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The consequence thread (Brexit)

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With the polls at 50/50, the government/civil service must have had contingency plans in case of an 'Out' vote. If they didn't it would be a clear dereliction of duty.


Of course all this may be busily going on behind the scenes, but we are just not getting to hear about it. The same biased media as before is pumping out propaganda as if it was fact so all is doom and gloom, and they are leaving out the positive stuff that is happening.


As they do.

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thanks for answering with a well thought out reply which i have to admit i agree with most of it.:D . the points i dont agree with are where you keep blaming past and present govs in not dealing with these issues and harping on how the eu has got it right :roll: 52% of the british vote on thursday told you they didnt think the eu was right for the uk so voted out. we dont know how this is going to pan out, and maybe the people to put it right will do whats right for the uk:suspect:


the eu isn't responsible for uk public services which have allegedly been strained to the point of collapse.


it's been convenient for the uk government to blame the eu and immigrants for these problems but most of these have been a direct result of successive governments refusal to act.

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thanks for answering with a well thought out reply which i have to admit i agree with most of it.:D . the points i dont agree with are where you keep blaming past and present govs in not dealing with these issues and harping on how the eu has got it right :roll: 52% of the british vote on thursday told you they didnt think the eu was right for the uk so voted out. we dont know how this is going to pan out, and maybe the people to put it right will do whats right for the uk:suspect:


No worries, I do actually enjoy a good debate on the topic and I'm happy to answer genuine questions, as you can tell ;)


Let me point out, I don't think the EU has got it right, I don't think it is right. Yet. It is a work in progress, but I keep hearing there is no progress, or indeed that it is undemocratic. Both are patently untrue. Previous governments in the UK have had chances and used chances to alter their relation with the EU, they've also had plenty of opportunity to address the core issues that made people in the UK vote for Brexit with a majority (and, I will repeat, I accept that outcome, however much it hurts me).


What I find really, genuinely baffling, and again, I am repeating myself, is that the Remain camp had what can only be described as a catastrophic campaign. I don't know why they were so complacent, but they were. Unfortunately this means now that the UK is going to be saddled with the consequences and even Boris Johnson, IDS and Gove don't quite have a scooby what they are.


It keeps being pointed out that the Dutch and French have debates on an exit referendum as well, they do. But they do from an informed point of view when it comes to the EU. And I have good hope that the Dutch will want to know EXACTLY what Wilders is proposing. Fake castles in the clouds won't cut it with the majority of the Dutch, that isn't how that democracy works. It does seem to have worked here and I find that very worrying because it means that a lot of people who voted leave are now going to discover what that actually means.


It might all end well, it might be a great choice for Britain and Europe and I really hope it is. But the truth is, I really don't know. So having answered you in detail, I'd like to ask you, as a Leave voter - what is going to happen to Britain now? Not pie in the sky thinking, but realistically.

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With the polls at 50/50, the government/civil service must have had contingency plans in case of an 'Out' vote. If they didn't it would be a clear dereliction of duty.


Of course all this may be busily going on behind the scenes, but we are just not getting to hear about it. The same biased media as before is pumping out propaganda as if it was fact so all is doom and gloom, and they are leaving out the positive stuff that is happening.


As they do.


What positive stuff?


You really need to stop blaming everything on the MSM.

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With the polls at 50/50, the government/civil service must have had contingency plans in case of an 'Out' vote. If they didn't it would be a clear dereliction of duty.


Of course all this may be busily going on behind the scenes, but we are just not getting to hear about it. The same biased media as before is pumping out propaganda as if it was fact so all is doom and gloom, and they are leaving out the positive stuff that is happening.


As they do.


The contingency plans don't exist. There are warning documents everywhere you look on the various departmental websites, in particular in relation to 'the City' but a real plan? No, none. The government did not expect to lose this referendum and is seriously ill-prepared. That is why Cameron wants to delay Article 50 until October, it gives them a chance to fabricate something. I (and Corbyn and Farron and even Cameron and Osbourne, check the video in my signature) warned you about this Anna, but you didn't believe me or them.

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the eu isn't responsible for uk public services which have allegedly been strained to the point of collapse.


it's been convenient for the uk government to blame the eu and immigrants for these problems but most of these have been a direct result of successive governments refusal to act.


The same with power cuts predicted for next year a good 2 years ago, long before the referendum was even thought about.


If they happen you can bet it will all be blamed on Brexit...

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They may have to accept the Euro though, I believe all new entrants do. That might put some Scots off


not immediately, there are some financial conditions which need to be sorted out first, budget deficits and such like until then they can continue to use the scottish pound though that probably wont be the same as our pound.


this was a problem in 2014, i'd be surprised if no one has a better answer to that this time

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I posted a perfectly innocuous thread about the online petition to get the referendum re-run, and for some reason it's been taken down.


So I'll try again https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/131215 here's the link if anyone's interested


That`s the problem with these Mega threads, I don`t like them. That link has already been put on at least once, but most people don`t read though this entire thread to see that. I actually think the petition should have its own thread and in fact I tried to start one but the moderators just buried it in this thread. Those who want to read just about the petition will now have to trawl through 100s of posts they might not actually be that interested in, so they won`t actually bother.....

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