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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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"Is it time for Corbyn to resign."


Absolutely, He is neither popular nor liked (even by his own party).


Labour need to find a "Statesman" and very very quickly.


i think you will find that it is just a few Bitterites who will not even give him a chance

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All the tories on this forum blaming Corbyn for this result is to me rather pathetic.


If half the sitting government which you idiots voted for hadn't campaigned so well this probably wouldn't've happened.


Someone campaigned well??? I must have missed that. It was just remain were so **** poor that we won.

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Someone campaigned well??? I must have missed that. It was just remain were so **** poor that we won.


Ain't that the truth. The way both campaigns have been run has been appalling. At time we need faith in our politicians I suspect it's never been lower.

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Do you reckon either would want to step in just now? I'm not sure I would..


Chuka threw in the towel last time round though. Someone has something on him imho.


Andy B lost to Jeremy already.


Could be a another back bencher steps up, like Jeremy did last time. No big name MP has covered himself in glory this campaign.

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All the tories on this forum blaming Corbyn for this result is to me rather pathetic.


If half the sitting government including senior figures which you idiots voted for hadn't campaigned this may not have happened.


For the record I am not a particular fan of Corbyn myself.


Quoted for truth.

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Corbyn was honest from the outset that he had issues supporting the EU; effectively seeing it as only just a "less worse option" than leaving


I don't subscribe to Corbyn's views and politics on everything - quite possibly not much at all when it comes down to it but I find it odd that one of the few who haven't been spouting fearmongering rhetoric all over the place - something that got farcical in a supposed civilised democracy and indirectly leading to a horrible murder, is the one who is being condemned.


I think he's been remarkably dignified amongst a screaming horde

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Unless they want a Brexiter to reconnect the party with the voters. Which I don't think they do.


We agree, he would be the obvious choice. Distant enough in the Brexit debate, close enough to be a medium between Corbynites and Blairites.


Of course the best option would be for the country to vote for PR so the Labour voters could choose whoever they want.

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On a rational, sensible level, Corbyn has responded to the referendum debate and result with measured and realistic statements and questions. Not unlike Theresa May, weirdly enough.


But honestly, he's not a born leader is he?


But if there's a leadership contest, it's likely he'll stand, be seconded, and win again. Which will leave the rest of the MPs looking a bit stupid IMO.

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Chuka threw in the towel last time round though. Someone has something on him imho.


Andy B lost to Jeremy already.


Could be a another back bencher steps up, like Jeremy did last time. No big name MP has covered himself in glory this campaign.


And Dennis Skinner did support Brexit.

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