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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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Surely that fact was obvious from the outset. A painless Brexit, with unicorns scattering rose petals in Britain's path as it danced off the cold iron manacles of EU diktats, was never on the menu.


Everyone knows this.


So the question is, who will be pulling the Article 50 trigger on the nation? Or more importantly, which politician is willing to actually enact that irreversible, momentous decision?


It will need a politician of courage, of conviction, of steel, ready to stake their reputation, career, place in history, and the future of an entire country and even a continent, on a single act.


Can you name one? Because I can't.


This is why Johnson and Gove looked so shell-shocked on Friday morning. They'd been totally outmanouevred. The tory leadership is now a chalice of purest poison, and not an inviting prospect for anyone who visualises a glittering political career ahead of themselves.


I have a lucky get-out in all this.


My kids can get EU passports, and if they want they will be able to travel and work and study, and marry, in any one of 27 countries as if it was there own.


British kids won't be so fortunate.


I feel for them.


I guarantee one of them will. If not Boris then Theresa May. Cameron has not outmaneuvered anyone. He has just proved he was a whiny spineless little rat the entire time.


He said "Brits don't quit". And he quit.


We need as much stability as we can get. And the PM quits.


He said he wouldn't quit. And he quit.


Now he shows his true character. Everything going okay it's great. He just committed political suicide and then quit straight away throwing his toys out like a lot of people because they did not get their own way.

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Pulling the trigger should only take place when we and the nations of europe have all our ducks in a row. Who pulls it is pretty irrelevant. Who would I want in charge of getting those ducks in a row. J R-M. Nobody more intelligent, calm, unflappable and affable in British politics at the moment in my opinion.


You really want to back to Victorian times?

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No way man. You have got to be either half-cut or trolling or having a laugh.


Straight up. He may look and sound like Gussie Fink-Nottle but he's a damn good negotiator and he never ever backs down.

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Fuel the hatred? Fuel the f**** hatred?!?


I'm an immigrant, and I can tell you that Vote Leave has been doing nothing but fuelling the hatred for 3+ months now.


I've been an economic migrant all my life, working here, there and everywhere before settling here in the 90s. Trust me when I say that I know a thing or two about anti-immigrant sentiment, and that I know when I'm not wanted.


The UK today is a very different place to the one I first came to in 1993 (in Sheffield), in which I married my wife in 96 (in Sheffield), and in which I've lived most of the last 20 years. People have lost their way and it's become alien to me.




I agree. Don't take it too personally, it's a very different place to the one I used to know too.

Ever since the deregulation of the banks and the rise of the Yuppies in the late 80s (remember them?) it's all been about money, money and more money. People have become nastier and nastier, more grasping, and cutthroat, desperately trying to claw their way to the top of the greasy pole. Kindness and caring now seem to be seen as a weakness, and certainly seem to leave people in a weaker position.

A lot of the problems that have beset this country in the last 20 years can be traced back to that, including this referendum. Maybe it will prove cathartic. Maybe it will lead to improvements, who knows? But things have to change.

Edited by Anna B
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I guarantee one of them will.


one of them has to


Cameron has not outmaneuvered anyone. He has just proved he was a whiny spineless little rat the entire time.


He said "Brits don't quit". And he quit.


We need as much stability as we can get. And the PM quits.


He said he wouldn't quit. And he quit.


Now he shows his true character. Everything going okay it's great. He just committed political suicide and then quit straight away throwing his toys out like a lot of people because they did not get their own way.


would you really want to sit in the same room as johnson and gove with them grinning at you because they won?


and indeed do all the work negotiating an exit leaving them to take the credit.


no, i can well understand why he's going


if it had been me then i'd have given the article 50 notice, gone to see the queen then the party chairman, and made the necessary announcements leaving everything in the hands of deputy and caretaker leaders, called the removal vans and gone off to be Crown Steward and Bailiff of the Chiltern Hundreds


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 00:50 ----------



and it would be nice to still be when this process is over which is why we cant delay in getting this mess sorted

Edited by andyofborg
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In what way - my parents voted with a majority to join the EU. The democratic choice of the nation that voted then has now been ignored and revisited because enough people wanted it - what's the difference?


Please explain.


when your parents voted as with many other, it was just a common market, over the years we have been duped. we should have had a referendum when the treaty of Maastricht, was changed in Brown days. Ireland voted and it took 2 goes for the establish, to get the right answer. Now your asking the same.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 01:54 ----------


I love it when British people more to another country, it's called being an ex-pat, when other non British people live in another country from their origin, it's call being an immigrant.


Sometimes I'm ashamed to be British.


it doen,t help when a loop hole in the workers directive is used to bring migrants into the UK on mass at lower than the min wage to fill factories, mostly in the logistic and food industry, and i dont mean fruit pickers. Greencore just opened a new possessing factory. and inported 200 hundred plus worker on European contracts


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 02:00 ----------


A GE could be called much sooner, for instance if the Tories can't agree on leadership to replace Cameron. I wouldn't put it past Cameron to actually call it, as a twist of the knife ;)


If he does, i think LABOUR, in the high brexit areas will get hammered by UKIP. Labour just have not supported their core voters, unless Corbyn gets real and shows is true beliefs.

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