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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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By giving them exactly what they voted for which will mean:




Disintegration of the UK







On Thursday, I went to bed as part of the EU, part of the UK and part of a country which held significant sway on the world stage. On Friday morning, I woke part of a disintegrating country which will end up being little more than a bit player on the world stage.


Well done Boris, Nigel, David, George and Jeremy.


The guiding hands behind the final nail in the coffin of the United Kingdom.


And you'd wish that on those who didn't vote for brexit?

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I apologise for the taxi thing/post yesterday, I had you confused with another poster.

I don't intend to get even with "all those who voted for brexit", I don't do windmill-charging ;)


But variously, halting recruitment processes, transfer of tax residency (business and personal), partial transfer of activity with local redundancies (regrettably), halting investment rounds., and then building the business on the Continent with getting the UK workload (they'll have no choice but to go to the EU in my line of work, that goes hand in hand with the 30% business loss I mentioned , as it's being lost because it's work that can't be done outside the EU).


Oh yeah, and rubbing Leavers' noses in the bad news on here. Daily if I can find the time :D




Good for you Loob, but you're wasting your time you can't educate pork, that said if it makes you feel better, go for it BIG style, personally I'm going to apply for French citizenship

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It's not going to be pretty but I don't think it will be that bad!


We are the 5th biggest trading nation in the world- so UK is not going to go bust.


No doubt there is massive uncertainty but common sense tells you that the most important thing will be the economic stability- there are enough power heads in these shores to assure this happens.


I don't think the UK as a whole will suffer but some places, places that get lots eu cash currently are going to get battered sadly.

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Yes. You are saying it a lot more forcefully than I want to, and I don't see all the Leave voters as enemies at all, but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that you talk about - I have never felt unwelcome here, ever, I dismissed the racist nonsense as being racist nonsense.


Right up until a few months ago when more and more talk started occurring about immigrants being the reason the UK should leave the EU, sane people, people I've known for years all of a sudden came out with statements like 'there are too many', 'Britain is full', combined with - the EU has never done anything for us. It became personal then. It is subjective, it is a feeling, but it did. And you and I are not alone, there are a lot of people I know, highly trained, highly paid, often highly recruited form abroad - EU citizens, being told right to their face they were a burden and did nothing for the UK.



You should be more circumspect at choosing friends

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You do have my sympathies, for the past 3yrs I've worked with 2 polish guys...great sense of humour. In the past 3mths they've both been quiet. It's obviously affecting them just like it's affecting you.

Is there any wonder?

The fallout will be awful, but let's just hope something sincere and honest comes out of it.
It won't be soon enough, politics and people are now far too polarised, and only getting more so.


The next few years of hardship are absolutely not going to help matters in that respect, of that I am convinced.


You just wait and see how ugly it goes as tabloids whip people up some more about those bloody Krauts and Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys, on the back of any negotiation positions or requests denied to the UK by the Merkel-Hollande tandem.

Take care and be strong!
Thank you for your sentiment. Edited by L00b
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Yes. You are saying it a lot more forcefully than I want to, and I don't see all the Leave voters as enemies at all, but I wholeheartedly agree with the sentiment that you talk about - I have never felt unwelcome here, ever, I dismissed the racist nonsense as being racist nonsense.


Right up until a few months ago when more and more talk started occurring about immigrants being the reason the UK should leave the EU, sane people, people I've known for years all of a sudden came out with statements like 'there are too many', 'Britain is full', combined with - the EU has never done anything for us. It became personal then. It is subjective, it is a feeling, but it did. And you and I are not alone, there are a lot of people I know, highly trained, highly paid, often highly recruited form abroad - EU citizens, being told right to their face they were a burden and did nothing for the UK.



I think you may have your cause and effect mixed up.

I suspect that the anti-immigrant sentiment and the referendum are both the effect. The cause being that no policy which was acceptable to the UK people could be found which managed immigration to the satisfaction of the UK people and simultaneously complied with our EU treaty obligations.

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By giving them exactly what they voted for which will mean:




Disintegration of the UK







On Thursday, I went to bed as part of the EU, part of the UK and part of a country which held significant sway on the world stage. On Friday morning, I woke part of a disintegrating country which will end up being little more than a bit player on the world stage.


Well done Boris, Nigel, David, George and Jeremy.


The guiding hands behind the final nail in the coffin of the United Kingdom.


absolute rubbish

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We can. It doesn't mean that we will. It will be up to the government of the day. I won't be holding my breath.


That's how it's supposed to work. If you don't like how the UK government is spending taxpayers' money, vote against them in the next election.

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