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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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No it's not, they have blocked a lot of his votes by implementing the new six month cut off rule, this was voted on with not all the voting members there or even aware of the vote, they have also banned any more council meetings before the vote.. They don't want a motion of no confidence carried against eagle... So no it's not an eaqual contest...

Let me get this straight... Your not happy because Corbyn is playing by the rules,? Lol


How do you know all the new members would vote for JC? I'm not really bothered about who does what..it's a shame he doesn't accept it when other people follow the rules (tax havens etc etc)

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As for Trident, the cost is horrendous especially for something that will never be used, and that money could be used for so many good things. However I do appreciate its deterrent value. Jeremy is against it personally, but has agreed to a free vote, and will abide by the wishes of the party. What's wrong with that?


Actually Jeremy is for building a replacement for Trident but not putting any nuclear deterent on it.

All the cost but no use to man nor beast. But as he announced this cracpot policy to the world our enemies would know it had no deterent value and they would also know we had a total idiot as Prime Minister. Thank god it will never happen.



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How do you know all the new members would vote for JC? I'm not really bothered about who does what..it's a shame he doesn't accept it when other people follow the rules (tax havens etc etc)


I don't know if the new members would vote for JC ... But it looks like the party are pretty sure, that's why they are blocking them.... So, why are you unhappy with Corbyn playing by the rules,? Isn't that what MPs should do,?

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Yes they would. Why do you assume they will never happen? They will certainly never happen without Jeremy Corbyn pushing for them, which is why an awful lot of ordinary society want him to stay.


The welfare state was just as radical and it happened thanks to Labour. That was just as difficult to get that through. but they persevered and fought tooth and nail for it until it happened. And we had much less money then and were up to our eyes in debt after the war.


As for Trident, the cost is horrendous especially for something that will never be used, and that money could be used for so many good things. However I do appreciate its deterrent value. Jeremy is against it personally, but has agreed to a free vote, and will abide by the wishes of the party. What's wrong with that?


your post doesn't make any sense. its contradictory.


trident is being used every day as a deterrent so how can you appreciate it and say it's a waste in the same breath?

Edited by DanBUK
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I don't know if the new members would vote for JC ... But it looks like the party are pretty sure, that's why they are blocking them.... So, why are you unhappy with Corbyn playing by the rules,? Isn't that what MPs should do,?


Not unhappy at all ..I don't mind one bit...what about JC not liking others playing by the rules as I said above..

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I don't know if the new members would vote for JC ... But it looks like the party are pretty sure, that's why they are blocking them.... So, why are you unhappy with Corbyn playing by the rules,? Isn't that what MPs should do,?


part of the reason is that the last election brought in all sorts of riff raff who did not have the best interests of the labour party to heart

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part of the reason is that the last election brought in all sorts of riff raff who did not have the best interests of the labour party to heart


I would disagree with that.. It brought socialists back into the party that felt like they had been excluded... Now they had a candidate that could bring back socialist values..

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I would disagree with that.. It brought socialists back into the party that felt like they had been excluded... Now they had a candidate that could bring back socialist values..


could. won't. will never get elected to government you see.

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