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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Burnham? I might disagree with his policies but I think he'd be far better than the current lot.



Unless they want a Brexiter to reconnect the party with the voters. Which I don't think they do.


Do you reckon either would want to step in just now? I'm not sure I would..

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As leader of a party don't you think he should have been "out there" more?


Yes I do actually. But maybe he was and it didn't get reported, it wouldn't be the first time, it's a favourite trick with the BBC. I've seen some pretty horrendous, biased reporting where Corbyn is concerned.


I think many people wanted to stay in a reformed EU, but unfortunately that wasn't on offer.

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Yes I do actually. But maybe he was and it didn't get reported, it wouldn't be the first time, it's a favourite trick with the BBC. I've seen some pretty horrendous, biased reporting where Corbyn is concerned.


I think many people wanted to stay in a reformed EU, but unfortunately that wasn't on offer.


Most people have said the beeb was biased to "remain" On the face of it so was Corbyn..you'd have thought the beeb would have shown him out and about to bolster their case..?

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I watched him say it, live on air, on BBC1 breakfast before 07:45 this morning.


I was properly astounded, left open-mouthed, by the flagrancy of his coat turning, as the BBC interviewer was quizzing him about it in view of his 'earlier 7/10' and asking why he'd changed his mind so suddenly.

I'm commenting about the politician the subject of this thread, and I hold any and all politician of any persuasion/rosette colour to the same expectations of standards of integrity. Which are generally pretty low these days, but which, for Corbyn (and paradoxically for me) I initially held higher, at least for a while, since he seemed so principled then



He's certainly no great public speaker. It'll probably be repeated, or on Youtube or something. I shall watch it again with interest.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 16:33 ----------


Most people have said the beeb was biased to "remain" On the face of it so was Corbyn..you'd have thought the beeb would have shown him out and about to bolster their case..?


The BBC move in mysterious ways.....

Edited by Anna B
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So who these days actually represents the 58,500 voters in Gateshead who voted to leave the EU?




---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 16:47 ----------


Burnham? I might disagree with his policies but I think he'd be far better than the current lot.


I'm afraid after he rushed to shame the England supporters and fell for the media spin without knowing any of the facts, he has shown himself to be too foolish to lead the country.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 16:56 ----------


Most people have said the beeb was biased to "remain" On the face of it so was Corbyn..you'd have thought the beeb would have shown him out and about to bolster their case..?


Ms Maitlis was asking why we couldn't have another referendum, and appeared to be livid about the results but was very quick to suggest that Corbyn might get the push as early as today. Mr Dimbleby was floored by the result.


The BBC are a self-serving bunch. They don't want anything that attacks the status quo. They have repeatedly shown that they are frightened to death of Mr Corbyn, like the rest of the media because they were frightened if the boat was rocked, their lifestyles might be affected.

Edited by Lex Luthor
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Yes I do actually. But maybe he was and it didn't get reported, it wouldn't be the first time, it's a favourite trick with the BBC. I've seen some pretty horrendous, biased reporting where Corbyn is concerned.


I think many people wanted to stay in a reformed EU, but unfortunately that wasn't on offer.


I was looking at the betting odds for the 2020 General Election. The Tories are now 11/10 to gain an outright majority. The odds are far longer on Corbyn still being Labour leader at election time than you can get on the Tories winning it.

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Yes Corbyn needs to go and as quickly as possible.


The government needs a strong leader. And we need a strong opposition too.


People underestimate what an important role the opposition should play in the political process.


Following the outstanding result in the referendum, is it time for the labour leader who backed the establishment position, to resign.


Wait a minute, i dont get this, first people say keep Corbyn in power because he is useless and will keep the Tories in at 2020, and then the next minute, its "should Corbyn go" :hihi:

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All the tories on this forum blaming Corbyn for this result is to me rather pathetic.


If half the sitting government including senior figures which you idiots voted for hadn't campaigned this may not have happened.


For the record I am not a particular fan of Corbyn myself.

Edited by flamingjimmy
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