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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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Her entire speech was nicked from Corbyn. They are all his ideas. The Tories don't give a flying **** about the poor, as you can see from the policies they've put in place like the bedroom tax. The cuts affect the poorest in society, buy Cameron can still afford to give his rich cronies 'a little extra' on top of a handsome settlement from our taxes amounting to £millions.


And when you start taking money from the disabled you really have sunk to the bottom of the swamp.


She'll be quoting Francis of Assisi next....


I think you're confusing Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May with Michelle Obama and Donal Trump's wife.

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she nicked the speech from him? prove it.


she spoke about increasing social fairness. did Corbyn invent that idea? no politician or thinker has wanted to do that before or since Corbyn?


utter rhubarb.


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 16:06 ----------



after they have stopped laughing.


She can speak about whatever she wants, but when your actions do exactly the opposite, that makes you either a liar, a hypocrite, or both.


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 16:28 ----------


How do you know she didn't mean a word of it? Where is your proof?



Today's PMQ's questions. Corbyn questioned her on her speach. All she could do was try and score cheap points.


Just another Cameron.

Edited by Anna B
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She can speak about whatever she wants, but when your actions do exactly the opposite, that makes you either a liar, a hypocrite, or both.


are you retracting the statement that she nicked her speech from Corbyn? are you admitting Corbyn isn't and never has been the sole voice of social justice and equality? that other people see those things as good, not just him and he didn't invent it or trademark it?


she's been in the job a week. give her a chance.

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I had to laugh at this. 10 months ago the Tories were asking their supporters to pay £3 to vote for Corbyn as he would destroy the Labour Party. Now the price has gone up to £25 they don't need to, because they've got the turkeys queuing up to vote for Christmas. :clap::clap::clap:

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Attack the post not the poster..


Is that your common cant when the argument goes wrong? Pointing out a flaw in the argument which stems from a deficieny of the debator is not an ad hominem attack.


If I said you couldn't be trusted to run a charity because you were a raging Trot/Tory/whatever that would be ad hominem.


Pointing out someone appears to be ignoring evidence that is directly contrary to their argument is not ad hominem.

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Attack the post not the poster..


to attack the post requires me to prove negatives. therefore it is legitimate to attack the poster as delusional.


mind your own business by the way.


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 17:04 ----------


Is that your common cant when the argument goes wrong? Pointing out a flaw in the argument which stems from a deficieny of the debator is not an ad hominem attack.


If I said you couldn't be trusted to run a charity because you were a raging Trot/Tory/whatever that would be ad hominem.


Pointing out someone appears to be ignoring evidence that is directly contrary to their argument is not ad hominem.


thanks. you phrase my defence better :)

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to attack the post requires me to prove negatives. therefore it is legitimate to attack the poster as delusional.


mind your own business by the way.


---------- Post added 20-07-2016 at 17:04 ----------



thanks. you phrase my defence better :)


You can always tell when the argument is lost when people make it personel...calling someone deluded is a poor answer... I'm making it my business my friend..

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You can always tell when the argument is lost when people make it personel...calling someone deluded is a poor answer... I'm making it my business my friend..


please see above posts. if you get upset at the word delusional you might be too delicate a flower for grown up debate.


try Pokemon Go. after you have seen Obelix agree with me and learnt the difference between personal and personnel and admitted your mum evaded my question. 3 times.

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