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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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When the terrorists come to you as the protagonist, wanting peace, and you can make that peace, then yes. If it was war, it would be called surrender.


When the terrorists come to you, as an opponent of the protagonist (the protagonist being the UK Government of the time), just for a chat as they aren't interested in peace, and you can't make any difference to anything.. then it's all a bit pointless isn't it?


Hamas: 'We want to destroy Israel'

Corbyn: 'What about stopping the fighting?'

Hamas: 'Not until Israel is destroyed'

Corbyn: 'Not even a little bit?'

Hamas: 'No'

Corbyn: 'Oh.'

Corbyn: 'Is that cake?'


How do you know if the terrorists came to the government looking for peace, or if the government went to the terrorists looking for peace.?

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How do you know if the terrorists came to the government looking for peace, or if the government went to the terrorists looking for peace.?


It's documented in various places (also in the Guardian etc) that MI5 had intelligence that the IRA wanted peace talks. Beyond that, there is no proof, I guess MI5 intelligence regarding the IRA isn't in the public domain..


.. which just means you'll denounce it as another conspiracy theory right?

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It's documented in various places (also in the Guardian etc) that MI5 had intelligence that the IRA wanted peace talks. Beyond that, there is no proof, I guess MI5 intelligence regarding the IRA isn't in the public domain..


.. which just means you'll denounce it as another conspiracy theory right?


documented....by whom the British...?

so there is no evidence who was seeking a deal then, perhaps it may have been the UK government looking for peace, we dont know do we....but when Corbyn looks for peace, he is a terrorist sympathiser.?

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documented....by whom the British...?

so there is no evidence who was seeking a deal then, perhaps it may have been the UK government looking for peace, we dont know do we....but when Corbyn looks for peace, he is a terrorist sympathiser.?


Yes. He wanted the IRA to win. He supported the paramilitary route in the Troubles, not the democratic SDLP.


He refused to back the Anglo-Irish Agreement.

He attended Troops Out rallies.

He was on the board of a magazine that supported the bombing campaign.


He didn't want peace through democracy, he wanted the IRA to succeed in uniting Ireland. They failed, badly.

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We just want a Labour Party in Opposition. Not a Protest Movement.


---------- Post added 13-07-2016 at 18:35 ----------



The gini coefficient has decreased since Cameron took over. It's lower than the OECD average. Open yours.


Then have a read of Road to Wigan Pier; it mentions Sheffield. It was written in 1937. Is that what Sheffield is like now?


Oh my days.....

First of all, I've heard all this gini coefficient stuff before on another thread, and it's just more statistics which we both know can be manipulated, it depends how you read them, what do you compare them with etc, etc...

I work with disadvantaged people. I know them and talk to them. The things you hear would make your heart break. Their life is going down the pan and help is being withdrawn or denied due to cut after cut. This is what it's like at ground zero, not some statistic.


Sheffield has moved onwards and upwards since 1937, in no small part thanks to the Labour Party. I thought we would continue to move in that direction forever, however we are now going backwards, and failing to deal with the problems that are coming just around the corner. At the moment it is mainly affecting those at the bottom, but mark my words, it is working its way up the social scale. Unless something is done now, more and more people will be engulfed in poverty and we will find ourselves back in 1937.

Edited by Anna B
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documented....by whom the British...?

so there is no evidence who was seeking a deal then, perhaps it may have been the UK government looking for peace, we dont know do we....but when Corbyn looks for peace, he is a terrorist sympathiser.?


Brilliant. It's all a conspiracy. :loopy:


Let's turn that on it's head then; how do you know Corbyn spoke about peace when he met with Hamas in Lebanon and didn't just go to moan about Israel and Jewish people? Where's the proof? For all we know he went there and proposed a method of gaining more support for the Palestinians from the Labour party by making anti-semitism acceptable within its ranks.

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Corbyn he met with Hamas in Lebanon


I never thought Corbyn was as clever as that. Hamas and Hizbullah hate each other's guts. It's Sunni and Shia. Hamas might have an office in war-torn Damascus, but they won't have one in Beirut.

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Isn't that how the Good Friday agreement finally came about, you know, sitting down and talking rather than waging a silly endless war? Do you denounce John Major for engaging with a proscribed terrorist organisation?


John Major was the Prime Minister and had authority to negotiate with them.


Corbyn was some backbench nonentity who chummied up with the IRA's bagman weeks after they tried to assassinate the Cabinet and congratulated them on their success.


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 01:21 ----------


Of course he had meetings with them..!!

It was to try and work out a solution,


Cobblers. He was in no position to work out a solution and his solution is a united Ireland. He was quite happy for them to carry on.


why do you think he had meetings with them.? so he could go on a bombing mission with them? Did the Tory government have discussions with the IRA,?


In 1984? After they were nearly assassinated by the IRA? Dont make me laugh.


And you know exactly why he refereed to terrorists as friends, its all been taken out of context, he was welcoming everyone round the table as friends, to set the mood for a solution, do you not understand that?


Again - who was he at the time?


Oh yes, a commie Trot who liked to finger his nose at the rest of the world to get a reaction.


and whilst we are taking things out of context, Corbyn said it was a tragedy Bin Laden was killed, but Cameron also said it was a tragedy Bin Laden was killed as well...

isnt it strange uh.?....as for that anti semitic none sense...as i said, she was a plant, it was all a set up, Smeeth couldnt wait to get up and look all upset...


You seriously think it was? So why was he happy and chummy with the odious little jerk afterwards then? Why didn't he denouce the views being said on behalf of the party he leads?


are you seriously suggesting that Corbyn a man who has dedicated his life to peace is Anti semetic?


You might think that I couldnt possibly comment..


---------- Post added 14-07-2016 at 01:23 ----------


First of all, I've heard all this gini coefficient stuff before on another thread, and it's just more statistics which we both know can be manipulated, it depends how you read them, what do you compare them with etc, etc...



Oh Anna. Statistics that only are to be used when convenient to you hey?


I'll wager all the tea in China if the Gini coefficient said what you wanted to hear you'd be ramming it down everyones throats all the time.


But I tell you what. If you are going to ignore them when convenient Anna - dont be surprised when everyone does the same right back at you.

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