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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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And ?


We have had the referendum result, the British public voted to leave the Farce in Brussels.


End of story


I agree as it happens.


Because I commented on the petition that doesn't mean I think it's a good idea.


Not entirely sure what they think will happen.

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It just has a whiff of people who cannot accept that they haven't got their own way.


Protest is fine. Not accepting a fair and democratic vote is otherwise.


Of course I want to silence dissatisfaction - that's why I'm debating with you and others on here.:rolleyes:


As for do I think it will work? Even the BBC have stated it has zero chance and they wanted us to remain more than anyone.


It's not beyond the realms of possibility that we won't Brexit. Your democratically elected MPs have the power to ignore the non-legally binding referendum if they feel it's for the good of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


What a few kids do with an online petition is immaterial.

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Not really as it only translated to 1 MP. Down from 2.


4 million voters, twice as many as the new petition.


SNP got 50 MP's with 1.5 million votes. Got them nowhere on Thursday.


There was obviously plenty of appetite for a vote, from all parties and both sides of the argument, as the 33m who turned out on Thursday shows.

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There's a good article in todays Telegraph about the position the EU finds itself in after Thursday's vote:




The comments of the head of the German trade federation paint a different picture to the doom and gloom that 'Project Fear' from Remain constantly spouted:


Jean-Claude Juncker, president of the European Commission, has said that Britain would be treated like a “deserter”. Wolfgang Schaeuble, the German finance minister, has said that “out is out” – implying that Brexit Britain would granted no favours.


It’s an understandable emotional reaction. But it’s not a logical reaction. If the EU does want to enter a vengeful trade war, it would come off second best because Brits buy £10 of goods from Europe for every £6 we sell.


As the head of the German trade federation said on Wednesday, it would be “very foolish” to slap on tariffs: why make BWMs and Citroens 10 per cent more expensive for Brits to buy? It would be a political punishment, but cost European jobs.


It's worth remembering that Junker is presiding over the first occasion where a member of the EU has decided to leave. His legacy will be one of incompetence. No wonder he's upset. He's embarrassed

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not especially, at the time he annouced this process it was becoming clear that ukip was taking more labour voters than conservative ones




We might have seen UKIP gain more MPs in 2020 if the Tories didn't call the referendum. Still not enough to demand a referendum themselves though.

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I dont believe it has to be ratified.


Cameron has to meet the EU and implement article 50. One that is done negotiations take place and even if they are not in agreement we will automatically be out in 2 years. It could get extended by the EU but would need a majority vote of >65% I think to do that.


Yes, but there's nothing to force him to implement article 50 to any particular time scale. (Edited) Nothing (formal) will happen until we press the button.


---------- Post added 25-06-2016 at 21:07 ----------


What a bunch of lily livered whiners there are on here. All making assumptions and predictions that not even politicians and those in the know can predict.

What a bunch of barrack room lawyers.

I was at work today and none of my colleagues mentioned leaving the EU neither did any of the large numbers of members of public I had interaction with.

It must only be you lot that cannot get on with life.

By the way off on tour of the warmer parts of Europe next month.


It's a discussion forum, with a thread about the knock on effect of the referendum vote. What do you expect it to discuss?

Edited by Eater Sundae
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Yes... I cringed at seeing Sheffield. The same people who've voted out will be on the streets rioting when it all goes tits. Of course they blame everyone else.


Of course they will go bonkers.


They have been told there will be extra money for the NHS. Leading Brexiters want to dismantle the NHS. That £50m a day has probably been spent dozens of times over.


They have been told we will be able to control our borders. The translation for that is we will keep things the same but at least it will have been our own decision to do so. That esoteric argument isn't going to wash when it comes to the crunch.


They voted against austerity. They are going to get it in spades.


The over-riding theme is that disadvantaged and post-industrial areas have voted for massive change that Brexiters would never ever have dreamed they would be asked to deliver.

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Anybody see this evening's R T (television ) ? The network presenters are rubbing their hands in glee at the prospect of the disintegration of the EU.

Max Kieser ,described the result of Brexit as a "populist uprising ".

Edited by petemcewan
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It's not beyond the realms of possibility that we won't Brexit. Your democratically elected MPs have the power to ignore the non-legally binding referendum if they feel it's for the good of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.


What a few kids do with an online petition is immaterial.


Remember that Johnson is on record as favouring a second referendum.


Remember too that the entities that fund the Tory party do not want us to Brexit.


Basically I think the calls for Ukip to disband are a bit premature. There is still a fight to be had.

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