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Is it time for Corbyn to resign.

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But honestly, he's not a born leader is he?



No, and unlike Cameron and others he wasn't 'reared' to be one either.


I think that could be a good thing. I think we're all sick of all the 'showboating' and charismatic smarmy types who would sell their own grandmother or switch teams for a sniff of power and we're sick of the media and the financial hard hitters picking our leaders for us.

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Wait a minute, i dont get this, first people say keep Corbyn in power because he is useless and will keep the Tories in at 2020, and then the next minute, its "should Corbyn go" :hihi:


Let's face it, the Tories have lost all face, and the media are throwing the dummy out because they didn't get the vote their way, due to traditional Labour voters, so they immediately have to give Labour a kicking.


They are frightened to death of Corbyn. I'm so glad he hasn't let the bullies win. He is showing that he IS made of pretty strong stuff actually. He might be a leader after all.


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 15:25 ----------


I thought ed milliband was bad but my word this wet blanket corbyn is even worse


Yes, the bullies won in the end with Milliband.

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I thought ed milliband was bad but my word this wet blanket corbyn is even worse


Spot on the money....


Milliband came across as a snivveling child & Corbyn comes across as someone who wanted to be a hippy but wasn't quite brave enough to go the whole hog

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And according to the BBC website corbyn has just sacked Hilary Benn.


Is it me or is British politics losing its ****?


Hilarious. Both main parties are in a complete mess and the LDs smashed themseleves up by joining the coallition and reneging on promises.


I cant really see how the government cna eb run by anyone except the Brexiters.


The only party that is effective at the moment is the SNP.

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Guest sibon
And according to the BBC website corbyn has just sacked Hilary Benn.


Is it me or is British politics losing its ****?


"A Labour source told the BBC that Mr Corbyn had lost confidence in Mr Benn"


He still trusts Bagpuss apparently.

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