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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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What a load of ...... Labour has given up on the working class, lost it years ago, the 'working class' don't support Corbyn, he is a wet flannel who appeals to 'some' of the middle class socialist types. The unions of yesteryear are not indicative of the unions of today either, the 'working class' were the unions then, now it's the middle class socialists ..... school teachers etc .... get a grip !


I get your attack on Labour, giving up on the working class etc.

This was demonstrated during the 80's purge when Militant were expelled.


But with Corbyn at the helm, as democratically elected leader of this far from perfect party; one would hope that the panicking factions within this party ( who undemocratically insisted on his resignation)

may themselves be expelled, and that Corbyn can once again bring unity among Labour, bringing the likes of Militant, Momentum and other socialist thinking people back into the fold a workers' party once again.


You make a point that the unions are not what they once were (thanks to Maggie, and later Blair's refusal to get overturn her anti union laws.)

But we are where we are, and must not lose sight of our responsibility to the workers, which does include teachers..

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But with Corbyn at the helm, as democratically elected leader of this far from perfect party; one would hope that the panicking factions within this party ( who undemocratically insisted on his resignation) may themselves be expelled, and that Corbyn can once again bring unity among Labour, bringing the likes of Militant, Momentum and other socialist thinking people back into the fold a workers' party once again.


I expect the New Labour career politicians will leave the Labour party so they can join the Tories. Or they can even join UKIP, which is fast becoming a broad-based semi-retirement home for failed politicians.


What will be trickier is uniting these Far-Left elements together under a single banner. I fear each Far-Left group will try to out-Far-Left the other Far-Lefty groups and bring the whole thing crashing down.


Far-Lefties don't like other Far-Lefties and refuse to work with them, and that's always been their downfall.


Right-whingers are prepared to put their differences aside to crush the opposition when it's in their interests to do so, but Far-Lefties will never do that. Far-Lefties don't believe in compromise and so refuse to work with each other.


That's why the country, the economy and society is in such a mess today.

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Already done n dusterd mate :thumbsup:


hehe! Democracy is great when you can buy it and keep Corbyn in. :hihi:


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 02:16 ----------


I expect the New Labour career politicians will leave the Labour party so they can join the Tories. Or they can even join UKIP, which is fast becoming a broad-based semi-retirement home for failed politicians.


What will be trickier is uniting these Far-Left elements together under a single banner. I fear each Far-Left group will try to out-Far-Left the other Far-Lefty groups and bring the whole thing crashing down.


Far-Lefties don't like other Far-Lefties and refuse to work with them, and that's always been their downfall.


Right-whingers are prepared to put their differences aside to crush the opposition when it's in their interests to do so, but Far-Lefties will never do that. Far-Lefties don't believe in compromise and so refuse to work with each other.


That's why the country, the economy and society is in such a mess today.


Maybe people might just vote for common sense eh? It ain't Labour.

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I expect the New Labour career politicians will leave the Labour party so they can join the Tories. Or they can even join UKIP, which is fast becoming a broad-based semi-retirement home for failed politicians.


What will be trickier is uniting these Far-Left elements together under a single banner. I fear each Far-Left group will try to out-Far-Left the other Far-Lefty groups and bring the whole thing crashing down.


Far-Lefties don't like other Far-Lefties and refuse to work with them, and that's always been their downfall.


Right-whingers are prepared to put their differences aside to crush the opposition when it's in their interests to do so, but Far-Lefties will never do that. Far-Lefties don't believe in compromise and so refuse to work with each other.


That's why the country, the economy and society is in such a mess today.


I wanted to question Our Nige' and BoJo about the £350million a week they promised our NHS, but the pair of cowards quit the political arena




Why would they need to join another party, particularly as UKIP only has one MP? It appears to be 3/4 of the Labour MPs who are out of step with Corbyn. They could, and probably will, form a breakaway party. Here's the rub..if there are more of them than remain in Corbyn's Labour they would become the official opposition. Indeed if the numbers who voted no confidence in Corbyn all left Labour wouldn't even be the 3rd party. That would be the SNP.


By the way. Just looking at your signature. I thought Boris was the Foreign Secretary. His fist time in a ministerial office. So he hasn't quit the political arena at all.

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Why would they need to join another party, particularly as UKIP only has one MP? It appears to be 3/4 of the Labour MPs who are out of step with Corbyn. They could, and probably will, form a breakaway party. Here's the rub..if there are more of them than remain in Corbyn's Labour they would become the official opposition. Indeed if the numbers who voted no confidence in Corbyn all left Labour wouldn't even be the 3rd party. That would be the SNP.


By the way. Just looking at your signature. I thought Boris was the Foreign Secretary. His fist time in a ministerial office. So he hasn't quit the political arena at all.

They are not actually out of step with Corbyn, they are out of step with the party members, the party members have spoken and they dont want to listen, Eagles own constituency were planning a motion of no confidence, and what did the NEC decide.? to ban all meeting until after the election...thus securing the voice of the party members is not heard ...if Eagle and the rest of the traitors think they have the backing of their local members, then put their money where their mouth is, resign and stand for reselection :thumbsup::thumbsup: that way they will see how popular and in touch they are with their local members...:thumbsup::thumbsup:

By the way, you are spot on with your views on where the party is going

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People are joining the Labour party in droves to back Corbyn. The Labour Party membership has never been so high. He has galvanised an interest in politics that was dormant, and is already influencing other parties to alter their stance and include some of his ideas because they so fear him.


What's wrong with the Labour MPs? Don't they realise what they've got? He is not 'unelectable.' Far from it. They should welcome him with open arms and back him to the hilt.

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