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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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I blame the media.



Objection, your honour: without the basics of a story, there is nothing to say, objectively or biasedly ;)


And you might laugh at Corbyn, but in the "socialists spending other people's money" stakes, you cannot possibly top Hollande :twisted:


I bet Corbyn cuts his own hair :D

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Objection, your honour: without the basics of a story, there is nothing to say, objectively or biasedly ;)


And you might laugh at Corbyn, but in the "socialists spending other people's money" stakes, you cannot possibly top Hollande :twisted:


I bet Corbyn cuts his own hair :D


Can't accuse Corbyn of being a champagne socialist. He doesn't drink much.


He's a half of bitter shandy communist.

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The party just need to find somebody who shares their values but isn't a complete muppet. Can't be that hard surely.


Maybe you have to be a complete muppet to share their values.


Don't forget that this is the party that came up with the longest suicide note in history....

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Maybe you have to be a complete muppet to share their values.


Don't forget that this is the party that came up with the longest suicide note in history....


I know plenty of highly intelligent people who are marxist enough for Momentum.

You can't throw a rock in the University without hitting one.

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Oh no. They are coming for us.


I don't want to wake you from your delusional state but Labour's Militant Tendancy tried all this before. Particularly in Angela Eagle's own constituency, and whilst the policies went down a storm amonst the banner wavers, protest marches, and political placard defacers, they were actually a bit of a turn off for the voting public who would rather go to the football than hurl a brick through someone's window.


But it seems that you are heading back to 1979 and a vision of unionised Utopia. If history repeats itself it should take the best part of 2 decades to get rid of those who have infiltrated your party (probably including you) and actually return to being electable. Or is the plan this time an armed revolution?

But times are different now, never have we seen such inequality, i believe over a million people use food banks to survive, more and more people are forced to sleep on the street, and meanwhile the likes of Cameron and his billionaire buddies are hiding their money in offshore accounts so they pay no tax...this level of greed and inequality wasnt around in 79, the ruling elite have set a new standard.

You fail to grasp the fact, its not any militant tendency that has infiltrated the labour party, and its not a loony left rent a mob taking power back from the elite, its the ordinary man in the street who is on zero hour contracts and has to hope he will get 60 hours at minimum wage to survive, and its the women who have to have several jobs to be able to put food on the table...so dont give us any of that none sense about left wing infiltration, its all hogwash

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But times are different now, never have we seen such inequality, i believe over a million people use food banks to survive, more and more people are forced to sleep on the street, and meanwhile the likes of Cameron and his billionaire buddies are hiding their money in offshore accounts so they pay no tax...this level of greed and inequality wasnt around in 79, the ruling elite have set a new standard.

You fail to grasp the fact, its not any militant tendency that has infiltrated the labour party, and its not a loony left rent a mob taking power back from the elite, its the ordinary man in the street who is on zero hour contracts and has to hope he will get 60 hours at minimum wage to survive, and its the women who have to have several jobs to be able to put food on the table...so dont give us any of that none sense about left wing infiltration, its all hogwash




Because Corbyn and the Momentum being a bunch of lefty Trots is exactly how they look.


You think we have serious inequality now? It's no worse than it was the in 70's and 80's. Look at the standards of living - they have climbed and dramatically so since then. We had foodbanks then as now.

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I couldn't have put it better myself Banjodeano. Good post.:thumbsup:


And Obelix, it was nothing like this in the 80s.


There was plenty of unemployed etc. But the difference between rich and poor was far less, or maybe people were much more unaware of it, and the causes of it before the internet.

Even Thatcher didn't come up with something so iniquitous as the bedroom tax, which has saved no money, caused endless grief, and looks like sheer unmitigated spitefulness.

And as far as I'm aware she didn't attack the disabled and elderly.

Edited by Anna B
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Because Corbyn and the Momentum being a bunch of lefty Trots is exactly how they look.


You think we have serious inequality now? It's no worse than it was the in 70's and 80's. Look at the standards of living - they have climbed and dramatically so since then. We had foodbanks then as now.


Did you read any of my post :huh:

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Did you read any of my post :huh:




I just found it entirely lacking in any form of credibility.


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 16:29 ----------


I couldn't have put it better myself Banjodeano. Good post.


And Obelix, it was nothing like this in the 80s.


There was plenty of unemployed etc. But the difference between rich and poor was far less, or maybe people were much more unaware of it, and the causes of it before the internet.


Ah Anna finally surfaces.


Tell me again, since you haven't answered why on earth you think the IRA loving Hamas supporting tacit anti Semite Corbyn is a man of the people?

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