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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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do you not think that ukip would just mop up


---------- Post added 15-07-2016 at 02:25 ----------



Which is about the same as Ukip, it a time of change, long coming, Labour has lost touch with its core voters, i was one. Its about time politicians listened to the people that elected them. It seems to me that once elected they go their own way, rather than then what their constituents want.


Has anyone actually challenged their MP what they are doing. I dont me going to a surgery with a problem, i mean reading what they are doing in parliament, voting on or supporting.


I do and get bland replies, from her office staff. If more people did this i think we would get real representation.


I doubt that UKIP would mop up, but they could certainly prosper. I think many people don't realise that UKIP got almost 4 million votes at the 2015 election, compared to 9 million that voted Labour. This is because they only ended up with one MP. But an extra million or so votes would turn a lot of 2nd places into wins if those votes were taken from the winning Labour candidates.

It might only be a dozen seats, but if Labour lost a dozen or so in similar circumstances to the Libdems the face of British politics would take a major shift.

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Ah...so its okay for the government to negotiate with terrorists, but if its Corbyn...........then it isnt :huh:


You only need to ask yourself two questions to know if Jeremy Corbyn is a casual terrorist sympathiser or a hapless peace negotiator.

1. Did Jeremy Corbyn meet with Israel as well as Hamas and Hezbollah?

2. Did Jeremy Corbyn say that the Israeli government were friends too?


Jukes x

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You only need to ask yourself two questions to know if Jeremy Corbyn is a casual terrorist sympathiser or a hapless peace negotiator.

1. Did Jeremy Corbyn meet with Israel as well as Hamas and Hezbollah?

2. Did Jeremy Corbyn say that the Israeli government were friends too?


Jukes x


Corbyn cant even bring himself to say the word Israel at times - and has a decided slant to the Paelestian side of matters.....

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Corbyn cant even bring himself to say the word Israel at times - and has a decided slant to the Paelestian side of matters.....


If he cannot pass my simple equivalence test it implies that he is a terrorist sympathiser rather than a hapless peace negotiator. That kind of person has no place at the head of a major western political party.

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That seems very likely.

He's going to have to purge the moderate from the PLP. It's him or them and he intends it to be him.

He's destroying the party.

The party's traditional base is already looking elsewhere.

You can't win an election just on the votes of public sector union members.


Bit late, but completely agree. Milliband has the chance to make Labour more creduble, but failed.

Corbyn is in the process of literally destroying the party and making it a group of leftists sycophants rather than a credible opposition that can win power. Amazing they cant see this.

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Someone on Twitter today was making a big deal about yesterday's council by-election results. Apparently holding onto a seat in Bradford and increasing share by 8.9% is a big deal, but losing share in the other seats they held and even losing to the Conservatives in Selby isn't worth mentioning.

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We're all fed by the media Deano, even you. However, watching Corbyn vs. the Labour party is like watching a football match when I don't support either team - I've no vested interest in the outcome so I've no bias to either side which allows me greater objectivity. You sound like Corbyn's number 1 fan, so you are holding your scarf in the stands and ready to riot when your team loses which explains your totally blinkered viewpoint.


Attack the post not the poster :thumbsup:

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I doubt that UKIP would mop up, but they could certainly prosper.


UKIP are now in an ideal position to recruit any disgruntled Labour supporters or MPs.


Farage has gone, as have many of their nutcases who "aren't racist but like to say racist things or black up". They're pro-Brexit, which fits in well with many Labour supporters.


Labour could go in any virtually take over UKIP, take it on as a "going concern" and mould it into a Corbyn-free image.

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