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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Thatcher, who you voted for, did introduce the Poll Tax though.


Is it really true about inequality? Does the gini coefficient back up that claim for this Parliament? I don't think it does. It's also lower than the OECD average and to my knowledge we don't have a socialist Government! With Corbyn, we never will :)


I voted for thatcher in her first term of office, 1979 I believe. Never again, well you live and learn.... (Incidently, I still rather admire her as a strong woman in a male dominated environment, but her policies were a disaster for the North of England, the reverberations of which are still felt today, and her economic policies lead to the mess we have now. Her economy was built on money for nothing, fraud and the deregulation of the banks. That worked well didn't it?


And, yes it is true about inequality. I was in London the other week for a few days, and it really is another country. Affluence everywhere you look.

But look a bit harder and away from the tourist areas and even there the underbelly is starting to show. Beggers and Homeless people in doorways and on the pavements.

Up North there isn't the same affluence to start with so maybe the contrast isn't so stark, but there is still poverty like hasn't been seen since the 1930's. Just because you and I might be doing alright doesn't mean it isn't there. Open your eyes.

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I'm not saying that Corbyn is the right person for the job but it amazes me that so many in the PLP want a return to the status quo of losing consecutive elections. Angela Eagle hasn't offered anything different to what voters rejected in 2010 and 2015.


We just want a Labour Party in Opposition. Not a Protest Movement.


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 18:35 ----------


I voted for thatcher in her first term of office, 1979 I believe. Never again, well you live and learn.... (Incidently, I still rather admire her as a strong woman in a male dominated environment, but her policies were a disaster for the North of England, the reverberations of which are still felt today, and her economic policies lead to the mess we have now. Her economy was built on money for nothing, fraud and the deregulation of the banks. That worked well didn't it?


And, yes it is true about inequality. I was in London the other week for a few days, and it really is another country. Affluence everywhere you look.

But look a bit harder and away from the tourist areas and even there the underbelly is starting to show. Beggers and Homeless people in doorways and on the pavements.

Up North there isn't the same affluence to start with so maybe the contrast isn't so stark, but there is still poverty like hasn't been seen since the 1930's. Just because you and I might be doing alright doesn't mean it isn't there. Open your eyes.


The gini coefficient has decreased since Cameron took over. It's lower than the OECD average. Open yours.


Then have a read of Road to Wigan Pier; it mentions Sheffield. It was written in 1937. Is that what Sheffield is like now?


Oh my days.....

Edited by Radan
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You haven't managed that for 6 years. Doesn't that suggest you need to do something different?


Not Corbyn different!


N.B Anna failed to address my point about Corbyn's time at the Labour Briefing. Does that count as apologism or denial???

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No, but you have failed to come up with anything other than failure. The only alternative to Corbyn on offer is proven failure. The Labour Party seems unable to think outside of failure. I think you are finished.


I agree.


I'm not a Labour voter by the way.


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 19:03 ----------


Of course they are, have you not noticed how every news item seems to be anti Corbyn.? surely you that cant have passed you buy.?

Ah the old IRA supporting none sense, and anti semite Bull****....who says the drip drip drip from the media into empty minds doesnt work :mad:


Ah yes. I think he supported the IRA because of what I've read in the Labour Briefing, which he wrote for. Do you deny this?

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Of course they are, have you not noticed how every news item seems to be anti Corbyn.? surely you that cant have passed you buy.?

Ah the old IRA supporting none sense, and anti semite Bull****....who says the drip drip drip from the media into empty minds doesnt work :mad:


You think it's nonsense? He didnt sit on the board in 1984? He didnt have meeting with the leader of a proscribed terrorist organisation on repeated occassions? He didnt refer to his freinds in Hamas and Hezbollah? He didnt sit by and watch disgusting antisemitic abuse by a colleague and then joke about it afterwards?


All these are undeniable facts, that you apparently are denying. Why?


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 19:19 ----------


Tory Party = Party of dirty tricks.

You only have to look at the shenanikins over Brexit and the Tory leadership; Boris, Gove, Leavson anybody? And Labour MPs are just sitting ducks.


Oh yes.. not to mention Tories apparently 'joining Labour in droves' just to sabotage the party. The Tories wrote the book on underhand dealings, that's another reason they hate Corbyn.


Sorry Anna but going back to your original point


Why do you think Corbyn is a man of the people. You still havent answered it?

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You think it's nonsense? He didnt sit on the board in 1984? He didnt have meeting with the leader of a proscribed terrorist organisation on repeated occassions?


Isn't that how the Good Friday agreement finally came about, you know, sitting down and talking rather than waging a silly endless war? Do you denounce John Major for engaging with a proscribed terrorist organisation?

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