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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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"The real lunacy of the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union was not that British leaders dared to ask their populace to weigh the benefits of membership against the immigration pressures it presents. Rather, it was the absurdly low bar for exit, requiring only a simple majority. Given voter turnout of 70%, this meant that the leave campaign won with only 36% of eligible voters backing it.


This isn’t democracy; it is Russian roulette for republics."




"...in practice, most countries require a “supermajority” for nation-defining decisions, not a mere 51%. There is no universal figure like 60%, but the general principle is that, at a bare minimum, the majority ought to be demonstrably stable. A country should not be making fundamental, irreversible changes based on a razor-thin minority that might prevail only during a brief window of emotion."



We have been set adrift on a tumltuous ocean with no captain at the helm.

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What this is (and take this from an economic migrant descended from generations of economic migrants ;)) is your instinct perceiving the gradual shift in the ratio between 'merely uncough' and 'clearly prejudiced', and your spidey senses tingling when it's getting close to critical mass.


Been through this 2 or 3 times, last time in Dublin in early 2008 (where, as the dark crisis clouds were gathering and looking very angry indeed, the locals' mood against East Europeans was turning frankly and openly ugly...and non-EE migrants were getting caught up in it indiscriminately just the same).

I'm failing to see how 'being unhappy with a democratic result' is 'not believing in democracy' here.


I have accepted the principle of a referendum, I have accepted the outcome, I haven't proposed to restrict the right to vote from anyone, and I have not supported even the notion of a 2nd referendum.


And no, I ain't going to post good news. Neither Remain nor Vote Leave said anything good about the EU or the good it's done to the UK for the past 4 decades, so you ain't getting double-standards from me, make your own :P


no double standards from me . even the remain campaign said that the EU needed reform but for years nothing happened

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No, I don't have my cause and effect mixed up, I understand that this isn't precise science. My feeling and that of many of my European friends, is that we are no longer welcome. No matter how much the measured leavers say that 'of course you are still welcome' - for every one of you, at the moment, it appears there is one who is loving the fact they can now shout uncensored claptrap down a camera or in a pub.


The genie is out of the bottle Unbeliever, and it is up to British folk like you, with morals, to stand up and put it back in.


Exactly my sentiment. It doesn't help much when my neighbor Leavers say i am welcome,that I am the "right kind of EU immigrant".

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if you want to protest then you need to vote each and every time


Not according to myself. If Boris or Grove worm their way in - not voting. Because they've conned the country.


Labour are in a mess, if Coybyn stays in I won't be voting for Labour.


Lib Dems leader not done anything for me yet.


So on that basis, I won't vote (and that's a first in my adulthood.)

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Exactly my sentiment. It doesn't help much when my neighbor Leavers say i am welcome,that I am the "right kind of EU immigrant".
Heard that one a few times as well recently.


I felt like my dog getting a pat on the head :|

no double standards from me . even the remain campaign said that the EU needed reform but for years nothing happened
So no good news to pollute the thread. Good :D


Re. EU in need of reform, I said it myself right at the start of the Referendum thread 6-or-so months ago, and in the Greece and Mass migration threads of last year. But I was against throwing the baby with the bathwater, because I have an understanding of the role which the UK's membership of the EU played in the UK getting out of the 2008 global quagmire.

Edited by L00b
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Exactly my sentiment. It doesn't help much when my neighbor Leavers say i am welcome,that I am the "right kind of EU immigrant".


I love it when British people more to another country, it's called being an ex-pat, when other non British people live in another country from their origin, it's call being an immigrant.


Sometimes I'm ashamed to be British.

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"The real lunacy of the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union was not that British leaders dared to ask their populace to weigh the benefits of membership against the immigration pressures it presents. Rather, it was the absurdly low bar for exit, requiring only a simple majority. Given voter turnout of 70%, this meant that the leave campaign won with only 36% of eligible voters backing it.


This isn’t democracy; it is Russian roulette for republics."




"...in practice, most countries require a “supermajority” for nation-defining decisions, not a mere 51%. There is no universal figure like 60%, but the general principle is that, at a bare minimum, the majority ought to be demonstrably stable. A country should not be making fundamental, irreversible changes based on a razor-thin minority that might prevail only during a brief window of emotion."



We have been set adrift on a tumltuous ocean with no captain at the helm.


Of course it's democracy. It was a vote that the Tories never meant to happen. They promised a referendum on the strength they would be in a coalition government again which then the Lib-Dems could veto because they love Europe.

The lib Dems then crashed and burned giving a Tory majority they never expected. He then had to give the vote to the public that was in the manifesto. It was a binary choice democratic vote. Yes or No.


They said whatever the result even if Remain wins by just one vote they would honour it and it would put the matter to bed and the eurosceptic back bench MP's would stop complaining.


But it went the wrong way for them and now they know never to rely on pollsters or the city or the bookies who said it would never happen.

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