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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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That would be a shame.


Corbyn does not come across well in the media, I admit, but he is a skilled negotiator with strong principles. He also genuinely cares about what's best for the British people and not what's best for him and his cronies. He also has a backbone of steel, which at a time like this, makes him perfect for the job.


Hes about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Get rid and get Dan Jarvis on the job then we have a real opposition at this crucial time.

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probably a dual citizen i.e british born with an Italian parent could get an Italian passport afaik


cool move there, quickly, cos they may be the next to leave.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 02:49 ----------


Hes about as much use as a chocolate fireguard. Get rid and get Dan Jarvis on the job then we have a real opposition at this crucial time.


The point is they should be carrying out their voters wishes. none of the Labour MPs have done so.

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cool move there, quickly, cos they may be the next to leave.


---------- Post added 26-06-2016 at 02:49 ----------



The point is they should be carrying out their voters wishes. none of the Labour MPs have done so.


Jeremy Corbyn has bent over backwards trying to carry out the wishes of the electorate, to the point where Labour Party members get an email every week asking them for their concerns and points of view. Never has a party leader been so accessible.


He is mocked for it by the Conservatives.


He also consults with his MPs on most matters to reach a concensus and is willing to accommodate / compromise if he can. He is an excellent listener. Unfortunately he is not 'showy' like Cameron, nor a trained and polished professional speaker, groomed in the art of the glib meaningless 'soundbite' or the filibustering 'non-answer.'

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David Cameron thought the stay vote was in the bag !

As I said before, he should have never called for a referendum, it has stired up a nasty hornets nest, people are getting damaged, in the horrible fallout.

How the mighty are fallen, its called reaping what we sow !

I somehow feel it was a protest vote, by some people, to reap revenge, on David Cameron, to cut him down to size, and not particularly about leaving the E U.

there were for and against issues, with validity on both. sides.

All I can say is better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Cameron will be, no doubt, crying in his beer, as well all of us may be, in time to come.

IF IT AINT BROKE, LEAVE WELL ALONE, a lesson for us all, especialy this government.

Trouble is, you cant deal with ignorant, foolish. stupid people.

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david cameron thought the stay vote was in the bag !

As i said before, he should have never called for a referendum, it has stired up a nasty hornets nest, people are getting damaged, in the horrible fallout.

How the mighty are fallen, its called reaping what we sow !

I somehow feel it was a protest vote, by some people, to reap revenge, on david cameron, to cut him down to size, and not particularly about leaving the e u.

There were for and against issues, with validity on both. Sides.

All i can say is better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Cameron will be, no doubt, crying in his beer, as well all of us may be, in time to come.

If it aint broke, leave well alone, a lesson for us all, especialy this government.

Trouble is, you cant deal with ignorant, foolish. Stupid people.

.............."if it aint broke, leave well alone"


.........."but if it is broke,do something about it"

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"The real lunacy of the United Kingdom’s vote to leave the European Union was not that British leaders dared to ask their populace to weigh the benefits of membership against the immigration pressures it presents. Rather, it was the absurdly low bar for exit, requiring only a simple majority. Given voter turnout of 70%, this meant that the leave campaign won with only 36% of eligible voters backing it.


This isn’t democracy; it is Russian roulette for republics."




"...in practice, most countries require a “supermajority” for nation-defining decisions, not a mere 51%. There is no universal figure like 60%, but the general principle is that, at a bare minimum, the majority ought to be demonstrably stable. A country should not be making fundamental, irreversible changes based on a razor-thin minority that might prevail only during a brief window of emotion."



We have been set adrift on a tumltuous ocean with no captain at the helm.


Excuse my scepticism but I strongly suspect that your 'razor-thin minority' would have been a 'decisive victory' had it been 52-48% the other way.


Tell you what... let's not change the rules after the match has been played and instead change them for future matches. If there is a second referendum then let's make it a requirement that 60% of the people have to vote for a fundamental change (i.e. not to exit the EU) if the turnout is less than 75%. You still up for that or is it the outcome you want to 'improve' and not the democratic process? :suspect:

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David Cameron thought the stay vote was in the bag !

As I said before, he should have never called for a referendum, it has stired up a nasty hornets nest, people are getting damaged, in the horrible fallout.

How the mighty are fallen, its called reaping what we sow !

I somehow feel it was a protest vote, by some people, to reap revenge, on David Cameron, to cut him down to size, and not particularly about leaving the E U.

there were for and against issues, with validity on both. sides.

All I can say is better the devil you know than the devil you don't.

Cameron will be, no doubt, crying in his beer, as well all of us may be, in time to come.

IF IT AINT BROKE, LEAVE WELL ALONE, a lesson for us all, especialy this government.

Trouble is, you cant deal with ignorant, foolish. stupid people.


Correct call to give the public a vote.


EU has grown, in size and power, unchecked for years without the public having a say on it.


The resentment grows and on Thursday the public showed the ignorant, foolish, stupid politicians that they had had enough.

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Excuse my scepticism but I strongly suspect that your 'razor-thin minority' would have been a 'decisive victory' had it been 52-48% the other way.


Um going to side with you here because you are spot on.


On an almost 34 million turnout, a margin of 4% is decisive IMO.


I though it would need 55:45 to be a clear will of the people but then I've been shocked at how high the turnout was.

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Benns dad would be turning in his grave the way the EU has turned out. http://blogs.spectator.co.uk/2016/05/a-lesson-from-the-1975-referendum/


I never trust dynasty type politicians, trading on family name.


you can't choose your parents and i don't think he has been trading on the family name.


he seems to be quite able and good at his job and, personally I think he'd make a very good leader.

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