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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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You should see the excuses peddled out by the pro-Corbyn supporters - they've said or claimed:


Angela Eagle broke her own window


Rogue Tories have come into the area and done it


Its all a big smear campaign to put Jeremy in a bad light


Eagle deserved everything she got for going against Corbyn



Despite her romping home in every election since 1992, she's suddenly hated by her constituency - or at least by the Corbyn rabble who are making the most noise.


Let me guess - her constituency party has suffered a bit of Momentum entryism as well?

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Let me guess - her constituency party has suffered a bit of Momentum entryism as well?


According to the interview with her local party leader this morning... who only joined the Labour Party in 2015 via Momentum and is currently running the party in Angela Eagles Constituency and saying Eagle should be deselected.

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According to the interview with her local party leader this morning... who only joined the Labour Party in 2015 via Momentum and is currently running the party in Angela Eagles Constituency and saying Eagle should be deselected.


Sounds like a fine upstanding little Trot they does...


One Party etc. Don't question the leader.

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What I don't understand is that in most jobs you're taken on for a one month or three month trial.


If you can't do the job, you're out.


Corbyn can't do the job, yet he goes on and on and on that he was "chosen by the people", as if that excuses any lack of ability to do the job.

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I don't think anyone can have any doubt that the media in this country are an absolute disgrace.


Why don't you start your own newspaper? You could call it The Luthor van Dross


Your first article could be an expose of Rupert Murdoch. You could lead with these:


Why did one of his papers (The Sun) back Brexit and the other (The Times) back Remain? He himself was delighted by Brexit so it's odd for him to allow one of his papers to have taken an opposite view, no?


Why did the Sun declare 'It's Boris Day!' clearly indicating support for him as next PM despite the fact in the media influence thread you were convinced Murdoch didn't want him as PM? What an odd headline for one of his paper's to run if he hates the guy, no?


You can then tackle the question of why you think he didn't want Gove as PM, as you stated in Post 65 of the media influence thread. Even though The Times favoured him ahead of May and Leadsom. And, straight from the horses mouth, Gove will 'do a fine job of running the country.'


What an odd thing for Murdoch to say if, as you believe, he doesn't want him to become PM. I mean it's not like he likes the guy is it? He didn't invite him to his wedding or anything did he?....oh wait.


And clearly the best thing to do to the guy you want to be next PM is leak an embarrassing email. It wouldn't have happened if he supported Gove, as you claim in the media influence thread, would it? Except he's on record as saying he does.


You can then explain how Murdoch's power was so great he was able to convince The Dail Mail and Telegraph to all out support his favoured candidate Theresa May. A clear demonstration of his omnipotence, no?


Oh well, its not like there are any members of the Conservative party with a vote on the next PM that read the Mail and Telegraph is it?


So Murdoch had to further demonstrate his power and his ownership of the Conservative Party by getting his old mucker to finish.....third. POWER(!!!)


You could try to explain how he put rather silly words in Andrea Leadsom's mouth. Maybe that was the inexperience his newspapers were talking about when they were favouring Gove? Such is his hatred for Leadsom he called up the Sun and got them to tear her to shreds. The Times was kinder. The Daily Mail wasn't!


I'm sure Murdoch is positively turding his chinos over Corbyn. There's literally no other explanation for the behaviour of the entire media!



Edited by Radan
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The party just need to find somebody who shares their values but isn't a complete muppet. Can't be that hard surely.


You'd think so, but they have shown a talent for incompetency and failing to appreciate what they need to do, to win in the real world. Some of them do understand this, but they will be deselected.

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