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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Congratulations for all the Leave voters. Let's hope you get what you want.


Because what I didn't want is already happening. The pound crashes to its lowest point since Thatcher, the Nikkei lost 7% in a few hours, the Future options on the European markets point to at least a similar loss just on opening this morning. Who knows where it will end.


So let's keep track of the consequences in this thread.

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The real consequences will be slow but when they come, they will be ferocious.


Major political crises always burn slow.


Hence why I think the Leave campaign has not thought this out and bought the rhetoric of Farage & Boris et al

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Congratulations for all the Leave voters. Let's hope you get what you want.


Because what I didn't want is already happening. The pound crashes to its lowest point since Thatcher, the Nikkei lost 7% in a few hours, the Future options on the European markets point to at least a similar loss just on opening this morning. Who knows where it will end.


So let's keep track of the consequences in this thread.


I agree. Be careful what you wish for folks.......


What was that 'they' were saying about scaremongering? :suspect:

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Is it possible that immigration in fact will see a rise as many take this opportunity to come to UK before the door closes...oh dear.


Laws of unintended consequences and all that.


How long before the French rescind border agreements and just let the migrants walk onto the ferries to claim asylum in Dover?

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Laws of unintended consequences and all that.


How long before the French rescind border agreements and just let the migrants walk onto the ferries to claim asylum in Dover?


Till they want the routes shut down. 14 years for knowingly facilitating illegal immigration, how many ferry skippers will be up for that?

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UK's AAA credit rating to be downgraded...recession on the books. Oh the joy!


Wow, that is actually true.


S&P have already announced we will be losing our AAA rating. It's not even 8am.


The Bank of England are implementing emergency measures to keep the banks stable and banks are implementing plans to keep cash machines operating.


---------- Post added 24-06-2016 at 07:39 ----------


Till they want the routes shut down. 14 years for knowingly facilitating illegal immigration, how many ferry skippers will be up for that?


Coming here to claim asylum isn't illegal immigration. It's claiming asylum.


There won't be border control at the French side if they end the agreement. The border will be here in the UK.

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