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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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I have seen it like that for years now,not just a few months.You only had to read the readers comments section of any right wing media outlet,let alone their politicians.


Yes, but it always went in one ear, out the other. I know social media, I know how certain opinions get exacerbated and lit with a huge spotlight. It wasn't that, it was far more direct, I am not going to pinpoint all of these, there were too many, but it happened and in the last two days it has become worse. Old dears posting on friends' Facebook walls - (Slightly edited copy-paste) 'What you moaning about, now we can get rid of all these Euros and hopefully the * muslims next'.


You should be more circumspect at choosing friends


I am, it isn't my friends that impact on me, I know them, I can have sensible debates with them. It is the public at large.


I think you may have your cause and effect mixed up.

I suspect that the anti-immigrant sentiment and the referendum are both the effect. The cause being that no policy which was acceptable to the UK people could be found which managed immigration to the satisfaction of the UK people and simultaneously complied with our EU treaty obligations.


No, I don't have my cause and effect mixed up, I understand that this isn't precise science. My feeling and that of many of my European friends, is that we are no longer welcome. No matter how much the measured leavers say that 'of course you are still welcome' - for every one of you, at the moment, it appears there is one who is loving the fact they can now shout uncensored claptrap down a camera or in a pub.


The genie is out of the bottle Unbeliever, and it is up to British folk like you, with morals, to stand up and put it back in.

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Michael Gove called Boris Johnson this morning and told him he will support his leadership bid.


Great news, means they found Elvis on Mars! :banana:


"My chances of becoming Prime Minister are about as good as the chances of finding Elvis on Mars or my being reincarnated as an olive" (B. Johnson)

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Yes, but it always went in one ear, out the other. I know social media, I know how certain opinions get exacerbated and lit with a huge spotlight. It wasn't that, it was far more direct, I am not going to pinpoint all of these, there were too many, but it happened and in the last two days it has become worse. Old dears posting on friends' Facebook walls - (Slightly edited copy-paste) 'What you moaning about, now we can get rid of all these Euros and hopefully the * muslims next'.




I am, it isn't my friends that impact on me, I know them, I can have sensible debates with them. It is the public at large.




No, I don't have my cause and effect mixed up, I understand that this isn't precise science. My feeling and that of many of my European friends, is that we are no longer welcome. No matter how much the measured leavers say that 'of course you are still welcome' - for every one of you, at the moment, it appears there is one who is loving the fact they can now shout uncensored claptrap down a camera or in a pub.


The genie is out of the bottle Unbeliever, and it is up to British folk like you, with morals, to stand up and put it back in.


You are welcomed here my friend. Bugger them!

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To L00b and tzijlstra especially, I'm very sorry and deeply embarrased that my countrymen have made you feel unwelcome. I hope now that the EU issue is on its way to being resolved, that decency prevails and that you are treated henceforth with the respect that you so clearly deserve.


You (and many of my British friends and family, including in particular my wife who is devastated) don't have to be sorry. You have nothing to be ashamed of. But, and I can't put this any other way. Maybe now you understand why I was (and remain) so passionate in this debate. This whole thing does affect me, right now, emotionally, financially and in respect to my future planning. As you know, I am a contractor at Universities, a crappy job that has to be done to climb the ladder in academia post-PhD. I don't think I can keep doing that in the UK, not with the huge uncertainty that has just been created with all Universities (I am sure you received a letter/e-mail from a VC, I received three) either I change career now and accept that my wife is happy where she is working (but, unfortunately not anymore where she is living) or I make her pack up and we move to another place.


I genuinely don't know. That isn't your fault, that isn't the fault of the Leave voters that KNEW what they voted for, it is the fault of the people who were whipped up into a frenzy to vote against the establishment. Not realising that tearing down the establishment has consequences. That, dear Unbeliever, is cause and effect.

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Slight deviation from what we've all been discussing...


Where the hell is all the money going to come from if Scotland wants to leave the UK?


I shudder to think how much money has "gone" in the past 48hrs, never mind since the campaign began.


Back to Scotland.... seriously, does it have the capital and dare I say capacity to go alone, hell has it got anything to compete with Heathrow/Gatwick. Who'll pay for the England - Scotland border control??


Has the world suddenly gone daft.


Oh' and if I may ask a relatively simple question....why didn't Cameron have a contingency plan in place for EU exit...considering he brought about the damn referendum in the first instance.


I agree hindsight is....

But I thought these were clever intelligent people?

Edited by mrcharlie
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Yes, but it always went in one ear, out the other. I know social media, I know how certain opinions get exacerbated and lit with a huge spotlight. It wasn't that, it was far more direct, I am not going to pinpoint all of these, there were too many, but it happened and in the last two days it has become worse. Old dears posting on friends' Facebook walls - (Slightly edited copy-paste) 'What you moaning about, now we can get rid of all these Euros and hopefully the * muslims next'.
What this is (and take this from an economic migrant descended from generations of economic migrants ;)) is your instinct perceiving the gradual shift in the ratio between 'merely uncough' and 'clearly prejudiced', and your spidey senses tingling when it's getting close to critical mass.


Been through this 2 or 3 times, last time in Dublin in early 2008 (where, as the dark crisis clouds were gathering and looking very angry indeed, the locals' mood against East Europeans was turning frankly and openly ugly...and non-EE migrants were getting caught up in it indiscriminately just the same).

a democratic result that you are not happy with ,so you want to rub peoples noses in every bit of bad news that you can dig up .Will you post on any good news ?
I'm failing to see how 'being unhappy with a democratic result' is 'not believing in democracy' here.


I have accepted the principle of a referendum, I have accepted the outcome, I haven't proposed to restrict the right to vote from anyone, and I have not supported even the notion of a 2nd referendum.


And no, I ain't going to post good news. Neither Remain nor Vote Leave said anything good about the EU or the good it's done to the UK for the past 4 decades, so you ain't getting double-standards from me, make your own :P

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