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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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perhaps....but perhaps not, people said he wouldnt last more than a couple of weeks, and hes still here, people say hes un electable.....lets see shall we...


People were saying Ed milliband was hopeless and wouldnt get elected and look how well that worked out for you.


If you dont get into power you cant implement policies that make the changes you claim you want. To win you need to persuade to win the majority of seats which means controlling the middle ground. Its just the Socialist workers labour party at the moment.



Hopeless and inneffective leader.

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People were saying Ed milliband was hopeless and wouldnt get elected and look how well that worked out for you.


If you dont get into power you cant implement policies that make the changes you claim you want. To win you need to persuade to win the majority of seats which means controlling the middle ground. Its just the Socialist workers labour party at the moment.



Hopeless and inneffective leader.

yeah yeah yeah,we have heard it all before, i'm just going for a beer, have a good evening guys :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsu

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I wonder if anyone else will bother to stand. I don't see who would have any good reason to, now.


There is still humour in British politics I hope. I'd put a turnip on the ballot paper with Corbyn and no-one else.

Edited by Radan
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As a Ukipper I have no axe to grind with either Tory or Labour.


Corbyn to stand against Eagle. I have had a pop at Corbyn in the past, but to be very clear, I have started to like his mettle. He must be under great pressure from the "toffs" in the labour party, but to give him his due - he is standing his ground and bunkering up.


I have no doubt Corbyn will win and win handsomely against the harpie bird woman Eagle. :gag: What happens then, will one of the big guns AKA Chuka Amunna throw their hat into the ring.


When Corbyn has seen Amunna (or whoever else stands) off and wins again, will Labour have to split. :loopy:


It's great as a Kipper to sit and watch this car crash happening, you just could not make it up.



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As a Ukipper I have no axe to grind with either Tory or Labour.


Corbyn to stand against Eagle. I have had a pop at Corbyn in the past, but to be very clear, I have started to like his mettle. He must be under great pressure from the "toffs" in the labour party, but to give him his due - he is standing his ground and bunkering up.


I have no doubt Corbyn will win and win handsomely against the harpie bird woman Eagle. :gag: What happens then, will one of the big guns AKA Chuka Amunna throw their hat into the ring.


When Corbyn has seen Amunna (or whoever else stands) off and wins again, will Labour have to split. :loopy:


It's great as a Kipper to sit and watch this car crash happening, you just could not make it up.




What kind of Kipper are you? Disenfranchised Labour Kipper or Old School Hardline Tory Kipper?


Just out of interest...

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Get their own way, he was allowed on the ballot, end off


As a Ukipper I have no axe to grind with either Tory or Labour.


Corbyn to stand against Eagle. I have had a pop at Corbyn in the past, but to be very clear, I have started to like his mettle. He must be under great pressure from the "toffs" in the labour party, but to give him his due - he is standing his ground and bunkering up.


I have no doubt Corbyn will win and win handsomely against the harpie bird woman Eagle. :gag: What happens then, will one of the big guns AKA Chuka Amunna throw their hat into the ring.


When Corbyn has seen Amunna (or whoever else stands) off and wins again, will Labour have to split. :loopy:


It's great as a Kipper to sit and watch this car crash happening, you just could not make it up.





This is beautiful. Corbyn wins a ballot of labour members on Monday and his MPs file another motion of no confidence in their "new" leader on Tuesday.


It's like the script for a kids TV channel being played out on the world stage.

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As a Ukipper I have no axe to grind with either Tory or Labour.


Corbyn to stand against Eagle. I have had a pop at Corbyn in the past, but to be very clear, I have started to like his mettle. He must be under great pressure from the "toffs" in the labour party, but to give him his due - he is standing his ground and bunkering up.


I have no doubt Corbyn will win and win handsomely against the harpie bird woman Eagle. :gag: What happens then, will one of the big guns AKA Chuka Amunna throw their hat into the ring.


When Corbyn has seen Amunna or whoever else stands off and wins again, will Labour have to split. :loopy:


It's great as a Kipper to sit and watch this car crash happening, you just could not make it up.




I reckon some MPs will kow tow to the leader, and some will not work with him.


Those in marginal seats will be worried that under a Corbyn leadership, they will lose their seat at the next election. However, if they are seen to be disloyal to him, then they risk being deselected by a Corbyn friendly local party. So a lose - lose situation for them.


In strong labour areas, although there won't be the same risk of losing the seat at the next election, there will probably be an increased risk of deselection.


However, I believe the majority of Labour MPs want to be in government, to deliver their socialist aims, and they will not see a means of doing this under the present leadership. I don't know if there would be enough of them brave enough to break free. Even if there were, would they have the same gravitas as the gang of four did? I doubt it.

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This is beautiful. Corbyn wins a ballot of labour members on Monday and his MPs file another motion of no confidence in their "new" leader on Tuesday.


It's like the script for a kids TV channel being played out on the world stage.



Whilst endless circles would be amusing, I think it more likely that the bulk of the Labour Parliamentary Party will leave the party. None or more of them may also resign as MPs to seek a new mandate from their Constituents as SDP2, Lib Dems, Conservatives or just independents.

There isn't going to be a serviceable opposition for months.

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Whilst endless circles would be amusing, I think it more likely that the bulk of the Labour Parliamentary Party will leave the party. None or more of them may also resign as MPs to seek a new mandate from their Constituents as SDP2, Lib Dems, Conservatives or just independents.

There isn't going to be a serviceable opposition for months.


It might be more than just months.


---------- Post added 12-07-2016 at 20:58 ----------


The NEC have also decided that party members who have joined since February will not get a vote. Also, the £3 members from last year will now need to re-register, at £25.


So it looks like Corbyn hasn't got it all his own way

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