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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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I am a rank and file member. I have voted for both Labour and Conservative in my time, but am a Lib Dem by nature and have voted for them most often.




it's actually really funny that Anna B has the sheer nerve to dictate to Labour MP's what they should believe in when Anna B, by their own admission, has spent most of their voting life voting for parties other than Labour, has probably been a member of the Labour party for less than a year, and may not even have voted Labour in the 2015 general election.


no wonder everyone's laughing their heads off and the Tories can't believe their luck.


also just silly and juvenile that Anna B falls back on this silly leftist delusion that nobody knows anything about what leftists like Corbyn and Mcdonnell think because 'the media' don't want to report it as if it's Soviet Russia and everything's censored. When the media do report it.


as a teenager I saw a Channel 4 documentary about Bennites like Corbyn and Mcdonnell in about 1986. I distinctly remember Corbyn, a new Bennite Militant-supporting left wing MP back in those days, being interviewed for the programme. He had a beard back then too, like he does now, except there was no grey in it, and he looked just like Private Eye's Dave Spart. He came out with the exact same pseudo-Marxist twaddle in that programme Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column back then, Dave Spart may have been axed from Private Eye these days as being totally irrelevant, but Corbyn still comes out with the same nonsense on national television these days thirty years later that Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column in the 1970s. Corbyn's infantile views haven't changed a jot in these past forty years. And Anna B, who has never even been a Labour voter and who has spent most of their life voting for the Lib Dems and the Tories, deludes themselves that Corbyn is the voice of the future!

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it's actually really funny that Anna B has the sheer nerve to dictate to Labour MP's what they should believe in when Anna B, by their own admission, has spent most of their voting life voting for parties other than Labour, has probably been a member of the Labour party for less than a year, and may not even have voted Labour in the 2015 general election.


no wonder everyone's laughing their heads off and the Tories can't believe their luck.


also just silly and juvenile that Anna B falls back on this silly leftist delusion that nobody knows anything about what leftists like Corbyn and Mcdonnell think because 'the media' don't want to report it as if it's Soviet Russia and everything's censored. When the media do report it.


as a teenager I saw a Channel 4 documentary about Bennites like Corbyn and Mcdonnell in about 1986. I distinctly remember Corbyn, a new Bennite Militant-supporting left wing MP back in those days, being interviewed for the programme. He had a beard back then too, like he does now, except there was no grey in it, and he looked just like Private Eye's Dave Spart. He came out with the exact same pseudo-Marxist twaddle in that programme Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column back then, Dave Spart may have been axed from Private Eye these days as being totally irrelevant, but Corbyn still comes out with the same nonsense on national television these days thirty years later that Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column in the 1970s. Corbyn's infantile views haven't changed a jot in these past forty years. And Anna B, who has never even been a Labour voter and who has spent most of their life voting for the Lib Dems and the Tories, deludes themselves that Corbyn is the voice of the future!


But you have to admit he makes a compelling case. You can't argue with facts.



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I'm not a Labour voter but if I had the choose between Corbyn and Angela Eagle it would be Corbyn. What makes Angela Eagle think she's got what it takes with her little squeaky voice, come on it needs better stuff than that to force Corbyn out.

I think she will finish up with egg on her face.

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it's actually really funny that Anna B has the sheer nerve to dictate to Labour MP's what they should believe in when Anna B, by their own admission, has spent most of their voting life voting for parties other than Labour, has probably been a member of the Labour party for less than a year, and may not even have voted Labour in the 2015 general election.


no wonder everyone's laughing their heads off and the Tories can't believe their luck.


also just silly and juvenile that Anna B falls back on this silly leftist delusion that nobody knows anything about what leftists like Corbyn and Mcdonnell think because 'the media' don't want to report it as if it's Soviet Russia and everything's censored. When the media do report it.


as a teenager I saw a Channel 4 documentary about Bennites like Corbyn and Mcdonnell in about 1986. I distinctly remember Corbyn, a new Bennite Militant-supporting left wing MP back in those days, being interviewed for the programme. He had a beard back then too, like he does now, except there was no grey in it, and he looked just like Private Eye's Dave Spart. He came out with the exact same pseudo-Marxist twaddle in that programme Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column back then, Dave Spart may have been axed from Private Eye these days as being totally irrelevant, but Corbyn still comes out with the same nonsense on national television these days thirty years later that Dave Spart did in the Private Eye column in the 1970s. Corbyn's infantile views haven't changed a jot in these past forty years. And Anna B, who has never even been a Labour voter and who has spent most of their life voting for the Lib Dems and the Tories, deludes themselves that Corbyn is the voice of the future!


Anna's definitely got a point as far as the media is concerned. They are frightened to death of him. The only time I've seen them cover one of his speeches from the beginning, the camera was on his shoes for most of the time! If that doesn't show the level of ignorance and arrogance of our media then I don't know what does! It doesn't matter whether you are on the rabid right or the loony left, no one can possibly argue that this behaviour from the media is acceptable in a democracy.


As the referendum results were still coming in but it was clear of a Leave victory, instead of reflecting on Cameron's campaign, disappointed and angry BBC journalists were calling for Corbyn's head! Before the referendum we were treated regularly to Tony Blair, Alistair Campbell, and Peter Mandelson telling us how to vote! Who gives a damn what these self-serving non-entities think? Is this what YOU want from the media, or do you expect something a bit more? I know I do.


Whether Corbyn is the 'voice of the future' or not, I don't think anyone can have any doubt that the media in this country are an absolute disgrace.

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I'm not a Labour voter but if I had the choose between Corbyn and Angela Eagle it would be Corbyn. What makes Angela Eagle think she's got what it takes with her little squeaky voice, come on it needs better stuff than that to force Corbyn out.

I think she will finish up with egg on her face.


She's just there as a sacrificial lamb to get the ball rolling. I don't for one moment believe that she ever expected to win.

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Nearly everything I know about Jeremy Corbyn I have learned from the internet and going to see him in situ. Very notably not via anything controlled by the media moguls who interestingly not only have absolutely nothing good to say about a decent, honest politician, but has gone out of its way to corrupt his message, lie about his affilliations, and besmirch him at every possible opportunity in the mainstream media. Remember "He that controls the media, controls the minds of the masses"


You are aware that the internet is equally biased and controlled?


And nowhere has that been more in evidence with Corbynites doing all they can via the web to push his message across.


I'm a member of a Wirral web forum and FB group and quite recently we've had a few new members suddenly appearing and posting negative articles about Angela Eagle. A look at their profiles show they're recently created or dedicated activists.

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You are aware that the internet is equally biased and controlled?


And nowhere has that been more in evidence with Corbynites doing all they can via the web to push his message across.


I'm a member of a Wirral web forum and FB group and quite recently we've had a few new members suddenly appearing and posting negative articles about Angela Eagle. A look at their profiles show they're recently created or dedicated activists.


It's always Merseyside isn't it.


I mean it was the Militant tendancy doing a spot of entryism in the early 1990s. Momentum now. I wonder how many Momentum agitators are ex Militant...


Regardless it appears more and more now that the Labour party have been well and truly rolled by the far left and finally the Socialist Idlers (for they sure don't work) have finally got control of what they think is a Big Thing.


Which, with them at the helm will very rapidly lose almost all of it's members and become a really Small Thing and most of the PLP will bugger off and form something more credible and less far left.


Perhaps we could call them the Social Democratic Party?

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You are aware that the internet is equally biased and controlled?


And nowhere has that been more in evidence with Corbynites doing all they can via the web to push his message across.


I'm a member of a Wirral web forum and FB group and quite recently we've had a few new members suddenly appearing and posting negative articles about Angela Eagle. A look at their profiles show they're recently created or dedicated activists.


I've certainly noticed them on Facebook. Folk who have nothing to say apart from political slogans. I let delete be my friend. I don't really care if folk want to push left wing politics, right wing politics or middle of the road politics. If my friends start trying to inflict that, religion or Candy Crush on me they cease to be allowed on my space.

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It's always Merseyside isn't it.


You should see the excuses peddled out by the pro-Corbyn supporters - they've said or claimed:


Angela Eagle broke her own window


Rogue Tories have come into the area and done it


Its all a big smear campaign to put Jeremy in a bad light


Eagle deserved everything she got for going against Corbyn



Despite her romping home in every election since 1992, she's suddenly hated by her constituency - or at least by the Corbyn rabble who are making the most noise.

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You are aware that the internet is equally biased and controlled?


And nowhere has that been more in evidence with Corbynites doing all they can via the web to push his message across.


I'm a member of a Wirral web forum and FB group and quite recently we've had a few new members suddenly appearing and posting negative articles about Angela Eagle. A look at their profiles show they're recently created or dedicated activists.


I think in general, the internet and forums such as this, have an excellent wide range of opinions.


What does annoy me though is that when I want to do a search on a particular topic, items have been removed because of European regulation. I'm totally against this form of censorship.


I'm on the internet regularly and I can't say that I've come across what you've experienced on the Wirral forum anywhere I've seen, so I'm not sure how 'typical' this is. Perhaps this might be tied up with the tradition of a strong active left contingency in that area due to historic deprivation and victimisation?

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