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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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She said today a veto is possible however the plan is to do all she can to represent Scotland.

Why would she veto it and cause the **** storm that would follow? She's not stupid. She is just doing her job as leader of the SNP.


They are not going to veto it. 40% of scots still backed brexit.


My Bold


You mean 40% of scots that voted?

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Also i do think there is a good case for a coalition government to see us through this.

Governments can and do change in this country, which is not good in these circumstances in negotiations of the highest level.


that is quite sensible and if the new leader of the conservative party can't hold them together then it might happen

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that is quite sensible and if the new leader of the conservative party can't hold them together then it might happen


I said the other day, all this Brexit business has the potential to destroy the top two parties.


Just out of interest, how many from the Lib Dems were heavily involved in this campaign. They've kept a little quite. Maybe that's the best strategy for them. Let the top two kill each other, then Lib Dems, come in.

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i imagine the price will be the enabling legislation for second referendum




so, 48% backed remain



Scotland are in the UK. The UK as a whole voted to democratically leave the EU.

Do you believe that Scotland should renege on that because they did not get their own way?


Do you believe the current government should have had all contingency plans intricately detailed for an EU exit instead of "we have no clue what to do" because we did not get our way? Is that not what a government is supposed to do.

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A quick question to people:


You are now the new conservative Prime Minister...


What would you do?






get the eu negotiations going as per my earlier post

get MI5 to get busy with extreme prejudice on johnson, gove and farage

get the leaders of the devolved bodies together, promise them the necessary enabling legislation for separation should they wish it but ask them not to use it until the final eu deal is settled

do my best to hold everything together

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This vote had brought up many many divisions, the Jocks through Sturgeon want to break away and stay in EU. In all honesty nobody knows what the concequences of leaving will be, but the remain groups are like big spoilt kids wanting another referendum.


If we did that everytime we didn't like the result of a vote, the Tories especially Maggie would never have got in :hihi:


It is time for Cameron to do the decent thing and say thanks all those that voted remain but, we were beaten accept that as it will happen, if not sod off to somewhere in the EU.


I hope there is not another vote as if there is, that is the end of democracy in this country and the lunatics will have taken over the asylum.:rant:

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Do you believe the current government should have had all contingency plans intricately detailed for an EU exit instead of "we have no clue what to do" because we did not get our way? Is that not what a government is supposed to do.
The current government (minus a few dissenters such as Gove) was campaigning for remain, the task of managing the leave aftermath lies entirely with the leave side, save for immediate damage control. On that last point, the Treasury and the BoE had contingency plans and went about implementing them first thing on Friday.


The rest is down to domestic politics, and it was entirely predictable that Cameron would wash his hands off the aftermath of a Leave win (I predicted it weeks ago, and I'm not particularly smart nor have any Tory/No.10 insider knowledge).


I see Johnson and Gove are still sat on their thumb at this time. Constructive criticism may usefully be directed at them, who campaigned hard for this outcome, than at Cameron, who campaigned the other way and now only has a caretaking role. It's not Cameron's job to start negotiations, he only promised a referendum (which he delivered) and to respect its outcome (which he has done, by resigning).

Edited by L00b
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Scotland are in the UK. The UK as a whole voted to democratically leave the EU.

Do you believe that Scotland should renege on that because they did not get their own way?


Do you believe the current government should have had all contingency plans intricately detailed for an EU exit instead of "we have no clue what to do" because we did not get our way? Is that not what a government is supposed to do.


The Westminster Parliament has precedent over the Scottish Assembly. The powers that Nicola Sturgeon is bleating about were not devolved. Like if the UK went to war Scotland couldn't vote not to join in. She can of course march her Westminster MPs down to London. Good luck with that one Nicola.

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My Bold


You mean 40% of scots that voted?

i want to know where this figure of 40% came from, all ive seen mentioned is


However, in Scotland the picture was different with 62% backing Remain and 38% wanting to go


thats 38 not 40 LOL

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