again and will probably have to pay more than £3.

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Edit. Just come up on the breaking news banner - he is being allowed to stand without nomination.


I think that the NEC realised that they couldn't get away with it. Although not necessarily because Corbyn would have sued, and won. Because nobody has the first clue what would have happened if Corbyn had sued. The case would have taken much more time to resolve than it would have taken to elect a new non-Corbyn Labour leader. The new Labour leader would presumably have already been in place had Corbyn eventually won any court ruling.


Corbyn will win the membership vote but not as clearly as last year.


but they'll only be another challenge and election, and then another, and then another, before 2020. And Corbyn will surely lose one of them.


the best thing for him to do is just do what he should have done last week and resign early next year.

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I think the meeting started over an hour ago.

They're dithering as usual.

Bit of a contrast with the 1922 committee.


They are not dithering at all. They are having a lengthy and well considered discussion. Its exactly what I would do.


Lets not forget that its the momentum rabble and corbyn disciples who have spat their dummy out and actually got a Solicitor involved to threaten legal action against the NEC if they dont get their own way.


Kinder politics? My bony backside.


The whole thing is a complete farce. We are in the middle of one of the most important changes in our history and we have NO OPPOSITION. We have bully boy union puppetmasters keeping their dummy in power by swarming the party with £3 day pass members and turning up at every meeting, debate and interview with their SWP, Save the Goats or whatever placards and now seemingly are even trying to influence their own powers over the NEC themselves.


Quite frankly who the hell do they think they are. Momentum does not OWN the labour party. Membership IS NOT the same as the wider electorate. If they are so deluded that they are so popular and Saint Corbyn is the new saviour why dont they sod off and start their own political party.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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They are not dithering at all. They are having a lengthy and well considered discussion. Its exactly what I would do.


Lets not forget that its the momentum rabble and corbyn disciples who have spat their dummy out and actually got a Solicitor invovled and threaten legal action against the NEC if they dont get their own way.


Kinder politics? My bony backside.


Get their own way, he was allowed on the ballot, end off

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...... so they have. Well and truely breaking news as I typed.


Well, bye bye labour. Maybe 2030 perhaps.

perhaps....but perhaps not, people said he wouldnt last more than a couple of weeks, and hes still here, people say hes un electable.....lets see shall we...

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perhaps....but perhaps not, people said he wouldnt last more than a couple of weeks, and hes still here, people say hes un electable.....lets see shall we...


He is. He will be 71 in 2020. And still just as stupid.

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