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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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You don't half know how to back losers. My advice is to avoid betting shops.

You should be advising the opposite. The bookies have to get the money they pay out to you from somewhere. ;)

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why is Galloway a traitor and to whom?


parliament misses Galloway even though he has for most people fairly repulsive views. He's a good orator. The tea room would empty just before Galloway got up to speak. Galloway has talent like that.


but Corbyn's not like that. Corbyn has no talent. Nobody in parliament will miss how he speaks when he's gone.

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You only need to ask yourself two questions to know if Jeremy Corbyn is a casual terrorist sympathiser or a hapless peace negotiator.

1. Did Jeremy Corbyn meet with Israel as well as Hamas and Hezbollah?

2. Did Jeremy Corbyn say that the Israeli government were friends too?


Jukes x


Be nice to have statement, rather than in ferments by questions

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parliament misses Galloway even though he has for most people fairly repulsive views. He's a good orator. The tea room would empty just before Galloway got up to speak. Galloway has talent like that.


but Corbyn's not like that. Corbyn has no talent. Nobody in parliament will miss how he speaks when he's gone.


I think the damage has been done. The party coming apart at the seams.


I had a chuckle at the latest opinon poll from IM which had the Tories 10 points ahead.




Just in case anyone thinks that is 10% should realise that 39% to 29% is a 34% lead. For every 100 folks intending to vote Labour there are 134 intending to vote Tory. This after the government have come through the referendum and are in the "mid term blues".


However the most striking thing is that if Smith or Eagle took over the deficit would be far worse, which suggests Labour voters are getting down to their core vote and nothing much will attract mainstream voters into their camp. What a shame.


"ICM have a new poll in the Sun on Sunday with topline figures of CON 39%(+1), LAB 29%(-1), LDEM 9%(+1), UKIP 14%(-1), GRN 4%(nc). This is the first poll conducted since Theresa May became Prime Minister, so may be expected to show a typical “new leader” bounce in government support (when Brown took over in 2007 and Major took over in 1990 the governing party went from being behind to having double-digit leads). The Tory lead is up a little, but not outside the normal margin of error, that said ICM’s previous poll already had an eight point Tory lead, so they were already at a high base.


ICM also did some hypothetical voting intention questions asking about varous leader match-ups. A control question, asking how people would vote if Theresa May and Jeremy Corbyn were still leader at the general election has voting intention figures of CON 43%, LAB 28%, suggesting either a significant positive effect from mentioning May or a negative effect from mentioning Corbyn.


Asking how people would vote if Owen Smith or Angela Eagle were Labour leader does not offer any improvement. With Eagle the figures would be CON 43%, LAB 26%. With Smith the figures would be CON 42%, LAB 27%. I should add a heavy caveat here – hypothetical polls like this are popular in advance of leadership elections, but how useful they are is a different question. Respondents don’t necessarily know what the alternative candidates stand for, what they will do or announce, how they may or may not change the party. I add those caveats when the alternative leaders are well known to the public, like Gordon Brown, Boris Johnson and so on. In the case of someone who is as unknown to the general public as Owen Smith, I expect most don’t know who he is or what he even looks like. Nevertheless, the figures will be influential in the debate – rightly or wrongly Corbyn’s supporters within the Labour party will now be able to say there is no polling evidence that his rivals would do any better."

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